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Chapter 681 The Death of John (Part 3)

Chapter 681 John's Death (Part Three)

Wang Yan watched for nearly 5 minutes, and found that the two were still evenly matched, so he shook his head. I really don't know how John was killed by Saya in the game story records. Could there be any other changes?

He flew the armed helicopter towards the depths of the palace, and soon saw the two sides fighting in the depths of the palace. The defending side was obviously defeated by the opponent, and the number of people was only about one-tenth of the opponent's. Minutes to lose.

Wang Yan has been quietly looking at the battle below, and has no intention of helping any party. He wants to see how the situation will develop without his intervention. This space and time is worth looking forward to except for Borodin. Only this war, to be able to see the things recorded in the background story of the game with my own eyes, is worth traveling thousands of kilometers.

A few minutes later, all the resistance forces on the defensive side were dead, and the attacker broke into the building. A group of people walked out under the pressure of an old man wearing only a nightgown. The other party obviously didn't understand what happened. He kept shouting that he was the king, and asked people to let him go.

"The king of the Calamity Kingdom? Hehe." Wang Yan smiled contemptuously. This person is definitely not a good guy. No matter what the reason is, Wang Yan doesn't like him very much, and naturally he doesn't intend to save him.

After capturing the old man who obviously had a special status alive in the building, the cavalry of the Beiyou Kingdom left the building under pressure. The roar of the armed helicopter was very loud above the head. The knights looked up at the sky, and after a few words, they went It is to leave the place quickly and run towards the direction of Saya. They are afraid that the situation will change after a long delay, and they will quell the turmoil in the palace as soon as possible, and hand over the decision-making power to the commander, so that the other party can decide what to do next.

"Look, your father has been captured alive. It's really embarrassing." After stopping the attack for a while, Saya looked aside. Her subordinates had already completed the beheading task, killing the most important person, the current king of the Calamity Kingdom. Pressing over, Saya has met the other party, and the other party has been sent to the Kingdom of Bier, but Saya was still very young at that time, but he can still distinguish the appearance of the old king from his face.

"Ahhhhh~ Saya, what do you want to let my father go?" John struggled hard for a while before regaining his senses. As Saya said, the power of flames is far more violent than frost. After only using the power of the flame for a few minutes, I felt that I was about to be burned into ashes by the endless scorching power. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

"What do you think?" Saya looked straight at John, who was covered in flames, and his eyes pierced John's heart like a blade.

"I understand, I will kill myself in front of you, if you can let my father go." After fighting with Saya, John knew that he could do nothing to the other party, and he must be the one who died first if he continued to fight like this , he will lose all his sanity after fighting for a while.

"Then you can kill yourself." Saya's body trembled slightly, but her voice was indifferent for a long time.

John took a deep breath and landed on the ground. The flames formed a set of fiery red armor around him. He walked towards the old king step by step. The other party obviously didn't know the secret John was hiding. Later, I felt the feeling of being connected by blood.

"Is that you, John?" The old king struggled to get closer to John, but he was helpless. The four golden knights were pressing him down, and even in his prime he couldn't break free.

"It's me, Father." John reached out and wiped the flames on his face, revealing his original appearance, except that there were scarlet flame lines on his once handsome face, and the lines penetrated deep into the skin. It turned into a translucent crimson, and anyone could see that something was wrong with John.

"How did you become like this?" The old king clutched his chest in pain, and then his body shook rapidly. Seeing this, the four knights pressing on him hurriedly checked the old king's situation, but found that the other party had disappeared in just an instant. Without vitality, he didn't know whether it was because of anger or for some reason that he died directly.

"Father!" John ran towards the opponent with big strides. The knights of the back kingdom tried their best to stop the opponent, but they were forced to retreat by the power of the flames. John completely forgot that the flames were still burning on his body, and he came to the old king's back He wanted to help him up beside his body on the ground, but he found that the clothes on his body were ignited, his hair kept turning into black coke and disappeared, and a smell of burnt flesh also came from the old king's body. Diffusion occurs.


John tried to extinguish the flames on the opponent's clothes with his hands, but the flames grew more and more. In the end, the old king turned into a flaming fireball in front of John, and John knelt on the ground and cried in pain. He couldn't even cry tears.

"Saya!" John stood up suddenly, he looked directly at Saya who came to him, and the other side's expression was still very calm: "It's really sad."

"Is this what you want to see?" John demanded.

"You should have expected this day at the beginning. You must first know that you have broken your promise."

"Okay, okay, come and kill me, I won't resist."

John's face was ashen. The woman he once loved led troops to kill his father. He had never been able to kill Saya before, and now he has no idea of ​​​​fighting anymore. His father is dead, and so is the palace. Occupied by the Beer Kingdom, he can already imagine what will happen next. After the reinforcements from the Beer Kingdom arrive, the Calamity Kingdom will disappear forever in the world.

"John, you really let me down."

Saya raised the Snow Dancer in her hand, and the struggling look appeared on her face and then disappeared quickly. Finally, she stabbed the Snow Dancer in John's chest. The other party did not resist as promised, despite the sharpness The dagger pierced his heart.

"Ahem, at the last moment of my life, I still promised."

"Saya, promise me, don't use the power of frost in the future, it's not something we can control."

"Ahem, after I die, you have to live a good life. I'm an unqualified lover, and I'm not worth your concern."

John spat out red blood, looked down at the blade stuck in his chest, the look in his eyes gradually dissipated, no matter how powerful a creature was, it would be difficult to survive if the blood-supplying heart was pierced, let alone Saya's knife It pierced directly through his chest and pierced his back.

Saya stared blankly at John, whose flames gradually subsided. The other party finally fell to the ground naked. The flames on his body disappeared without a trace, and a large amount of blood appeared under him, dyeing the burned blackness red. slate.

(End of this chapter)

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