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Chapter 671 Ice and Snow Domain (Part 1)

Chapter 671 Ice and Snow Domain (First Update)
After repelling the charge of the Beier Kingdom, Soderos counted the number of his subordinates and found that two people were missing. This made everyone sigh, and they knew what would happen if they disappeared on the battlefield.

Soderos' expression also became very solemn. He had promised to bring everyone back, but it turned out to be just a charge in the back of the kingdom, which caused the two people to disappear. It is not clear whether the other party died in battle or separated in the chaos. It's easy to say, but Soderos also felt a little powerless. No matter how strong he is alone, it is difficult to protect everyone.

Everyone silently cleaned up the battlefield and repaired the line of defense, and finally found the bodies of the two people who were suspected. The identities of the opponents identified by A, these knights who lost their identities on the battlefield will eventually be buried together.

Before everyone could rest for a while, there was a rumbling drum sound in the distance, and everyone was startled. When they looked up, they saw the soldiers of the Beiyou Kingdom appearing on the distant horizon again.

The heavy cavalry who once broke through the defense line of the Kingdom of Calamity appeared again, which made most of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Calamity shudder. Aren't the bastards of the Kingdom of Disaster afraid of death?So many people died just now, and they immediately made a comeback?

Saya is currently in the heavy cavalry team of the Beier Kingdom. Her eyes are fixed on a part of the defense line of the Calamity Kingdom. The place seems to be no different from the surrounding ones, but Saya knows that there is a The extremely powerful knights of the Calamity Kingdom exist, and the opponent can easily kill the Qianqi Commander of the Beiyuan Kingdom, and his strength has far exceeded the level of the Golden Knight.

"Just let me meet you for a while."

There is a firm look in the eyes under Saya's mask. This is not the first time she has charged on the battlefield. She has also been on the battlefield when she quelled the civil strife in the kingdom, but it is the first time to fight the army of the Calamity Kingdom. She does not want to Let such a thing happen, but as the eldest princess of the Beier Kingdom, her position is still on the side of the Beier Kingdom. She wants to meet John in person and tell him personally that you are so wrong!
Having learned the lesson from last time, the cavalry of the Beiyou Kingdom began to charge 200 meters away. The soldiers of the Calamity Kingdom hurriedly assembled and began to set up a line of defense. Many people were trembling. In their minds, it was too difficult to resist the charge of heavy cavalry with infantry.

"Fire arrows!"

Because the heavy cavalry left the protection of the shield knights behind, the archers of the Calamity Kingdom could easily attack the approaching heavy cavalry. Before rushing to the defense line of the Calamity Kingdom, dozens of heavy cavalry fell down , but at this moment, the speed of the other heavy cavalry has been increased to the highest speed after a 200-meter charge. They are facing the rain of arrows and use their weapons to fly the horse-repelling piles in front of the horses. The heavy cavalry in the front row fiercely Hitting on the defense line of the Calamity Bank Kingdom, dozens of knights fell, in exchange for a defense line that was about to collapse.

The second batch of knights charged forward, and this time part of the defense line had been breached. Even though they were wearing solid armor, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Calamity were knocked away by the horses like scarecrows under the rapid charge of the heavy cavalry, and they flew in mid-air He vomited blood when he was dying, and there was a large dent in his breastplate. It seemed that he would not survive.

All the heavy armored knights in the rear have reached the defense line of the Kingdom of Disaster, and this charge has caused the Kingdom of Disaster's defense to fall. Many soldiers of the Kingdom of Disaster can only rebuild the defense line with flesh and blood, and a dozen people can work together. It took only half a minute to kill the heavily armored knights who had slowed down their speed, and the King of Calamity fell into a melee behind the line of defense.

Soderos realized that he was being targeted by the Kingdom of Bier after he found that there were nearly a hundred knights rushing towards him. The leading knight made Soderos feel the pressure. The Taidao of power swung the sword evenly from a distance of tens of meters, and the sword energy containing the power of frost flew out and swept the rejection horse pile aside.

Saya's performance lifted the spirits of the knights who followed her to charge. They didn't know Saya's true identity. The other party joined the heavy cavalry temporarily. The friends who help them, no matter who they are, are worthy of fighting side by side.


Soderos wanted to repeat the same trick to give the opponent a slash, but when the opponent rushed into the range of 50 meters, Soderos felt his shoulders sink, and the power of frost condensed on his body, and there was a light on his body Trembling, the rapidly condensed frost was shaken away. He looked aside, and many people began to condense with the power of frost on their hands and bodies. This made him not know how to deal with it for a while, so he could only let everyone temporarily evacuate to the side line of defense. .

The knights behind Saya didn't feel the power of the frost, but they felt the cold. The knight charging at the forefront exuded a cold breath like a big ice block at this moment. They had never seen such a situation before. , Is the other party a magician?But how dare a magician take the risk and rush into the battlefield of swords and swords?
"Ice and snow field!"

Saya let out a low cry, and the frost that appeared in the defense line of the Calamity Coast quickly condensed, and some knights of the Calamity Kingdom who had not had time to exit this area were frozen into ice without saying a word. Within a radius of [-] meters, such ice There were dozens of blocks, but the knight standing at the front kept flashing light to block the condensed frost, even so, frost kept appearing on his hair and eyebrows.

"Listen to my order! Charge to the sides!"

Saya turned her head and yelled at the knights behind, and then she drove her specially cultivated cold-resistant mount into the ice and snow world full of frost power.

The knights who followed Saya's charge were shivering with cold at this moment. After hearing this sentence, they were amnesty, and divided into two teams centered on Saya, and charged towards the place beside the snow-covered area.


Soderos mobilized the strength in his body to resist the frost that continued to condense on his body. He looked back with difficulty, and saw that nearly half of his subordinates were frozen in place by the power of ice and snow. A small number of people escaped from this ice and snow world, and are cleaning up the remaining ice and snow on their bodies in a panic.

How can Soderos accept this? Even though the loss of both of them in the previous battle made it difficult for him to calm down the grief in his heart, the newly formed team now has more than half of their deaths after the second charge of the Beier Kingdom. Those who were frozen into ice There is absolutely no way for a knight in blocks to break free from the ice, and after the battle is over, it is estimated that they will condense with the ice and snow forever.

 I was delayed by something during the day, and now I have time to update. Today, the third update is guaranteed, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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