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Chapter 851 Mischievous Becky and Source Assist - Nelbe

Chapter 851 Mischievous Becky and Source Assist - Nelbe
Silent City, underground secret research institute, Luke's laboratory.

The Ninth Apostle with gray hair and beard at the time, the maker Luke was busy beside an unformed machine with a huge wrench.

It has four arms, each of which is extremely dexterous. It can pick up different tools at the same time and use them separately or together, as if it was born for manufacturing.

After an unknown amount of time, a voice suddenly sounded in the silent laboratory.

Luke paused, listened carefully to the source of the sound, then put down the wrench and took the backpack behind him in his hand.

He took out a lot of strange things from his backpack, round glass balls, crowns made of special metals, jewelry made of unknown materials, and finally found the source of the sound, tarot cards.

There are more than one Tarot card, there are a total of 22 cards, but one of them keeps shimmering, which is also the sound it makes.

After seeing the face of the tarot card, Luke paused.

Tarot - [World]:
This is a card that symbolizes permanent and continuous success.

Touching it means that you have reached the front of the door of success. The goddess of success makes you wait patiently. It is only a matter of time before she will let you enter the door of success.

Surrounding the door of success is the happiness and sorrow you have experienced, success and failure, and it is necessary to recall the past time before reaching the promised land.

This card implies that as long as you have a grateful heart, you will be able to find happiness and happiness in the beautiful world you have created for yourself.

The original meaning of the card is 'achievement', it tells us that all things can be achieved, all dreams can become reality, and there is nothing impossible to get.As long as there is hard work, there will be corresponding harvest.

He picked up the Tarot card representing the world, and lightly pointed on the Tarot card with his finger.

An illusory screen rises, with no figures or pictures on it, and only a coordinate number representing a special meaning.

There was no visible change in Luke's expression. He was silent. No one heard him speak, and no one who could communicate with him knew what he was really thinking.

Silently transcribing the string of numbers, Luke stretched out his other right hand and found the priestess card from the Tarot cards.

His fingers tapped twice on the back of the card, and soon the card flashed, as if he had received a response from the other party.

About 10 minutes later, the magical girl Becky jumped from the watchtower at the highest point of Silent City to Luke's laboratory in the underground research institute.

She is the real body of the Tarot card representing the priestess. Luke can use the Tarot card in his hand to establish a certain connection with those who have been given Tarot cards by him. A card summons the sorcerer girl Becky.

"What's the matter, old man, I still have to write a novel, so tell me quickly."

After Becky came to Luke's laboratory unimpeded all the way, just after entering the door, he flew up in the air with a broom on his back, floating up and down towards Luke's position, and almost took a The light bulb was knocked off, and he asked Luke why he was looking for him.

Luke's face was calm as usual, and he didn't get angry at all because of Becky's address.

After Becky was taken to Silent City, Becky often got into trouble because of his naughty, fighting around with the slingshot given by Luke all day long.

Luke still used to her and let her run amok.

But deep down, Becky is very grateful to Luke.

She got the first gift in her life from Luke, and she got the fun that she should have enjoyed as a child, and she has already regarded Luke as her relative.

Luke nodded at Becky, without speaking, and passed the paper with long coordinate numbers with one arm.

"Hey, what is it? A coordinate? Where did you get it?"

Becky knew that Luke couldn't speak, so she reached out to take the piece of paper, and after seeing the long coordinates on it, she became interested.

As a mechanical life, Becky is very special. She has the ability to accurately locate the coordinates of the dimension in the complicated stars. This ability comes with her when she was created as a magician's assistant.

In other words, the real Becky is a creation of sorcery. As for the mass-produced Becky imitated by Luke, it is just a machine with a similar appearance and no soul.

Luke probably hasn't been able to study Becky thoroughly at this time, otherwise, when he starts mass production, Becky, who is useless, will be abandoned by Luke like a golden clown.

Betsy has a lot to do with Silent City, at least for now.

Silent City is in the dimensional rift between the demon world and the heavenly world. It is not easy to create such a dimensional rift, because only Herder can perfectly grasp and use the transferred power.

So when Luke built the Silent City for Bacal, he set up a sophisticated navigation instrument on the top to prevent the Silent City from getting lost in the labyrinthine different dimensions.

However, it is almost an impossible task to find a system that can run precision navigation instruments in the devil world where scientific civilization is almost destroyed.

Only using gears and springs can't make a system with a certain amount of artificial intelligence in a short period of time. Although Luke still completed all the external structures of Silent City, including the observation tower suspended from the top, the navigation system failed due to Can not meet the standard and can not be completed for a long time.

Luke finally thought of a way, and then in the Aldin Memorial Hall in the Demon Realm, a Hemon Cruz that claimed to have the most perfect brain, that is, an artificial life, was stolen. This was one of the achievements of Luke's loyal subordinate, the Golden Clown. one.

Becky's ability makes her an indispensable mechanical life in Silent City, and Becky also thinks so, and she is more mischievous because of this.

But she didn't know that Luke had already been secretly researching all her structures, and was about to manufacture a mass-produced Becky.

When the mass-produced Becky came into the world, Becky's body was no longer an indispensable existence. Luke only believed, or could only trust the machinery he made himself.

"Old man, do you know? I've been on the observation deck these days, and I can see the blue ocean that suddenly appeared in the sky. Although it disappeared after a while, I really want to go to the sea to have a look."

Becky took the coordinates with a series of numbers on it and came to an instrument specially made by Luke for her. Becky activated his own ability, and the compass of the navigator frantically turned back and forth, and finally it stopped smoothly Down, the pointer points to a location.

"That's it. Wow, it's so close to us. Sure enough, the space is folded. The two worlds are separated by an imperceptible barrier."

Becky looked at the coordinates pointed on the navigator with surprise on his face. The coordinates were actually valid, not random numbers.

This means that Silent City can find the space where the coordinates are located in the dimensional rift according to the direction of the navigator and go there.

Luke remained silent, his expression didn't change at all, he stepped forward to take the navigator, put it in front of his eyes and examined it carefully.

Becky curled her lips. She knew that Luke at this time could not be disturbed no matter what. Her eyes drifted around Luke's experiments, and she was very interested in seeing everything. Luke allowed her to mess around in the silent city, but Except that you can't touch it in the laboratory, so Becky is very curious about what is in Luke's laboratory.

She looked back at Luke who was concentrating on the navigator, and walked into the laboratory with a broom in her hands and feet.

The laboratory is very large, and the place where Luke works only occupies a small area, and the rest is dark without lights.

Becky resisted the urge to use the slingshot to smash a huge neat glass in front of him, and his eyes fell on another thing in the laboratory.

For some reason, although the robot half covered by the tarpaulin couldn't see its head, Becky felt that it was somewhat similar to his own body, because they were both thin and small.


Just as Becky was about to reach out to touch the inexplicably familiar machine, there was a soft beep from behind. Becky was startled, and when he turned around, he saw Luke looking up at him. One of its arms had just been used The wrench struck the steel, and that was the sound.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to look, is there anything else I can help with?"

Becky withdrew her arm awkwardly. She was really curious about what was in Luke's laboratory, but Luke stayed in the laboratory 24 hours a day without leaving half a step. Even if Becky had great ability, he couldn't Presumptuously under Luke's nose.

Luke shook his head silently, and pointed in the direction of the door with his hand. Becky understood that he should go.

"Let's go. I'm going to play with Jin Chou. I've already learned how to do magic tricks from Jin Chou. Do you want to watch it?"

Becky was almost at the exit of the laboratory, turned around and asked Luke unwillingly, switching the cards in his hand back and forth, as if he had the idea of ​​doing magic on the spot.

Luke didn't even look up. He needed his time so badly.

Becky left Luke's laboratory in a sullen mood. Although she could go almost anywhere in Silent City except for the laboratory, all the life here is mechanical life. When it is dormant, it is as if it is dead. When it wakes up, it is like death. It is unbearable for Becky who is so lively and naughty to bury his head in his work and keep silent.

"Dangdangdangdang, next, it's Becky's time to make trouble!"

"Yo Ho Ho Ho ~"

After returning to the ground, Becky rode a broom into the sky, shouting all kinds of meaningless voices, and soon the sound alarmed a large group of mechanical guards, but the mechanical guards would not attack Becky, they could only Let Becky fly around the sky on a broomstick.

Although the mechanical guards couldn't deal with Becky who was yelling and making trouble, they quickly called out the existence that could deal with Page.

The Silent City is very large, the interior is like a city, and it has many layers. The only owner here is the almost unknown ninth apostle-maker Luke.

However, Luke himself has been staying in the secret research institute at the lowest level of Silent City, and the uppermost level is the observation tower where Becky has been staying.

In order not to let the events of Silent City affect his own research, Luke made a simulation robot based on himself.

After seeing the simulated Luke robot, Becky's eyes lit up, flying wildly with a broom.

There was a reason why she called Luke old man, and the first Luke she met was this robot.

But it was later learned that Luke was staying in a safe underground secret research institute, and the one above was just a simulated robot made by the other party.

The simulated robot has a very strong physique, so real that its hair and beard are the same as the real one. After combining the sorcery of the devil world with the mechanical technology mastered by Luke, Luke created an extremely perfect replacement simulated robot.

Although I heard the golden clown say that this is what Luke looked like when he was young, but Becky can't connect the thin old man in the laboratory with the robust middle-aged man he sees now, the gap is too big Bar.

"I heard from the mechanical guard that you were yelling, what's the matter, Becky?"

The simulated Luke robot operates according to the set program. He can talk, fight, and has the memory stored by Luke. Most of the things in Silent City are handled by the simulated Luke robot. Luke himself It is to stay in the underground secret research institute and immerse yourself in research.

"I'm so bored, let's play the game of one, two, three wooden figures, shall we?"

Becky held the front end of the broom and looked expectantly at the simulated Luke robot.

"Sorry, Becky, I'm going to check the energy furnace. Let's play with you later. You should go back to the observation deck."

"OK then."

Becky got out of the way, and the floating broom slowly landed on the ground of this floor.

She didn't understand what everyone was busy with every day.

Ask the golden clown, but the other party doesn't tell her, they treat her like a child.

"It's so boring, and I can't go outside, it would be great if someone came to play with me.

I'd better go write my novel, the story of the girl and the dragon is not finished yet.

After finishing writing, it seems that I can write a little more. "

After a while, the cheerful Becky recovered from her unhappiness. If no one else would play with her, she would play by herself. She wrote down the adventures she imagined, as if she was really taking risks. average.

Becky has hardly seen the Demon World, except for the time when it was first created.

She likes to read books, play games, and do pranks. If it weren't for the ability to substitute navigation, she might still be visited in the Elding Memorial Hall as the most perfect product of an era.

She is longing for adventure and seeing new things, but she is trapped in the silent city. She doesn't know when she will go out for adventure, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe never.

In the underground secret research institute, after Luke was busy, he turned around and came to the place where Becky stayed to take a peek. He lifted the dust-proof tarpaulin covering the robot, opened the side cabinet, and took out a simulated head that had already been formed.

A moment later, a robot that was [-]% similar to Becky appeared in Luke's eyes. Becky had guessed correctly before that the body size of this robot was exactly the same as her own, because it was made with reference to her body proportions.

Luke took everything into account, such as Becky's height and body proportions, to ensure the result was perfect.

After the robot is activated, greet Luke with Becky's voice. Luke made a few gestures, and the robot's eyes began to flash, and then communicated with Luke with gestures. No one knows what the two are talking about. .

The communication lasted for about 5 minutes. Luke stopped. He lowered his head and looked at the ground. After a long time, he stepped forward to turn off the robot's energy source, and then took off the robot's head.

A number -53 could be seen on the back of the skull. Luke took it off, took the mechanical head to the experimental table, and began to disassemble the mechanical head with various tools.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Luke added and replaced some parts and then combined the mechanical head, and wrote -54 on a piece of paper with a pen and paper, then pasted it on the back of the mechanical head, and finally put it in Lock it up in a closet.


After boarding Antuen's body, Wang Yan's assault team ushered in more attacks from the Tartans. Several people were broken through the blocking device before Wang Yan reached out to help, and were absorbed in the blink of an eye. Lost physical strength and turned into a zombie-like existence.

Some team members died, making everyone more vigilant, and the rest had no time to mourn for the dead, so they gritted their teeth and moved on.

Team members who know the dead soldiers will pull off the nameplates on the necks of the dead soldiers. As for whether the corpses can be brought back, it depends on God’s will. If they can come back alive, it is possible to bring the bones of the dead soldiers Walk.

Wang Yan failed to revive those soldiers, and the members of the attacking team who died after being absorbed by An Tuen seemed to have damaged their bodies and could not be revived.

This situation also shocked him quite a bit. It turned out that resurrection was not available everywhere, and those attacking team members who had turned into zombies really died just like that.

As he moved on, Wu En discovered Wang Yan's condition. After inquiring, he never expected that Wang Yan had gone through so many battles, and with such a strong strength, he still hadn't been able to see through the death on the battlefield.

"Perhaps it is a very unfortunate thing to die in battle, but now when everyone is fighting for peace, their death is not meaningless. No one wants to die, but there are things in the world that are more important than life. They fight for peace. Guard and fight, look away."

"I understand."

Wang Yan gritted his teeth and continued to move forward, what if he didn't move forward?Fights broke out everywhere on Antuen's body now, and someone might die every minute.

He can't waste even a minute and a second. For the sake of the overall situation, the most important thing is to end this tough battle as soon as possible.


The sudden lightning strikes made the formation of the expedition team chaotic, and the lightning strikes that landed one after another knocked down more people. The magic energy absorption blocking devices of the attacking team members who were struck by lightning would be damaged, and their bodies would turn into Black, without even the slightest possibility of resistance, is death.

"Ah~ come out for me!"

Wang Yan stepped on the ground and jumped up suddenly. He saw the culprit of all this, a senior Tartan star hiding behind a huge magic brake stone.

[Destroy Nelbe]: Advanced Tartans, elves, and humans.

[Teleportation]: Annihilate Nellbe teleports to the target, and appears at the target position along with the lightning.

[Lightning Strike]: Annihilating Nelbe stuns the target and summons three lightning strikes at the target's feet.

[Lightning Explosion]: When lightning strikes, a lightning explosion will occur near the annihilating Nellbe, causing damage to targets that are too close and generating a lightning shield.

[Lightning Shield]: The target carrying the Lightning Shield will receive high damage when it encounters the annihilating Nellbe.

[Spiral Lightning]: Annihilating Nelbe launches a spiral lightning forward, and thunderclouds with continuous damage will appear in the path of the spiral lightning, and will cause a lightning shield effect on the hit target.

[Lightning Ball]: Annihilation Nellbe summons a lightning strike. After the lightning strike, there will be a lightning ball rolling towards Annihilation Neilbe. If the lightning ball touches Annihilation Neilbe, a lot of vitality will be restored.

[Lightning charge]: The target will get the lightning charge effect when it touches the lightning ball, and each layer will increase the attack power and movement by 25%, with a maximum of 2 layers.

[Energy Overload]: If the target gets more than 3 layers of lightning charges, it will continue to receive a lot of damage. If it gets 4 layers of lightning charges, it will explode directly.

[Heaven and Earth Thunder]: Annihilating Nelbe leads a world of thunder, causing devastating damage to the target in the range, and the target will be stunned before using it.

"Destroy Nellbe!"

Wang Yan gritted his teeth word by word and said, the moment he found the other party, Wang Yan disappeared in the same place in an instant, and appeared beside Annihilation Neilbe, and interrupted Annihilation with a close-fitting fist. Thunderbolt summoned by Nelbe.


Annihilating Neilbei did not expect Wang Yan to have the courage to fight close to it. It instantly opened an energy shield to make itself invincible and removed all negative states.

At the same time, Wang Yan also stretched out the psychic mask, resisting the three thunderbolts brought by the magic circle summoned by Annihilate Nellbe.

"Blast me!"

Annihilating Neilbe failed to attack Wang Yan successfully, and immediately detonated the huge magic circle centered on Wang Yan.

After the magic circle exploded, the huge explosive force blasted the surrounding rocks, and the energy shield on Nelbe's body turned from white to red, and a blue lightning shield suddenly appeared on Wang Yan's body, which can follow Wang Yan's body. Move while moving.

Seeing that Annihilation Neilbei rushed towards him quickly, Wang Yan gritted his teeth and could only retreat to avoid it.

He knew that when the red and blue energy shields collided, a huge explosion would erupt. It was his blue energy shield that exploded, the blue energy shield that was close to him, which could not even defend against the mental energy shield. Before disappearing, Wang Yan Neither can contact with Annihilating Nelbe.


Annihilating Neilbe did not chase after him, but appeared in front of Wang Yan following the thunder and lightning after casting a spell on the spot.

Originally, the lightning could hit Wang Yan, but Wang Yan could perceive every move of Annihilating Nelbe with his heart, and he was already on guard when the opponent joined hands, and it turned out that the opponent used teleportation.


When Wang Yan annihilated Neilbe's figure and appeared accompanied by the falling lightning, he also teleported away. When the two were closest to each other, the mask was only half a meter away from touching each other.

Seeing Wang Yan avoiding the battle, Annihilating Nelbe stopped again, and then continued to cast spells to summon lightning to attack Wang Yan one after another. The attacking team members were struck to death by lightning.

Wang Yan, who was being chased by Luo Lei, took a look outside the battlefield, and was relieved to see that Wu En and Nibel had evacuated from the battlefield with others. If he was alone, it would be easy to deal with the annihilation of Nelbe too much.

Ten seconds later, the blue mask on Wang Yan disappeared.

He also knew that he was too reckless to resist the three lightning strikes of the magic circle just now, but he was too angry because of the sudden death of the attacking team member, and forgot that the other party had this ability after seeing the annihilation of Nelbe.

"Spiral Lightning!"

Annihilating Neilbei used his teleportation skill again to come to Wang Yan's side, and he threw a spiral lightning bolt towards Wang Yan.

Wang Yan understood that if he was struck by this kind of lightning, he would put on another layer of blue energy shield, which would waste another 20 seconds, so he could only dodge it.

"You can't escape my lightning!"

Annihilating Nelbe suddenly shouted, and teleported again.

The location of the teleportation this time was a bit strange, he was far away from Wang Yan, but the invisible lightning that came out of nowhere struck Wang Yan almost instantly.

The attack was so sudden that Wang Yan was stunned for the first time, followed by the spiral lightning attack which hit Wang Yan hard.

Annihilating Neilbe continued to accumulate energy, and looked at Wang Yan who was hit by the spiral lightning with disdain on his face. It had long wanted to teach this human being like this, and the other party was very arrogant.

His thunder of heaven and earth will be successfully displayed in a few seconds. This move is almost time-tested, and it can be effective in the devil world. Using this move against humans is really a sledgehammer.


Seeing that Wang Yan was still not awake after being hit by the spiral lightning, Wu En and Nibel, who were tens of meters away, were shocked. The senior Tartan star over there was obviously accumulating energy and preparing It's a big move, Wang Yan doesn't have any defensive measures yet.

"Thunder of heaven and earth! You all go to die!"

Annihilating Neilbe finally completed the energy accumulation. With itself as the center, dozens of lightning bolts fell like a torrential rain within a radius of 50 meters. It is conceivable that any unsuspecting creature would be unavoidable under such a torrential attack. One dies.

The scope of the thunder of heaven and earth was so large that it almost affected the expedition team. The few people who were close were hit by the stones struck by the lightning and retreated in a hurry.

The expedition members stood there helplessly, watching the annihilating Nelbe who showed his might like the god of thunder coming into the world. Now they can't even see where Wang Yan is, and they can only pray that Wang Yan can escape this terrible situation ahead of time. attack range.

The thunder and lightning struck continuously, two waves, three waves, five waves, and it lasted for seven waves before it was declared over.

It also consumed a lot of energy to successfully annihilate Neilbe with the thunder of heaven and earth, but it was extremely satisfied in its heart. No matter what other means the human had, he would definitely die pretty hard after such a berserk attack. It is even possible to be chopped into fly ash.

"Where is the person? Dead? Or was he chopped into ashes?"

Annihilating Neilbei looked at the place where Wang Yan had stayed before, but there was nothing there.

It looked around itself in surprise, within a radius of 60 meters, it was still the only one there.

Annihilating Neilbel, who thought Wang Yan had been chopped into ashes, strode towards the place where Wang Yan had stayed before, wanting to see if there were any ashes on the ground.

Arriving at the place where Wang Yan was stunned before, Annihilating Neilbei showed doubts. What about people, it couldn't find any traces left by the other party.

Just when Wu En and his party couldn't find Wang Yan's existence, they didn't know whether they should report the news of Wang Yan's death to the headquarters.

Behind Annihilation Nellbe, a transparent figure appeared, and launched a thunderous melee attack on Annihilation Neilbe.

Annihilating Nelbe was shocked, and opened a magic circle on the spot, instantly entering an invincible state.

It's just that Wang Yan, who is now in a transparent state, cannot be attacked by any damage or state. The two magic circles summoned by Annihilating Neilbe exploded at the same time. transparent.

"Is it over? It's my turn."

At this moment, Wang Yan is extremely calm, but his heart is full of murderous intent.

Almost, almost, he was struck by the lightning from heaven and earth that wiped out Nelbe. As long as he was struck once, he would definitely be killed, because there were six lightning bolts waiting to follow.

After Wang Yan woke up from a waking state, his first reaction was to bite the medicine bottle he had been holding in his mouth. For this reason, blood was cut from his tongue and mouth, but the price was worth it. When the lightning strike was one meter away from his head, he entered the state of absolute invincibility under the protection of the gods.

After taking the transparent medicine, Wang Yan stood quietly waiting for the arrival of Annihilating Neilbe. He believed that the other party would definitely come closer to see if he was dead or not. As for why he didn't move, Wang Yan was taking the state medicine as much as possible. Use status skills to increase all attributes for yourself.

After taking all the potions that can be used, Wang Yan's all attributes have been increased by nearly half in a short period of time, especially the attack speed and movement speed have been increased to a scary level.

In this way, Wang Yan was not satisfied yet, holding an eighty-level plus twelve sacred swords, Wang Yan used Rampage, Extreme Weapon, Wave of Killing Intent, Kaija of Remnant Shadow, Human-Sword Unity, Summoning to himself. Demon: Nine status skills such as Berserk, Shadow Energy, Five Qi Chaoyuan, and Dark Release.

Although the skill level is not high due to the weapon restrictions, it is enough. When Annihilating Neilbe approached, Wang Yan was very excited, because he could hardly bear the improvement of that powerful state skill. He desperately wanted to fight to vent the strength of his body and the anger in his heart.

"Blood Rage!"

A hoarse roar came from Wang Yan's mouth, and his body immediately turned blood red.

Then the bloodthirsty skill was also used by Wang Yan. Feeling the pleasure of the blood flowing out of his body, Wang Yan finally understood why Potos, the first prison blood demon god in the background of Arad's story, caused such a big storm. The feeling of controlling all the life and blood around you is really fascinating.

Annihilating Nelbe, who opened the protective cover, has already escaped from the invincibility.

He only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his body was provoked by strength.

In just one second, it has withstood dozens of blows.

The body was hit so continuously that it was impossible to even fall.

The protective cover protected Annihilate Nelbe, and he was unleashed with blood rage and bloodthirsty in only half a second. Wang Yan, whose blood volume dropped to an extremely dangerous level, cut it open, and lost the protection of the protective cover. Annihilate Nelbe only Can use his own body to forcibly resist Wang Yan's invisible attack.

Annihilating Nelbe, who was knocked into the air, couldn't fight back, couldn't land and could only bear the damage passively, while Wang Yan was staring at the blood-red eyes, the blade made of blood and the sacred sword he held were crazy Slash in front of you.

Wang Yan couldn't count how many times he attacked Annihilation Neilbe after casting the blood rage, but he still maintained his last rationality, and kept challenging Annihilation Neilbe so that he couldn't land.

Can't do it?
Being able to master the basic challenge skills of nine professions, Wang Yan can make it impossible for Annihilation Neelbe to drop at this moment.

There is damage protection in the game, but there is no such thing in reality. The damage from Wang Yan, who has been amplified to the extreme by potions, status skills, and the attributes of the equipment itself, is fatal. Every knife of Wang Yan could still slice through and wipe out Nellbe's body, and pieces of stone chips fell off.

After Wang Yan recovered from the transparent state, Wang Yan, who had slashed Annihilation Nelbe for nearly 15 seconds, heaved a sigh of relief, and the last knife fell. Yan Luan's knife cut obliquely from the chest to the waist and abdomen.

Annihilating Nelbe, with only the upper body left, still has the power to fight. Its body is extremely strong, but not only its body, but also the energy core inside the body was cut.

It can be said that the annihilating Nelbe, who has never suffered such a serious injury, still thinks that he has not failed. When his upper body was cut by two knives and flew out, his eyes were full of hatred. He felt that after he resumed his actions, he would definitely We can't let the other party act so recklessly again.

"Floating bomb!"

A loud voice came from behind. Annihilating Nelbe couldn't see who was behind him, but he could feel that his body that was about to land was blown up again by an inexplicable force.

After making up a knee bump, Wu En, who drove the death revolver, finally rushed to help Wang Yan when Wang Yan caused fatal damage to Annihilation Nellbe.

Wang Yan's appearance at this moment can scare people to death. Every time he takes a step forward, blood will flow down his legs. Wu En can't imagine, is Wang Yan soaked in blood now?

With Wu En joining, Wang Yan was finally relieved.

He moved his body, and continued to slash his double knives at Annihilation Nelbe, who had eaten Wu En's entire set of roaming skills.

With every cut, the blade will cut deeply into the body of Annihilating Nellbe, causing the stones on his body to fall down one by one.


When Wang Yan used a powerful Liu Xin: Jump to chop off the head of Annihilation Neilbe, it can be said that Annihilation Neilbe finally lost the slightest ability to resist.

Annihilating Neilbe's dropped head still had an unbelievable look on his face. He couldn't understand why Wang Yan, who was almost killed by it at the beginning, had such a powerful counterattack ability later on. If he couldn't even resist, he was hacked to death.

"Not reconciled!"

Annihilating Nelbe finally had this idea in his mind, and then he lost consciousness forever. The gravel debris that Wang Yan cut down gradually turned into black smoke and dissipated.


Wang Yan, who was reminiscing the refreshing feeling brought by the upgrade, became interested. When he really upgraded, the anger left in his heart had dissipated. This means that the annihilating Neilbe is dead, at least this body is dead. .

The changes on the ground continued, the black mist continued to spread from Annihilating Nellbe's body, and its remaining body became smaller and smaller.

This means that after the annihilation of Nelbe, all the power was absorbed by something after his death, otherwise this situation would not have happened.

After the smoke cleared, a golden ring was left on the ground. Wang Yan picked up the ring with the top of the machete and placed it in front of him. After seeing its equipment illustration, the corner of his mouth twitched.

【Source Power-Nerbe】

Quality: Epic

Type: Jewelry

Part: ring

Unique special effect: When the magic power of the ancient dust series weapons is released, the magic power explosion damage is increased by 20.00%.

One of the jewelry in the Yuanzhuo series, which also belongs to the Antuen jewelry series, is the Gluttony series. When the jewelry in the Gluttony series can be upgraded to Endless Gluttony and then upgraded to a jewelry set in time and space, there is no question whether Yuanzhuo is better than Gluttony. It's controversial.

Of course, some source boosts still have very strong improvements. For example, source boost-Lock has increased the three attacks of ancient and holy weapons by 15%, source boost-Agnes has increased the skill attack of ancient and holy weapons by 20%, and source boost-Ma Teja can increase the skill attack by 15% again when the magic power is turned on.

However, these three are auxiliary equipment, the magic stone, and the bracelet. Yuanzhuo-Nelbe can only be treated as a collectible.

Putting away the epic-quality ring that appeared for the first time in this time and space, Wang Yan, who had recovered to full state due to the upgrade, looked at Wu En, who was standing beside him and guarding his safety: "I'm fine."

"It's fine, you were struck by the lightning of that high-ranking Tartan star before, we almost thought you were about to encounter an accident, it's really lucky, this high-level Tartan star is very powerful, I can't dodge it How did you escape the final thunderstorm?"

Wu En also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Wang Yan's response in the communicator, and Wang Yan's crazy attack just now surprised him.

It's crazy, are all the swordsmen in Arad mainland really powerful?Wu En looked at the long sword in Wang Yan's hand with lingering fear.

If it were him, he would definitely not be able to block Wang Yan's previous attack that was faster than a single blow.

"I didn't dodge it, but I used a special precious prop, which is the transparent state you saw later. It was very dangerous at that time. The thunder of heaven and earth it summoned hit me just one meter away. It is indeed very powerful. I Really almost died, the high-ranking Tartans are really not to be underestimated."

Thinking back to the thrilling scene before, Wang Yan still had lingering fears. He was really close. If he hadn't put a bottle of God's Protection Potion into his mouth before the battle, it would have been too late to wake up from the dizziness and take out the medicine.

"Be prepared, you can't be careless in the future."

Wang Yan looked at the messy ground on the side where Neilbei was struck by lightning and shook his head. There is nothing worth noticing here, so let's continue to advance with the attacking team.

Looking back, Nibel was leading the assault team to kill the low-level Tartans who were approaching from behind. There were countless monsters, and there were often hundreds of them when they appeared.

"Annihilating Nelbe is dead!"

Almighty Matega sent this message to all the high-level Tartans through spirit, and got responses from other high-level Tartans in no time. Among the high-level Tartan stars, they can also be ranked in the top five.

"It is indeed dead, not even its body is left. The body has turned into the original power and stayed on the ring it wears. Agnes of Blazing Flame, Creib of Flame, Goalkeeper Krat Garrison at this position, Freynes of Annihilation, find an opportunity to join the battlefield, and catch humans by surprise."

Almighty Matega did not dare to be careless after the death of Annihilation Nelbe. It admitted that it underestimated human beings. There are not many high-level Tartan stars who can be used, and some of them have fixed positions to be stationed, which is more important.

The four high-level Tartan stars all responded.

Freynes of Annihilation, another elite monster of Trembling Earth, and the dead Taioli of Destruction are both abyssal demons.

It can even open up a different-dimensional rift remotely and join it on the battlefield at any time to change the situation of the battle. Of course, it is a different-dimensional rift in this time-space plane, which is far from being opened across time and space.

As for the Blazing Agnes and her two elite monsters, there is no need to mention them. They have all met Wang Yan face to face, but it is a pity that none of them were able to keep Wang Yan.

Blazing Agnes even lost two clones, her strength weakened a lot, but when she returned to Antuen's body, she used Antuen's energy to make up for the energy she had consumed.

"Has the teleportation array arranged by the energy hatchery been formed? We can't wait any longer, we must destroy the human naval guns, otherwise the cooling bombs fired by the opponent will make Antuen unable to absorb any energy."

"The formation is about to take shape. A total of thirty bronze titans have been created. I don't know if it is enough."

The high-ranking Tartans in the energy hatchery responded helplessly. The strongest Tartans that could teleport were the Bronze Titans, which were special stone giants made from magic stones.

"Two of the other warships, and the remaining fourteen, are all dispatched to the largest warship.

That is the command warship of the human beings in the heavens. As long as it is destroyed, all the human beings on Antuen's body will be in chaos without command.

At that time, we firmly guarded the most important areas, and we would definitely be able to erase the human beings from the heavens from this sea area. "

Almighty Matega called up a light screen, on which were human soldiers who had been fighting with their side around Antun.

They were not afraid of death, and they carried countless freezing grenades. Every explosion would cause Antoin to lose energy in a reactionary manner.

At a time when energy is most needed, Almighty Matega can no longer bear to attack human warships.

(End of this chapter)

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