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Chapter 518 Falling Snow (Part 2)

Chapter 518 Falling Snow (Second Change)

"Is it a place very similar to the heaven? I see that you turn a blind eye to many things in the heaven, and you don't look like a native of the Arad continent." Shaying Belit took a sip of his cigar and exhaled smoke. Dunmar has only had two days, but he has learned a lot. If he is from the continent of Arad, he would probably be surprised to see anything in the heavens. After all, the development trajectories of the two worlds are completely different.

"In some respects, my hometown is very similar to Heaven, and it also has electricity. You can see this villa. Many things here are necessary for people in my hometown. Of course, there are guns, but most of them are controlled products. , in addition to vehicles, ships, artillery, airplanes, etc., all exist, and some are even more prosperous than the heavens."

"Of course there are also things that can't be compared, such as mechanical life and artificial intelligence. I'm curious about the existence of artificial intelligence. Is there really intelligent life in those steel?"

"I don't understand this either, so I won't brag." Sha Ying Belit laughed twice. He also vaguely knew what kind of place Wang Yan came from. As for how the other party came to the Arad Continent, it was because What has so many abilities is out of Sand Shadow Belit's control, after all, who doesn't have a few secrets buried in their hearts.

The two talked until early in the morning before saying good night to each other. Wang Yan took the flying broom and flew into the master bedroom on the third floor of the villa. The master bedroom on the third floor is very large, but naturally only one bed is enough for sleeping. Wang Yan He is not a person who is greedy for luxury and enjoyment. It is actually more suitable for him to replace the soft bed with a hardwood bed.

For the next few days, Wang Yan spent time in the villa. With no more worries, Wang Yan returned to his usual peaceful life. What he did most every day was turn on his laptop, move bricks and draw pictures. Playing in free time, sitting on the sofa with Kaili in the afternoon watching TV, Wang Yan sitting on the second floor platform can hear their laughter.

The Imperial Legion outside the city retreated half a month after being stationed in Hutton Marr, which caused the residents of Hutton Marr to cheer. But he didn't have the idea of ​​defeating the Imperial Legion. He just stayed here with the idea of ​​not letting the Imperial Legion step into the homeland behind him no matter what.

The Imperial Legion retreated all the way to the west coast and finally stationed at the pier. This was Bane's request, and he took Emily to play around the west coast. Bahne, who had changed his imperial uniform, did not attract much attention. After all, the west coast is a seaport city, and there are people from all walks of life. Bath, who speaks the language of the empire, will not attract attention.

After being convinced that the war would not break out again, the price of food, which had been at a high level, began to plummet. After all, there are a lot of food reserves, and the Principality will not be short of food if it is short of anything. It just dispatched a batch of food trucks from Hutton Marr I went to the west coast, and the prices on the west coast have finally returned to normal levels, which is something that most people are happy to see.

The weather is getting colder, and the pedestrians on the street are also wearing thick winter clothes. Winter has arrived without knowing it. Although there is no snow, many people still think that this winter will be very cold.

In the west of Hutton Mar City, among Wang Yan's villas, the villas with air conditioners will not be attacked by the cold wind outside the house. The two of them rarely go out to play in the water. Because it is too cold, they are now Most of the time they curled up on the sofa and wrapped their bodies in a blanket to watch TV. The two of them even learned Chinese through watching TV. This is what Wang Yan only knew when he heard the two talking in Chinese.

For this kind of thing, Wang Yan can only say that it is amazing, can you learn a new language by watching TV?How many hours of TV do you have to watch a day, and you have to study hard, otherwise there are many people who can't speak foreign languages ​​after watching foreign language movies for a lifetime.

Kelly hasn't been very busy with her strengthening shop recently, and she moved the strengthening furnace to the front of her villa. The weather is getting colder and colder. After the environment, let her go out of the house to the small cold reinforced shop, stop dreaming, this is impossible.

Backstreet is still as usual, and the Norton team continues to research on Terra Stone. Gisele has mastered the common language of Arad on the third day after arriving in Arad, and a week later, she is very proficient in the language of the Principality of Belle Mare. You must know that Giselle was able to join the Elytra of the Seven Gods. Apart from being born in a family of scientists, she is also a very smart person, and her learning speed is far beyond Norton's imagination.

Giselle didn't mean to run away, at least for a short time. After joining Norton's team, he quickly emerged and became the top assistant in the team after Norton. After the treatment finally returned to normal, Giselle Searle just wanted to cry, finally being able to live in a single room, where he lived with other people for more than a month.

For the miraculous Terra Stone, Giselle also reported great interest. He studied the energy inside the Terra Stone very meticulously, and began to carry out various experimental tests with the meticulousness that is not inferior to Norton. His interest in science Have their own understanding, while the rest of the Norton team is still stuck in the rut, assuming a little bit, trying and then declaring failure.

When the first snow fell after winter, Wang Yan, who was staying in the warm spring villa, suddenly realized, is it already winter?
The snow was not heavy, just sporadic little spots, but from night to morning, the lawn and garden were covered with a thin layer of snow particles. Wang Yan pushed open the bedroom door and walked to the balcony, feeling the cool morning breeze It blows away, instantly blowing away any remaining drowsiness in him.

Looking back on the nearly half a year since he came to Arad mainland, Wang Yan seemed to be in a dream for a moment. He still remembered that in the winter of last year, he stayed in a rented house rented by himself. The landlord did not install heating. Bo was woken up by the cold at night, and at that time he swore secretly that such a thing would never happen again. Who would have thought that the accident would happen so quickly, and half a year later, he would come to the continent of Arad in a dream.

Looking out from the balcony on the third floor, a large area of ​​Hutton Mar came into view. The falling snow covered the blue bricks and red tiles, and now Hutton Mar was completely white. even a little dazzling.

"Good morning." Wang Yan changed his clothes and went downstairs. Little Lantern and Kong Kongyi, who were playing in the hall, greeted Wang Yan. They basically had no intention of returning to the heaven after staying here. It is good to eat and sleep here, and there are many things to play.

(End of this chapter)

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