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Chapter 636 Night Talk Above the Sky (Part 3)

Chapter 636 Night talk above the sky (third)
About 10 minutes later, nearly 300 court magicians and 10 knights began to board the ship, and the boarding of personnel and materials was completed within [-] minutes.

The task of the knights is to explore the unknown civilization building behind the sky-curtain giant beast. As for the magicians, part of them are preparing to visit the ancient civilization, and the other part is to study the magic circle or documents that may exist in the ancient civilization.

The power of the empty ship is very strong. After carrying so many people, it still rose into the sky effortlessly. The appearance of the empty ship made the capital boil. I don’t know how many people looked up at the huge empty ship in the sky. After learning that the empty ship flew from the palace, everyone expressed their envy. Except for those magical magicians, who else can have such a magical method?

Borodin's move is very risky. If he can't find a way to save the kingdom in the ancient civilization behind the giant beast in the sky, then the thousands of large crystals of various colors consumed on the journey will be in vain. It is definitely a very big blow, which will make the kingdom's finances even more embarrassing.

Wang Yan knew what Borodin was thinking. He could guess a thing or two by watching the opponent fly from the empty ship to the front of the deck and look down. He had no effective way to deal with the chaos in the kingdom. It is worthwhile to find a way to revive the kingdom in ancient civilizations, no matter how much manpower and material resources are spent.

About 5 minutes after the empty ship took off, standing on the side of the deck and looking down, you can see the complete king's capital. The king's capital looks very majestic on the ground, but it's just a tiny existence on the ground from the sky. Compared to the vast land, the size of the capital is still not worth mentioning.

The knights who were in charge of exploring the ancient civilizations began to rest after boarding the ship, but the magicians were energetic on both sides of the deck, watching the ground and chatting. The empty ship finally flew to an altitude of a thousand meters, and then began to turn around towards the king. Fly to the west, that is the place where the giant beast of the sky curtain was found. If it goes well, the giant beast of the sky curtain above the clouds should be found within three days, because it is really too big.

Compared with the take-off speed, the forward speed of the empty ship is not too fast. After all, it is too big. Wang Yan felt it for a while and found that this speed is almost the same as that of a fast horse, which is about forty to fifty kilometers per hour. , but an empty ship does not need to rest like a war horse. It can move forward day and night, and it can carry hundreds of people.

After nightfall, the speed of the empty ship slowed down a bit. It was very cold at night at a height of more than [-] meters. After dinner, everyone went to rest in the cabin. Looking at it from a height of [-] meters, the night sky is very clear.

Wang Yan knew that the night sky of Arad Continent was simulated by the Great Magic Circle. If possible, he really wanted to see the scene of Arad Continent when it first appeared. What about the one lifted up into the sky?
With the sound of slight footsteps, Wang Yan turned his head and saw the figure of Hammer King Borodin. Behind him was the figure of a guardian knight. The opponent would not let Hammer King Borodin out of his sight almost 24 hours a day, even in the The same is true for such an absolutely safe place in the sky, he has already regarded the protection of the Hammer King Borodin as the most important goal in his life.

"Your Majesty hasn't rested so late." Wang Yan looked away and asked with a smile.

"No, at this time of weekdays, there are still mountains of official documents waiting to be processed. I usually only fall asleep late at night."

Hammer King Borodin didn't wear the heavy plate armor at the moment, he put on a thick cloth robe, and sat beside Wang Yan very simply, looking no different from some elderly people.

Wang Yan didn't know how to answer the other party's words for a while. Hearing Borodin's tone, he seemed to be very dissatisfied with all kinds of daily trivial matters. Could it be that he didn't love the kingdom so much?

"Can you tell me about the time and space you lived in?"

Borodin pondered for a while and asked. At this moment, the guardian knight is resting by the cabin more than ten meters away. He will not listen to the conversation between Borodin and Wang Yan. As long as he can protect Borodin's safety, his mission is Already done.

"of course."

Wang Yan didn't expect Borodin to be interested in these things. He thought about it and started talking about it when he came to the Arad continent. The things he personally experienced were the most impressive, compared to background stories or rumors. Hearing is much more true.

"Has this land looked like this after thousands of years?"

After listening to Wang Yan's narration, Porodin couldn't help sighing. From Wang Yan's narration, Porodin could guess some of the appearance of the later generations, but he didn't expect that the Xuzu and Bantu tribes survived. at last.

Xu Zuling is still a very small place in the northwest of the kingdom at this moment, only a little bigger than the local knights' collar. As for the Bantus, Borodin has only been there twice, and most people in this time and space treat them as Treat it as a barbarian, but it is unexpected that they have passed on for thousands of years and still have not declined.

"You asked me that day, what kind of adventures did I have when I was young, and I didn't answer at that time. If I tell the story now, can you tell me that there is a definite way to save the kingdom? Insights for the current era.”

After listening to Wang Yan's rough narration, Hammer King Borodin pondered for a long time and finally made up his mind. He cast his eyes on Wang Yan and asked.

"How to save the kingdom, I think you already have your own ideas in your heart. Isn't it the way you are trying to board the ship today to find the ancient civilization behind the giant beast in the sky? I am really curious about your experience when you were young, but Whether you tell it or not, I can tell you my own opinion."

Wang Yan replied to Porodin in this way. He looked at Porodin. The other party had an old face and pale hair. Others would never believe that this old man is actually the king of a country. King Borodin.

"Yes, I have been working hard to save the kingdom and want to change the status quo of the kingdom. I have tried again and again and failed again and again. Maybe this trip to the Skyveil Beast is my last effort."

"Do you know? I saw Lord Pluto last night. He made it clear that I don't have much time. I didn't even tell the guardian. You are a traveler who travels through time and space. I believe you can keep it a secret." .”

"Of course, I will keep it a secret and won't tell anyone." Wang Yan was startled, Borodin's time is running out?This is really bad news.

(End of this chapter)

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