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Chapter 489 Leaked (Part 2)

Chapter 489 Leaked (Second Update)
"Feng Zhen in the eye of the storm, if I remember correctly, you are only 25 years old this year." Bahn stood up and looked at Feng Zhen with a fighting spirit. His next sentence changed Feng Zhen's expression: " I'm eight years older than you, so I'll give you eight tricks."

"Okay, okay." Feng Zhen's body was trembling, and he swore that he would definitely make Bahn regret this decision.

"Regimental Commander." Bahn's subordinates rushed to Baan's side to persuade him. They were in a foreign country, and it was better not to make a move when they could avoid fighting.

"It's okay, it's just a discussion." Bain was very confident. Feng Zhen would come if he was willing to challenge. It just so happened that he had been drifting at sea for two months, and he happened to move his body.

"Please!" Feng Zhen stretched out his hand towards the door, and the group of people came to the wide practice field led by GSD. The two stood still ten meters apart. The dagger at his waist was in his hand and looked at it for a moment, and with the sound of GSD, Feng Zhen raised his hand and released a wave of stored thoughts.

"One move." A golden light emerged from Bahn's body, and he directly resisted the wave of thought energy. He didn't fight back. He had clearly stated before that he would let the wind shake eight moves, so he naturally wouldn't make a mistake.

Feng Zhen has learned Fengquan since he was defeated by the Valkyrie Saremaya. In 991 of the Arad calendar, he came to the Principality of Bel Mare, where the martial arts atmosphere is not so strong, and established his own Fengquan style in Hutton Mar. In the martial arts hall, he has taught a lot of disciples these years, and the most outstanding one is naturally Paris. The other party also practiced martial arts before. After receiving Feng Zhen's guidance, his strength has improved greatly. Although he did not follow Feng Zhen After learning martial arts for a long time, Paris and Feng Zhen are still regarded as masters and apprentices.

"Breath of the Wind"

"Blade of Light"

"Surrounded by Thoughts"

Feng Zhen continued to charge after adding several statuses to himself. Bahn's expression became more solemn than before, and he began to block Feng Zhen's attack with his short sword, but he still didn't strike back.

"Eight strokes!" After blocking Feng Zhen's eight attacks, Barn's momentum was high, and he raised his hand to perform a phantom sword dance. Fortunately, Feng Zhen saw that something was wrong and opened the mind mask, even so the mind mask was constantly emerging The sword qi was tearing and crumbling, and there were small hurricanes appearing at the same time as the sword qi, which was the special effect of the dagger in Bahn's hand.

Next, the two of you came and went and started a real fight. Paris stood aside and watched more and more frightened. Bain really deserved his name as a sword master. The ten strokes showed a decline.

"Ha, you lost!" Bane quickly narrowed the distance to Fengzhen with a five-stage slash, and the Nianqi surrounding Fengzhen hit Bane without any effect, and Bane's body was always showing golden gold Guang Guang, several times Feng Zhen's attacks landed on Bahne's body, but failed to interrupt his attack.

"Haha, happy." Feng Zhen looked at the dagger in front of his chest and laughed. He was not too depressed. After seeing Bahn's strength, he also knew why the other party had the confidence to let him do eight moves. The strength gap between him and Bahne is still far behind, and it won't be able to make up for it in a short time.

"Since the sparring is over, I will take my leave first. There are still things to deal with." Bain put away his dagger and bid farewell to GSD, and left the swordsman dojo with his subordinates. When he found Norton's position, he always felt that Feng Zhen had just asked him to discuss something else. The group of them seemed to know something that he didn't know.

"I have to go back quickly. After such a delay, the Norton team should have almost moved. I guess it won't be long before Bahn can find the back street. I have to guard there." Paris saw Bahn leave He also bid farewell to everyone, and the others also dispersed one after another, leaving only GSD still in the swordsman dojo, GSD smiled wryly when he saw this, and had to go to the east gate of Hutton Mal to let his disciples return.

In the back street, Paris's disciples completely moved out all the experimental supplies in the Norton team's courtyard. They transferred the Norton technology to another hidden location, which is not known to ordinary people. In a short period of time, Bane couldn't find anyone on Norton's team in the back streets.

After leaving GSD's swordsman dojo, Bain and his subordinates separated at the entrance of the old street. He took Jiang You to the west side of the entrance of the old street, while the others walked towards the back street.

"biubiu~" Led by the members of the Principality Knights, the two came to the market in the old street. Seeing the naughty boys holding wooden toys and making gestures with each other, Baan frowned. These toys seemed very Look familiar.

"It's a firearm." After seeing the revolver slung around the waist of a warrior passing by on the street, Bane suddenly realized why he felt that the toy in the hands of the naughty boy was familiar. It was clearly seen in the Imperial Armory It’s just that the firearms in the Imperial Armory are basically hung on the wall as collectibles, because the quantity is too small and there is no mass production. How can any low-level warrior in the Principality wear a firearm?
He asked the members of the Knights of the Principality who were leading the way. The other party did not receive the notification from Lobach, so they naturally disclosed the revolver and Norton technology without hesitation. These things had already been released two or three months ago. The Knights had also captured some warriors fighting with guns, and they knew the origin of these guns clearly.

"Hahahaha, Norton, it turned out to be like this. I said why did I drag me into discussions and reminiscing about the past. It turned out that I was delaying time." How smart Bahn is, he figured out why Lobach felt that before he left. It's weird, but why did Feng Zhen pull him to discuss when he met GSD and his group.

"Please take me to Norton Technology as soon as possible." Bain looked seriously at the members of the Principality Knights who were leading the way, and the other party naturally agreed, and turned around and walked towards the back street with them.

Over there, after Paris left the swordsman dojo, she took a detour and returned to the back street. When she saw that the courtyard of Norton Technology had become empty like a normal residence, she let go of her worries. At this time, the disciple He also came to report that the imperial soldiers who had been staring had entered the back street and were wandering the streets.

"Everyone immediately return to where they should be. Those who are responsible for guarding Norton's technology hide away. Remember to keep your mouth shut and don't reveal Master Norton's current location. Do you understand?"


Barn hurried to the back street to join his subordinates. Led by members of the Principality Knights, the group rushed towards Norton Technology. When they arrived at the courtyard, Barn and the others rushed into the courtyard with the door wide open. Naturally, nothing was found, but there was still some irritating smell in the air. Bahn sniffed it lightly and smiled. It was indeed a laboratory before.

(End of this chapter)

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