DNF Live Allard

Chapter 672 Defeat Begins (Part 2)

Chapter 672 Defeat Begins (Second Update)

"I want you to die!"

Soderos clenched his teeth and stared at the lonely knight who was about to rush into the broken line of defense. He had never hated someone so much. All he had was confusion and panic about the unknown, but now he has personally experienced what hatred is, unforgettable hatred!
Soderos's legs suddenly broke free from the frost that restrained him from the ground, and a fiery red sword appeared in his hand. He held a giant sword that ordinary knights could lift with both hands, and a golden light flashed on his body. Flashing, he single-handedly charged the heavy cavalry who had reached the extreme speed.

Just three seconds later, one person and one rider collided together. To the surprise of the onlookers, the heavy cavalry charging at high speed was directly knocked back by Soderos alone, and the horse kept yelling. He vomited blood, his neck was twisted by the huge force, and he fell to the ground with the knight behind him.

"So strong!"

After Saya fell to the ground, she suddenly rolled over to avoid the opponent's powerful blow. She clenched the snow dance in her hand and looked at Soderos, whose face was full of anger. Just now, the other party directly killed the war horse she had cultivated with great difficulty.

Soderos held two giant swords in both hands and kept waving, knocking Saya back again and again. When Saya's frost power could not freeze Soderos, Saya was completely unable to fight against Soder at this moment with only swordsmanship. Rose, she can only keep blocking in front of her with the dance of fine snow. The battlefield between the two keeps shifting. Wherever Saya goes, there will be ice and snow. The soldiers on both sides are far away from the two, lest they affected by this inhuman force.

Soderos had been attacking for several minutes but was unable to break through the opponent's defense, because the force of ice and snow was constantly dragging his feet, and the opponent could use ice to condense an ice shield in front of him, which made Soderos recover from his previous rage. After recovering, he began to change his strategy and used various sword skills that Saya couldn't understand. It was only a moment later that Saya was rushed in front of him by Soderos, and the Snow Dance in his hand was even attacked by Soderos' giant sword. pick fly.

At the very moment, Saya's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already ten meters away. Soderos' giant sword swept across and chopped a group of human-shaped ice and snow into pieces. He looked back and saw ten meters away. Outside of Saya, weapons made of ice and snow re-condensed in the opponent's hands, and it seems that they still have the power to fight again.

Neither side knew the other's name, and they didn't talk to each other. After the two sides fought again, the defense line of the Kingdom of Calamity also kept pouring in soldiers from the Kingdom of Bier. , it is only because of the defense line established by the Kingdom of Disaster Bank that it will always be blocked here and cannot advance an inch.

After the vanguard broke through the defense line of the Calamity Kingdom, the king who oversaw the battle began to dispatch more troops to the battlefield. He saw the hope of breaking through the defense line in one fell swoop, but when he saw his daughter struggling against the unknown At the time of the knight, the king of the Beiyou Kingdom couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat. The real strength of the opponent was stronger than he imagined.

None of the soldiers of the two sides dared to step into the area where the two fought. Even if the soldiers of the Beer Kingdom entered Saya, frost would condense on their bodies. This made the soldiers of the Beer Kingdom who wanted to help Saya helpless and could only stay away. Saya continued to attack the defense line established by the flesh and blood of the soldiers of the Scourge Kingdom. Every second, soldiers from both sides died, but the overall defense line of the Calamity Kingdom was constantly pushed back.

The commander of the Kingdom of Calamity transferred all the soldiers that could be mobilized to the front line, and he continued to distribute various orders. Looking at the subordinates who were struggling to support and block the attack of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Bei, the commander of the Kingdom of Calamity There is a sense of powerlessness.

He looked towards the outermost edge of the battle line, where two powerful knights were still fighting, and there was no one around them. The defense line that used to have a large group of soldiers from the Kingdom of Calamity had been pushed forward nearly a hundred meters by soldiers from the Kingdom of Beier.

The soldiers on both sides are human beings with flesh and blood. They will hurt when they are injured, and they will also have the fear of death. There are many soldiers on both sides who keep fleeing from the battlefield, but there are knights supervising the battle behind them. With one exception, all were killed on the spot.

At this time, which side has more soldiers fleeing, basically means which side has lost hope of winning. The fact is that more and more soldiers are fleeing from the Kingdom of Calamity.

"Look behind you, your companion has already run away, do you want to continue fighting?"

I don't know how long I have been fighting with the opponent, but Soderos heard the opponent speak for the first time. After the opponent spoke, Soderos stared. The knight who had been fighting with him for an unknown amount of time was actually a woman!
Soderos took a few steps back and looked behind him. The battlefield where soldiers from both sides were fighting was hundreds of meters away. Both of them were surrounded by dead soldiers from both sides, and they were all frozen because of Saya's frost power. It was hard to tell which side had the most dead soldiers, but after seeing the defense line being pushed back hundreds of meters by the soldiers of the Beier Kingdom, Soderos also understood that it was really impossible to save this time with his own strength alone. Battle, in this defensive battle, the Kingdom of Scourge lost.

"I won't retreat. You killed them, and killed the subordinates I promised to protect. Even if you are a woman, I will not forgive you. Today, you and I will live and die separately."

Soderos withdrew his gaze, and his eyes became serious again. The matter has come to this point, and the only way to make Soderos feel better is to kill the opponent. The shore kingdom died.

He came to this land for a very short time, and he only fought for the commoner of the Calamity Kingdom who helped him at the beginning, the commoner John of the Lake Village, not for the king of the Calamity Kingdom, whichever is more important Soderos can still tell the difference.

"You are not a native of the Kingdom of Calamity, are you? I have never heard John mention you. John is the prince of the Kingdom of Calamity. If he knew that there was a knight as powerful as you in the kingdom, he would definitely ask you to help the kingdom. So who are you? Why do you want to prevent the Kingdom of Bier from attacking the Kingdom of Calamity?"

Saya heard what he wanted to know after Soderos opened his mouth. The common language used by Soderos was very strange, like the sound of an emotionless artificial machine, without the local sound of the Kingdom of Calamity. accent, but the other party looks quite old, which can only mean that the other party has not lived on the land of the Calamity Kingdom these years.

(End of this chapter)

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