DNF Live Allard

Chapter 467 Make Contributions Today

Chapter 467 Make Contributions Today (October 240 Monthly Ticket Plus Update)

"Report! Colonel Nibel has not withdrawn from the battlefield, and is still leading people to attack the front line of Callett." Just when the headquarters was hesitating, a telegram was sent from the front line, which made several commanders of the headquarters almost explode with anger. This kind of stabbing soldier is the most annoying. I didn't expect that the other party, as a colonel, didn't change his previous stabbing soldier's character.

"I'm leaving. If you don't go, then we will have to figure out a way to solve the troubles in Luft Harbor. I hope you can remain calm after the reward from Her Royal Highness arrives." Kaili was also disappointed when she saw that her persuasion was ineffective. After leaving, she asked where the colonel's troops were located, and then drove towards that side on a motorcycle. If the other party could break through the blockade of the Callet front line, they would definitely find that the road to Luft Harbor had changed. Get Yimapingchuan.

"Everyone, let's vote on whether to continue attacking the front line of Callett." After Kaili left, the five army commanders in the headquarters all looked at each other in blank dismay. It's the flood of Callett's reinforcements.

The final result of the vote was ironic. Two people agreed, two opposed, and one abstained, which meant that they could not retreat or move forward now. They could only maintain the current situation and wait for the next development of the situation.

"I believe in the veterans of the Ardennes Heights. They survived the hail of bullets, and their love for the imperial capital is no less than that of you and me. Just stay here and guard. I will lead the legion to break through the front line of Kalet."

"Me too."

The two legion chiefs who agreed to send troops announced their withdrawal from the headquarters after the vote was completed, and then actually started to mobilize the legions under their names. Target them.

"Colonel, hurry up and retreat, Callett's reinforcements are about to arrive." In the frontline battlefield where the artillery fire was rumbling, the staff around Nibel kept reminding the other party that he already knew that they were the only team left in the entire frontline The men and horses haven't evacuated yet, they are fighting alone now.

"Don't worry, you can still fight. The bastard on the other side seems to be retreating." Nibel observed the battle situation on the front line with a telescope, ignoring the suggestion of the staff officer. If he wanted to retreat, he would have already ordered the retreat. Now the battle situation is clear. They have already opened a hole in Carret's front line of defense, and they can seize this opportunity to attack.

"Let the gunners gather, everyone, the time to make contributions has come. Whether you can seize this opportunity depends on whether you are willing to work hard." Nibel put down the binoculars. He is not good at commanding, and he is also a powerful gunner , Going into battle to kill the enemy is what he is best at.

"Yes, sir." The assembled gunners all looked excited, can they fight together with the sir again?Now they have nothing to fear.

When Kaili arrived at the Nibel Division, who was still fighting with Callett on the front line, the battle had entered the most difficult moment. Kelly threw herself into the battlefield without saying a word, especially when she started chasing the retreating Callett. Soldiers are even more courageous.

The soldiers on the front line of Callett never expected that the news of the arrival of reinforcements from their own side came. The Imperial Army is still on the offensive. Many soldiers of Callett have no idea of ​​​​fighting the opponent. Just kidding, they are all who If you are willing to use flesh and blood to block the muzzle of the gun, wouldn't it be nice to wait for the arrival of the large army to push along with the trend.

So after the line of defense was breached, the soldiers on the front line of Callett began to retreat strategically. They thought beautifully, and they could welcome reinforcements from the rear after retreating up to ten kilometers. However, these people retreated until they were ten kilometers away from Luft Harbor. At the same time, the reinforcements still did not wait.

Facing the additional reinforcements sent by the two regiments of the Imperial Capital Army, the soldiers on the front line of Callet began to be defeated. They did not want to fight with the Imperial Army at this time. God, the imperial army tore open gaps one after another.

"Hahahaha, happy, these bastards are finally scared." Nibel led his men to chase for nearly 1000 kilometers before slowing down. A [-]-man army can tear apart the tens of thousands of people on the front line of Kalet. One hole, and with the help of the two backup legions, advancing so far, there is absolutely nothing to lose in this battle.

"It's a pity that Callett's reinforcements are here, we still have to retreat." The guard next to Nibel sighed, and Nibel's interest was not very high. He only decided after hearing the news of the arrival of Callett's backup troops. Seize this rare opportunity to catch the opponent by surprise, but it is a pity that the advancing front will be occupied by Callett sooner or later.

"Sir, the female ranger gunner is here." The soldier took Kelly to the temporary resting place for everyone. The first sentence that Kelly said after seeing Nibel shocked the other party: "Colonel, would you like to take the lead?" Soldiers invaded the Luft Harbor? Now most of the Kalet reinforcements in the Luft Harbor have been wiped out, and the rest are also captured and waiting to be received."

"There is such a thing?" Nibel was naturally shocked, but after Kelly revealed that he was a veteran of the Battle of the Ardennes, Nibel was extremely excited. He knew that if he continued to move forward, he would definitely risk being wiped out. But if Luft Harbor is really in complete control as the other party said, wouldn't it be a great military exploit waiting for them to receive it?

"I've already gone to the command post. Look at the two legions that joined the battle. They must have believed my words. Colonel, make a decision quickly." Kelly persuaded the other party for the last time. If Nibel also hesitated, She was about to return to Luft Harbor immediately to inform Kaili of the news. If the other party stepped forward, the trouble would definitely be resolved.

"Okay, I believe you have the honor of being a soldier, the whole team has it, continue to set off, target, Luft Harbor!" Nibel finally decided to trust Kelly once, if it is impossible to get close to the harbor, he can find a way to retreat, if the harbor Really, as the other party said, the great military exploits will come that day.

In Luft Harbor, after he used the whirlwind to warn some members of Callett who were ready to move, the rest of them were completely honest. They lowered their heads and crouched on the ground. Wang Yan's strength was so terrifying that he could A ten-meter-thick hurricane was summoned and hundreds of people were swept into the sky. They were really afraid that the other party would come to another huge storm like the dock.

The Kalter soldiers who were defeated on the front line and rushed back to Luft Harbor couldn't believe their eyes. What's going on, where are our reinforcements?What about docks that land like a hurricane?

(End of this chapter)

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