DNF Live Allard

Chapter 517 Night Talk (Part 1)

Chapter 517 Night Talk (Part [-])
"Hey, so many!" Wang Yan had only exchanged the Baizhen table a few times, and most of the people present had never tasted it. Seeing Wang Yan's [-]-portion delicacies that quickly filled half the table, everyone responded with great enthusiasm Eliminate them one by one.

The grilled skewers that Paris and her disciples had prepared for a long time followed on the table, and finally the grilled whole lamb, which was golden in color and attractive, exuding a strong meaty aroma, was served, especially when it was wrapped in a The reason for the layer of honey is that the outer skin of the roasted whole lamb is crystallized. After picking up a knife and cutting a piece, the inner lamb is already cooked, and at the same time exudes the sweetness of honey.

After eating this meal for more than an hour, it can be said that the guests and hosts had a good time. For Wang Yan's new residence, everyone said it was very good. If they have time, they will definitely come to visit. Wang Yan naturally welcomes it.

After eight o'clock in the evening, the guests began to leave one after another. The few people in the old street did not ask Celia to see them off. After all, they could return to the place after walking for more than ten minutes. Of course, when they came to the banquet, there were more or less people They all left a gift, and now they are all put together by Kelly.

After sending back Aganzuo and Socia who were farthest away, Celia returned to the villa. She rarely drank a little wine. There was no way. The special wine made by Socia was not only charming in aroma and color, but also It tastes very delicious too.

The disciples of Wang Yan and Paris are tidying up the back garden. The tables and chairs have been carried back into the house, and the grill has been cleaned and wiped clean. Naturally, they have no complaints about these tasks. They all ate very well.

Celia said goodbye, no matter how thick-skinned Wang Yan was, he couldn't say that there were many rooms upstairs. After all, Celia's tree house was just a few hundred meters away. He put down his work, wiped his hands and went to Celia Ya said aside: "I'll take you back."

"No need, I can fly back, see you tomorrow." Celia shook her head, took out the flying broom, flew up slowly and waved to Wang Yan below, Wang Yan looked up and watched the other party leave The figure that disappeared into the night turned his head to look at this courtyard that belonged to him. He was only full of relief in his heart that he finally had a home.

In the end, Paris also left with her disciples after cleaning up the backyard. Wang Yan was not worried about the safety of Paris and the others at all. Night was their home field. Hutton Mar could make Paris feel troublesome. There are only a few people, and they will never appear at night.

After Paris left, there were only Wang Yan and five people left in the villa, and Kaili had no intention of returning to the villa next door. According to her, it was too deserted to sleep alone, so she directly found a place on the second floor. The room is rest.

Little Lantern and Kong Kongyi were also tired after playing for a whole day. They yawned and said good night to Wang Yan, but they were stumped on the stairs. In the end, Wang Yan raised his hand and carried them to the second floor before giving up. .

"Would you like one?" Sand Shadow Belit and Wang Yan sat on the steps chatting in the backyard. Wang Yan didn't intend to go to sleep yet. I didn’t sleep for a long week, because it was in the desert. Once I fell asleep and fell to the ground, no one would know if I could get up. In the end, I walked out of the desert with difficulty. When I saw the house, I almost touched the edge of the bed and fell asleep immediately. , Sleeping for two days and two nights before recovering.

"Forget it, you smoke less, you don't bring much." Seeing Belit handing over a cigar, Wang Yan waved his hand. He has no love for this. There is no way to smoke cigarettes in Arad Continent, and Wang Yan gradually gave up his cigarette addiction. Although he felt uncomfortable at first, he felt much better after getting used to it, and he would not wake up with bitter mouth and smoke in his throat. up.

"You guessed it wrong, I brought a whole suitcase full of cigars, hahahaha." Sha Ying Belit shook his head, Wang Yan couldn't help but click his tongue, a whole suitcase?It must not weigh dozens of kilograms, it will kill people!
"What's your impression of Arad Continent or Hutton Mar?" Wang Yan looked at the night sky, dotted with stars, and today there is only a waning moon. In fact, the moon is also a magic arranged by the great sage Mar. It revealed that Wang Yan was in awe of the great sage, a magician who was comparable to a god. It was a powerful existence that he could not even imagine.

"It's very peaceful, if there is no enemy army stationed outside the city." Shaying Belit responded without hesitation. Regardless of the imperial army outside the city, the city of Hutton Mar is indeed very peaceful. The situation in Ghent is much better. There is no open robbery here, and there is no shooting in a dark corner. Perhaps there will be dark things happening under the cover of night in Hutton Mar, but Sand Shadow Belit has not yet Seeing, or too little happening, in short, peace is Shaying Belit's first impression of Hutton Mar.

"Did you know? More than 500 years ago, the ground under our feet was still a place like the Kahari Desert. This was once the largest central desert in the Arad continent. It cannot be said that there is no grass, but it is certain that there are thousands of miles of people."

"There is such a thing?" Sand Shadow Belit was extremely curious: "What happened later?"

"Later, a powerful magician named Mar appeared. He had appeared in the continent of Arad a long time ago. At that time, he raised the ocean to the sky and revealed the continent of Arad. Don’t you think it’s unimaginable to have the soil for human existence? The Arad Continent, where thousands of creatures exist today, was originally just the bottom of the vast ocean.”

"Unbelievable!" Shaying Belit stopped smoking, and Wang Yan only spoke in words, as if he had seen the god-like strength of the magician named Mar.

"The Principality of Bel Mare today was established after the central desert became an oasis. The great sage Maar set up a magic circle here, gathering magic power and water vapor from the sea, and directly transformed the large desert into an oasis. It took more than 500 years for the oasis to become what it is today." Wang Yan continued to tell the story of the land under their feet, and Sha Ying Belit was fascinated by it. This is something he never knew. Under the ocean of heaven, there have also been great stories that are indelible in time.

"Peace is what everyone in the Arad continent yearns for, except for a few people, and peace is also what I yearn for. If this continent is really peaceful forever, I think I will be very happy." Wang Yan looked at the night sky and sighed. He took a deep breath: "Then maybe I have a reason to return to my hometown."

(End of this chapter)

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