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Chapter 637 Borodin's Adventure (Part 4)

Chapter 637 Borodin's Adventure (Fourth)

My opinion on the status quo of the Kingdom is that I am dying. I believe that your understanding of the Kingdom is more impressive than mine. I came from the border of the Kingdom of Disaster Bank next door and passed through Roseland. When I was there, I thought that most of the kingdom was the same as Rose The collar is the same, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. "

"The lord of the Rose Neck told me that His Majesty the King is a wise monarch. She may not know anything about the situation in the kingdom, because she has not left the Rose Neck all these years."

"It wasn't until I came to a place called Redstone Territory, and saw the Redstone Territory invaded by the lord next door, that I realized that the kingdom has become so chaotic."

"How to solve this mess? Of course, send enough powerful knights to complete the unification of the world again, as you did when you were young. Unfortunately, as far as I know, your majesty has no heirs, otherwise you can complete this matter in your place."

"The chaos in the kingdom is accidental and inevitable. As far as I know, no matter how powerful the kingdom is, it will go into chaos once or several times within 70 years of ruling the world. The old monarch passes away, and the new monarch lives in peace. In the era, even the army lost its previous combat effectiveness because there were no foreign enemies, which is a practice applicable to multiple time and space."

"Keeping a business is more difficult than starting a business. You should have a deep understanding of this sentence. When you follow the rules, people will always be restrained. Why not give it a go?"

"If you were born in troubled times, you would definitely become a hero."

After Wang Yan expressed his views, King Borodin commented on Wang Yan's words. Wang Yan smiled and did not refute. He was born in a peaceful age. There is no difference, and Kong has a passion that cannot be put into practice.

This is also the reason why many young people on the earth are immersed in the virtual online world. If they can't really expand their territory, can't I just play in the game?

"I basically know what you said, and it's so difficult to give it a go."

Borodin sighed, he didn't get a real reply from Wang Yan, and he began to talk about things that he kept silent and never mentioned to outsiders.

"Before the age of 15, I was no different from other teenagers in Babuling. By the way, Babuling is the predecessor of Borodinling, and it is the place where I was born."

"Well, you must have encountered something incredible."

Wang Yan cheered up, what happened before Borodin ruled the world, it seems that he will know tonight.

"Of course, after spending an ordinary childhood and adolescence, on an accidental trip, I encountered a magical existence in a cave, a group of light that can move by itself, yes, it is a group of light, Mimi In a daze, I didn't know what happened, and when I left the cave, I had become an existence I couldn't imagine."

"The peers who used to despise and even bully me suddenly became respectful to me. Even the adults would only become extremely polite when they saw me. I saw something called longing in their eyes, and they may have seen it in me. Everything you want to see."

"My father died in the rebellion between Barbuland and neighboring territories. In my time, I also joined the army and became a knight of Barbuland. It took me just over a year to become a Cavaliers, all because of the support and help of many people."

"Not long after, conflicts broke out with the Babu Land in the neighboring territory, and even once attacked the Babu Land, and hit the stones thrown by the catapult into the mother I raised because my home is far away from the city wall. It's too close, it belongs to the place where the lower classes of civilians live."

"At that time, Babu collar gave very little pension to the knights who died in battle. It was hard for me to imagine how my mother raised me. It's a pity that I didn't see her for the last time. After finally repelling the neighboring territories , I saw her when my team of knights and I were collecting the corpse, and anger flooded into my heart."

"I must have lost my mind at the time. According to others, I single-handedly pursued the retreating soldiers in the neighboring territory, and killed them all the way to the city of the neighboring territory. The corpses were scattered all over the way. Thousands of knights in the neighboring territory were all buried in the wild, and only a handful of them was able to escape."

"After returning, the lord of Babu Land announced that I would be the next lord, because it would be too much for him not to do so. Tens of thousands of lords flocked to me to become the new lord, because I can give them safety and let them Their loved ones are no longer under the cloud of war."

"I know that all of this was brought about by that unknown light. After being swarmed to become the new lord, there was an existence in the dark to remind me that this world needs a great monarch, and this monarch can only be I, it says, wherever I go, whether friend or foe, will be subject to me."

"After I led the troops into the neighboring territory with ease, I knew that what the hidden existence said was true, and I really had the possibility to become a great monarch, as long as I wanted to."

"The next thing is similar to what you know. The Borodin Territory has become the Borodin Kingdom, and the places that my knights can reach have become the territory of the Borodin Kingdom."

"I enjoy the taste of power, money, beauty, as long as I want, I can get anything. Even the envoys of the Celestial Clan people worship me and regard me as the only king of this land."

"Habits are terrible. I gradually lost myself. I lost the ideals I had fantasized about when I was a teenager, and I lost the promise I made to my people. I became a tyrant that I never dreamed of. No matter who angered me or not, They might all die because of me coughing."

"Until one day, I discovered that people who used to admire and respect me began to refute me, and then I discovered that the light that had been integrated with me began to separate from my body. I tried many methods but failed to stop it." Its departure, it will eventually give up on me and return to the world."

"Do you know what I did? I tied it up and used it to shine on my armor every once in a while. Only when I put on the armor would people look at me with respect and fear again."

"Do you know now? In fact, I'm not a great monarch. I'm just a tyrant who can't even protect his own kingdom. I'm a lucky one who became a king by relying on my magical existence."

Borodin's voice was very deep, and he looked at Wang Yan with a relieved expression at the end of his talk. He had concealed this matter for more than 60 years, and now someone can finally talk about it because he knows that his time is numbered. The reason, if he doesn't tell it, maybe he will never find a suitable person to talk to.

(End of this chapter)

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