DNF Live Allard

Chapter 534 Purification of City Hall (Part 3)

Chapter 534 Purification of City Hall ([-]rd update)

"I know who it is. It should be the members of the bandit group who were active in North Mar. I didn't expect that they haven't left yet." Wang Yan descended from the sky. After flying around in the sky of North Mar, Suspected human activity was seen.

Although the other party quickly hid in the building, he still saw the appearance of the other party's clothes clearly. Wang Yan quickly remembered why the clothes on these people felt familiar, didn't it mean that he came here with Paris and wiped them all out? Are those members of the Northmar Thieves Group?

"It's them!" Lobach clenched the big sword in his hand when he heard the words. The crazy thieves are the target that the Knights of the Principality have been attacking, but those people are well hidden. The Principality has encircled and suppressed them many times over the years. It can be eliminated, but because it is far enough away from Hutton Marr, it has grown bigger and bigger. It's just that the other party has offended that Paris who is also not easy to mess with a few months ago. Lobach has something to do with this matter. Find out by investigating.

"Back when Paris and I brought people to Northmar, we basically killed the crazy band of thieves, but the leader of the other party, Mo Zhen, ran away. I didn't expect him to escape from the tunnel." Wang Yan talked about what happened a few months ago, when the crazy thieves arrested civilian warriors as slaves, and even stretched their hands into the back street, which annoyed Paris. She and Wang Yan led their subordinates to almost wipe out the thieves group.

"Go, go straight ahead, I'll open the way." Bain took the lead to walk towards the depths of Nosmar, and Hyde quickly followed. Seeing this, the others also followed the Imperial Knights. Now Nosmar It is no longer possible to explore, just go directly across here and go closer to the apostle.

"Boss, they're coming here." In the North Mar city hall, listening to his subordinates' panic reports, the dog master Mozhen was also a little helpless. He did set up many traps with his subordinates, but the traps seemed to have no effect on these people. What's the use, he heard the report from his subordinates, the priests of the Great Cathedral are also in the team, with them, no matter how serious the injury is, they can be cured.

"Prepare to evacuate!" Mo Zhen said this with a face full of unwillingness, and the members of the bandit group breathed a sigh of relief, and asked dozens of them to fight with a team of thousands of people, and they would all be wiped out in less than 5 minutes. The opponent definitely won't scratch even a little bit of skin. You must know that there are dozens of priests in the opponent's team, and there is not a single priest among the members of the bandit group. They are all warriors in light leather armor.

There is a hidden door at the back of the city hall, through which dozens of members of the thieves group all evacuated. When Mo Zhen finally left, he hung a series of bombs on the inside of the main entrance of the city hall. As long as the other party pushed the door, the bombs would be detonated. , he is not worried that the other party will not come here to check, after all, this is the former city hall of North Mar.

More than ten minutes later, Bahn came to the city hall. He had seen the tall city hall early, so he kept walking towards this place. Behind him were several brigade members of Hyde and the Iron Wolf Knights. They are the priests of the Great Cathedral and warriors of the principality.

"Don't push the door!" Wang Yan's nervous voice came from behind. Baan, who was about to push the door to enter the city hall, changed his expression and retreated. The next second, the main door of the city hall opened outwards, accompanied by a violent explosion. It was the cursed city hall that detonated the bomb hanging on the door.

The golden light flashed on Bahn's body, and the explosion didn't have much effect on him, but he became a lot more embarrassed. After he stood still, he looked back. Wang Yan quickly walked past the members of the Iron Wolf Knights and came to him. When he saw the gate of the city hall with the main entrance wide open, Wang Yan smiled, this guy was pretending quite well.

"These hateful thieves know how to play tricks." Hyde on the side was furious. Up to now, he has not even seen a member of the thieves group, but he has experienced three explosions. What else can these people do besides playing bomb traps?
"Don't worry, you'll be able to vent your anger later." Wang Yan pointed to the city hall with the main entrance open: "I'm afraid you can't imagine the reason why you are not allowed in. This city hall has become a monster-like existence. After a living being enters, it is estimated that it will directly kill it inside."

"Alive?" Barn and Hyde both showed shock. Hyde raised his hand and stabbed the outer wall of the city hall with a spear, and then said in confusion: "No, isn't this still a wall?"

"Get out of the way, let me give it a try." Bain became interested. He pulled out the dagger at his waist, raised his hand and slashed through the air. The huge saber energy flew out and struck the gate of the city hall. On the outer wall, deep marks were left on it.

In the next second, the three of them saw the doors and windows of the city hall shaking and closing violently, trembling like a wounded beast, Wang Yan spread his hands: "Well, I'm right, this building should be destroyed by Di Rui. Ji's breath has eroded into a half-building, half-life existence, except that he can't walk, and ordinary warriors probably don't even know how to die when they enter here."

"What an evil breath!" TEDA came running in big strides. When the city hall was shaking, its hidden breath leaked out. TEDA, who was extremely sensitive to evil breaths, immediately noticed the existence of the city hall. He came to the city hall. Yan's side was staring at the city hall, his fists were clenched tightly, and his face showed hatred.

Soon Obeis also came to the city hall with the order of the clergy, and Lobach came with her, and the others were stationed at the same place. There was a lot of talk about the revived city hall. This is the first time most people encounter it in this life.

"It's too big, TEDA, don't be rash, I don't think breaking a wall will have any effect on it, of course we have to destroy it before we can leave." Seeing TEDA's urge to try, Obeis quickly stopped Without her, no matter how powerful TEDA's wrist is, it won't do much damage to this kind of building. It's not a living thing at all.

"Try the purification formation. If it doesn't work, find a way to blow it up." After thinking for a while, Obeis decided to try the purification formation first. Taida shook his head. Obeis's idea was not to destroy the building of the city hall. As for the main body, there is nothing to argue about, anyway, the city hall, which cannot be moved in the end, cannot escape.

Dozens of priests stood in front of the main entrance of the city hall, holding crosses in both hands and began to chant hymns. A huge purification formation enveloped the city hall ahead, and the paint on the outer wall of the city hall began to peel off, revealing the The wall tiles were dyed purple, and at the same time, the wall tiles were also dropping powder, which was obviously extremely uncomfortable for the purification formation.

The voices of the clergy who recited the hymn became louder and louder, and an angel formed by the holy light appeared above everyone's head. It had holy wings. The angel flew up to the height of the city hall, shaking and falling large pieces of feathers, and the feathers fell down. Finally, the wall bricks that had turned into dark purple gradually exuded a purple aura, and finally turned into the original blue bricks.

(End of this chapter)

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