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Chapter 680 Confrontation between Ice and Fire (Part 2)

Chapter 680 The confrontation between ice and fire (second update)

"You are the eldest princess of the Beier Kingdom. As you know, as a prince, I need to establish a good relationship with the lord of the local territory. Besides, it is just a concubine. My main wife has been reserved for you, just because the kingdom The reason for the war between the two sides, I haven't seen you since then, Saya, I still love you, do you still love me?"

Now John only wants to persuade Saya to withdraw troops as soon as possible, for which he can pay all the price, his inner remorse can be imagined, he doesn't understand Saya's inner thoughts, and he is still using the previous method to persuade the other party.

"No need, although I used to love you so much, it's just that when you forget all the vows between us, you are no longer the John I knew."

"You once told me that love needs two people to maintain it together. If you take the initiative to let go, I will never pester you endlessly. I will only let you know what will happen to the person who betrayed the promise!"

"If you can't be punished by heaven for breaking your promise, then I will punish you, Ice and Snow Domain!"

"Saya! Don't!"

John was shocked in his heart, the power of the flame poured into his body instantly, and then the flame blocked the endless ice cones that Saya waved and shot. At this moment, Saya's body has completely turned into ice, and she has been mobilizing enough ice and snow power before. , During the conversation, the mobilization of power was finally completed. At this moment, Saya looked like a statue made of ice and snow.

The tens of meters around Saya turned into a world of ice and snow. A large group of cavalry from behind bypassed the two and attacked deep into the palace. They had just seen the signal flare rising in the palace, and there was not much time left for them. Capture the palace before reinforcements arrive.

John intends to stop those cavalry, but he is entangled by Saya. The reason why he can rise into the air is because of the rising power of the flames. The highest height is no more than ten meters. Saya can use the ground to rise at this height Arriving at the ice and snow stairs, after being entangled by Saya constantly, John finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and the whole person fell into a rage.

The flame rose from John's body to a height of more than ten meters in an instant, and a field also generated by the flame appeared centered on him, and it was constantly offset with Saya's ice and snow field. The mist appeared in the center of the two areas, turning into frost for a while, turning into water and being transpired by the flames for a while. In just a few minutes, the battlefield where the two fought was expanded to a radius of [-] meters. Everything within the range was not covered by the cold What is frozen by ice is burned to ashes by fire.

"I didn't expect it, Saya. After you left, I went to the ruins and found the hidden items that restrain the power of ice. Do you think you are the only one who can obtain the inheritance of the ancient gods? The reason why I have been suppressing the flames The power is because even I can't control the flames that destroy the sky and destroy the earth, if you are stubborn, turning into a mist between the heavens and the earth is your best end."

During the fight, John regained his sanity for a short time, but he spoke to Saya in a tone he had never had before. After taking the jewelry of the Snow Goddess, John found nothing, and finally the two left to seal the entrance.

"So what if you can destroy me? You will eventually be consumed by the flames, and your soul will merge with the flames. Do you know why I haven't used the power of frost? Because I discovered this, do you regret it? It's too late!"

Saya told the secret that he had already discovered. The things of the ancient gods are not so easy to use. They contain the remaining divine power of the other party. Once a creature uses them, they will eventually be assimilated by the other party. After turning into ice crystals, I knew about it.

After a battle with Soderos on the frontline battlefield, half of her legs turned into ice crystals, but because she was covered by armor, only she knew about it. After seeing John finally fully use the power of flames Afterwards, Saya smiled.

The flame will only be more violent than the power of ice, John is finished, and the moment the flame goes out is the moment when the other party dies.

When the two fought again, in the southeast direction of the capital, Wang Yan was approaching here with a helicopter gunship. He had passed by the front line a hundred kilometers away before, and when he saw the corpses piled up like a mountain below and was about to be burned, he knew what he was doing. If you look in the right direction, this should be the front line of the battle between the Kingdom of Disaster Bank and the Kingdom of Bier.

It's just that Wang Yan didn't see the two sides at war, and one side directly occupied the defense line, which made Wang Yan feel a sense of urgency in his heart. He went up into the sky and turned around for a while before finding the direction of the capital of the disaster bank king. The angle of view in the sky is much wider than that on the ground, even if the capital of the Calamity Kingdom is a hundred kilometers away, Wang Yan can still find it.

When he arrived at the capital of the Calamity King, what Wang Yan could see was the densely packed knight team in the center, and the knights gathered from all over the capital towards the center, and he could vaguely see the power of flame and frost in the center. The collision between an open space cheered up Wang Yan, he found the target he was looking for!

The gunship flew over a hundred meters in the air, and the roar of the propellers alarmed the soldiers of the Kingdom of Calamity and the cavalry of the Kingdom of Bier below. They all looked up at this strange aircraft in the sky. Which side is the reinforcement of the aircraft.

The defenders of the Kingdom of Disaster in the direction of the city wall are attacking the defense line set up by the cavalry of the Kingdom of Bei, and soldiers on both sides die every second.

The battle inside the palace has come to an end. The guards guarding the king of the disaster bank kingdom are very strong, but they are no stronger than the impact of hundreds of cavalry. From the old king's bedroom [-] meters away to the door of the palace, there are knights falling down all the way. Next, the blood stained the slate red and seeped into the ground. Both sides had reasons to fight to the death, and they also lost their lives for it.

Several golden knights opened the way ahead, swinging huge battle axes and hammers to repel the defenders of the palace. The knights in the rear got off their horses and pulled out the weapons tied to the side of their horses. This building is advancing, and this place will definitely be the king of the Kingdom of Disaster, otherwise the defense force will not be so strong.

When Wang Yan arrived at the top of the palace, the first thing he noticed was the confrontation between Frost and Flame. If he guessed correctly, these two people should be Saya and John, the fateful lovers who turned into ghosts and gods in the background of the game.

In the background story of the game, Saya finally killed John, fully bursting out the power of frost, and the kings of the Calamity Kingdom sank underground. Even in the underground, the two transformed into ghosts and gods were still fighting endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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