DNF Live Allard

Chapter 490 Intimidation Success (Part 3)

Chapter 490 Successful Threat (Third Change)

"Who is in charge here?" Barn came to the street and looked at the backstreet with people coming and going, and looked sideways at the members of the Knights. Naturally, the other party moved Paris out. Today's backstreet is basically It became the property of Paris, and the Principality didn't have the energy to take care of the backstreet, a slum with no special products. On the contrary, the Backstreet under Paris' governance was more peaceful than before, at least there would be no more messy gang forces They can stretch out their hands here to stand on the street to collect protection fees, and they have all been expelled by Paris's disciples.

"Take me to find her." Barn continued, and soon he saw Paris who was training his disciples. After seeing her, Barn narrowed his eyes. This girl was still in the GSD swordsman dojo just now. See, in the blink of an eye, I came to the back street, did I do enough acting skills?

"Hey, Bahn Juggernaut, why are you interested in coming to this slum in Backstreet, be careful where you step, you can see that your pants are all stained." After seeing Bahn, Paris showed a surprised expression. The boys and girls who were training also stopped, looking curiously and fearfully at the costumes on Barn's group, and then whispering, are these people the terrible imperial knights?
"Where did Norton go?" Bain was not in the mood to be courteous to Paris. He looked directly at Paris and said his request in a low voice: "Hand him over, and I can pretend nothing happened."

"You mean Master Norton. He moved out of the back street a few days ago. After all, he made a lot of money. He must change to a better residence. You can go to the city hall and ask them. They should know where Master Norton has gone. "Paris lied without blinking her eyes. This was a piece of cake for her. When negotiating with gang forces before, even if both parties wanted to stick a knife into each other's chest, they could still sit face to face. Just kidding, Paris has been in the slums for so many years, and she has never seen such a big storm. If Bain wants to threaten her with words or aura, it is considered that he has found the wrong person.

"Really not?" Bahn narrowed his eyes and showed a dangerous smile. Everyone around him felt the cold air passing over their skin, and shivered involuntarily.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm sorry." Paris still smiled, and the scars at the corners of her eyes were also moved because of her smile, destroying the original delicate face.

"Do you want to turn this place into ruins?" Barn raised his finger and pointed at the surrounding buildings and pedestrians. Paris shrugged: "If the Barn Sword Master wants to bully these civilians by relying on the strong and the weak, then don't Blame me for being rude."

"Hahahahahaha." Bain pointed at Paris and laughed loudly, as if he heard something funny, he stood still and pointed at himself: "If you are confident, then attack."

"I'm not going to fight with you, but you want to be presumptuous in the back street. I can only say that you are in the wrong place," Paris clapped her hands, and disciples who came from all directions surrounded Bahn and his party. All of them were dressed in extremely scary clothes, with two bombs hanging on each of them. The expressions of the few imperial soldiers around Bahn couldn't help but change drastically. There are so many people?

The surrounding civilians quickly retreated in embarrassment, leaving only two people standing on the street to confront each other. The members of the Knights of the Principality who were leading the way finally realized what they had just said wrong, but it was too late to regret it now.

Bane kept looking around, weighing the possibility of him leading his subordinates to retreat, and the result was not optimistic. Unless he could instantly capture the leader of the opponent, the bold female warrior, otherwise so many bombs would be thrown over. He himself didn't dare to say that he was fully retreating.

"You are ruthless, but do you think I will give up? You have to know that there are five legions of the empire on standby outside the city of Hutton Marr. Have you really thought about confronting the empire head-on? The consequences of doing so will be absolute." It's something you can't bear." Bain finally gave up the idea of ​​fighting Paris here, and there were crowds of people on the roofs of the surrounding streets, and hundreds of people surrounded the seven of them, holding Dangerous bombs, three or five Bahn can handle, hundreds of thousands of bombs, no one dares to stand here and take it hard.

"My words are very clear. I don't know where Master Norton has gone. They have moved out of the back street. This is something that everyone in the back street knows." Paris had no choice but to resist, regardless of the other party's purpose. What is it? Anyway, he can't be allowed to take Norton away, not only because of Wang Yan's previous request, but also because of the extremely tense relationship between the Principality and the Empire.

"Let's go!" Bain took a deep look at Paris, and waved away with his subordinates. The members of the Knights of the Principality did not follow, and they were all stopped by Paris's disciples. Let them go back by themselves.

"Phew, we've dealt with it for the time being, but it's really not a long-term solution. What is the purpose of the other party looking for Norton? Kelly, Kelly, why didn't you show up when it was so dangerous?" Looking at Bahn and his party With the far away back, Paris breathed a sigh of relief, and finally sent this person away. It was a real confrontation with Barn. Paris felt that she only had the power to protect herself. After all, this is a back street, and she is another The poison king who is good at street fighting, if she really wants to fight, she will make Bahn regret the consequences of provoking the poison king.

"Keep an eye on each other and make sure they won't return to the back street again. I'll leave for a while." Paris asked her disciples to keep an eye on the movements of Bahn and his party, and she took a few disciples to the temporary transfer place of Norton Technology. The location, a small courtyard located in an inconspicuous location in the back street.

"You're here at last. What's the matter? The soldiers of the empire didn't find this place." When Paris entered the courtyard, Norton, who was frowning, showed joy. He was just an alchemist who studied science. He has no fighting ability, but fortunately, Paris and her disciples can rely on him. Norton is glad that he chose to accept Wang Yan's invitation and moved to the backstreet. Without Paris' protection for so long, Norton Technology will definitely be at the beginning of its development. you're going to run into trouble.

"They went to the previous courtyard and asked me about your whereabouts. I asked them to go to the city hall to inquire. It's all right. They left here." Although she was worried, Paris did not tell Norton. Telling the truth and telling the other party the truth will only make the other party more nervous, and it will not help the current situation at all.

"That's good, thank you." Norton nodded again and again, and his disciples also breathed a sigh of relief. Some of them were Norton's assistants in the Imperial Alchemists Guild, and they hated the dull atmosphere of the Imperial Alchemists Guild in their hearts. When Norton left the Imperial Alchemists Guild, they also left there without hesitation. After all, many of their abilities were taught by Professor Norton, and the other part was newly recruited by Norton in Hutton Mall after inspection. The assistants are all trained by him, so they can be trusted.

(End of this chapter)

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