DNF Live Allard

Chapter 535 The Destruction of the Crazy Thieves Group (High Order 1300 Plus)

Chapter 535 The Destruction of the Crazy Thieves Group (High Order 1300 Plus)

The purification array lasted for 5 minutes. During the period, dark purple smoke kept coming out of the city hall. In the end, no more smoke rose. The city hall, which had been trembling, regained its calm. Instead, there is a sense of holiness.

The high-pitched hymn became low, and finally those priests stopped chanting the hymn and carried the cross on their bodies again. They did not talk to each other. For them, eliminating evil is their job. This kind of formation to remove evil breath is what they often use.

"I'll go and have a look." Taida walked into the city hall with the totem on his back. Obeis smiled. She was very satisfied with the effect of the purification formation. When she saw the rising purple aura, she understood it. Buildings can be purged.

After entering the city hall, TEDA stomped his feet continuously, and even punched several times in a row to knock down large stone chips on the pillars. In the end, the city hall still did not respond, which made TEDA feel relieved. He went to the second floor and left quickly. After coming down, he walked out of the city hall and looked at Obeis and said, "There is no one inside, but I saw signs of someone's activities, as well as some replacement clothes and food packaging. The other party should have stayed here before."

"Why doesn't it attack the members of the Thief Group? Could it be because the Thief Group also joined Di Ruiji's forces?" Obeis thought for a while and thought of this. Except for this possibility, it is impossible for the monster transformed into the city hall to not Will attack creatures that enter it.

"Regardless of whether the other party becomes Di Ruiji's subordinate or not, the depraved thieves group will be wiped out. Let's go." Taida looked at Wang Yan. There was no intention of delaying any longer, after all, no one knew how many obstacles would be encountered on the way to meet the apostle.

A group of people left the purified city hall and walked towards the west gate of Nosmar. At the same time, Mo Zhen fled the town of Nosmar with dozens of subordinates in a hurry, and ran towards a village in the west. The place Pete left for them last night was a village called Hamulin.

"Failed?" In Hamlin Village, Pete saw Mo Zhen, the dog envoy, and his subordinates who fled back here in a panic. Pete's face could not see any expression, which made Mo Zhen feel uneasy. After all, he had sworn before To stop the opponent, the result is to block the opponent's effort for a while.

"How many people are there outside?" Ajialu came to ask after hearing the news. This is very important. If there are too many people, this place will have to be abandoned. After all, their group and the giant rats summoned by Pete are only a few hundred. bit only.

"Looking at the number, there should be thousands of people, and it is not the strength of one party. The knights from the Principality and the Empire have come, and even the clergy from the Great Church have been mixed in." Mozhen narrated what his subordinates reported. According to the news, it seems that the number of people is not too many, but any random person there is an elite, not to mention the leaders of these people, their strength will only become stronger.

"Great Holy Church!" Pete and Ajialu both showed astonishment on their faces. As they had just transformed from beings into their present appearance, they still retained a sense of awe of the Great Holy Church in their hearts. After all, the holy light is everywhere, and those who used to The clergy who take the task of eradicating evil are worthy of the respect of all living beings.

It's just that they have now become evil in the eyes of others. Ajialu believes that when they see them, the clergy will no longer show a kind smile like before. I am afraid that they will aim their weapons at them and sprinkle the holy light on them. Destroy any evil in sight.

"Great Church, if the elimination of evil is really the biggest goal, why do they turn a blind eye to the evil among human beings?" Pete's face became a little distorted, and his hand holding the flute was also clenched tightly showing veins. My heart must be fluctuating violently right now.

"Since you have failed, then stay here and garrison. We can't retreat this time. If we continue to retreat, they will still come to us in the end. In order not to disturb Master Di Ruiji to recover his strength, we can only do our best "Peter looked down at Mozhen, it raised his finger, and the purple aura flew out from his fingertips and landed on Mozhen. Mozhen, who was just about to escape, shook his body and showed confusion. Its body began to be covered by Pete. The transformation of his power, as well as the hounds around him, changed from the original red to a weird purple.

Mozhen's subordinates also failed to escape the fate of being transformed. In the end, the once invincible crazy thieves declared their complete demise in the village of Hamulin, and were replaced by the degenerate thieves who regained their strength. From now on, they will no longer Wearing masks that get in the way, because their bodies have been changed by the virus.

After transforming Mozhen and the members of the Corrupted Thieves, Pete went to the side room to rest, and Ajialu was busy ordering other people to prepare to meet the enemy. All the big and small things in the village were gathered to prevent them from entering the village. On the road, either break these things, or have to take a detour to enter Hamulin Village from other places. In short, it is good to delay the coming human warriors for a second.

Wang Yan walked out from the west gate of Nosmar, which meant that he had left the urban area. He took a few steps aside, looked behind him, and saw the members of the Knights of the Principality who were walking out of Nosmar. Everyone walked out of the town of North Mar, and the desolation and silence before it was restored.

"Keep going west. The more west you go, the stronger the evil aura will be." Obes brought TEDA to Bahn, who had stopped in front of him, and pointed out his words to guide the way. Identify which direction has the strongest evil aura.

The team continued to move forward after resting outside the West Gate of North Marsh for a while. Wang Yan was thinking about the existence that he might encounter next. If he guessed correctly, Pete, the messenger of the Magic Flute, should appear soon. In the game, the opponent blocked the player in Hamlin, the village of confusion, and was finally defeated by the left sword of Forrest Gump. The corpse was brought back to the village of Pain by the giant rat controlled by it, and there was a scar in the village of pain. The scene where the mouse is lying on Pete's body is not known to be biting or crying.

Pete, the Messenger of the Magic Flute, died in Northmar a long time ago. At that time, Northmar also experienced a plague, but that plague was indeed caused by the death of a large number of rats. The residents of Smarr were terrified. At that time, the city hall of Smarr posted a notice offering a reward to everyone. Whoever could solve the raging rats would be rewarded by the Duke of 15 gold coins.

This is a sum of money that most low-level warriors will not be able to earn in their lifetime, and it is even a large sum of money that ordinary people cannot imagine. As Peter, who is good at playing the flute to attract animals, stood up at that time, and he also sent all the people in the city The rats were lured away with the sound of the flute, and after the dead rats were burned, no new rats died, and the plague in Northmar soon disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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