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Chapter 466 You were captured by me

Chapter 466 You Are Captured by Me

A few kilometers to the north of Luft Harbor, Landilus gritted his teeth and watched the hurricane rising from the pier. He knew that the appearance of this force meant that he had completely lost control of Luft Harbor.

He also finally knew how the lingering sense of crisis came about. The existence that could display this terrifying skill sneaked into the harbor last night. The primary target was not himself, and he was sufficiently excited to take people out of the camp quietly after dealing with Giselle's stand-in.

"Callet is basically finished." Lantilus's face was full of sadness. The 10,000+ backup army that had just arrived was wiped out by a mysterious person. He didn't need to look to know what the members of the harbor are thinking now. If there is no way to escape, then surrender, because he would do the same when his life is controlled by the other party.

"I have to go, and I can't go to Ghent either. The other party may be a helper from the imperial capital. I have to find a place to hide for a while. It's him, this world is too dangerous." Lantilus dismissed In order to get rid of the idea of ​​chasing after his subordinates, he knew that there were people with such strength, and his ridiculous plan was really a joke in the eyes of the other party.

"Why doesn't he become king himself?" This was Landilus' last thought before leaving. He naturally didn't understand that not everyone would want to dominate the world like him.

When Wang Yan flew from the sky and appeared above the temporary camp of the Callett organization, a large number of members of the Callett organization fell to their knees in horror. They were really afraid that the man in the sky would once again display a terrible hurricane. My God, terrible!

"I announce, as honorary councilor of Ghent, that you are under arrest."

"Now, everyone put down their weapons and gather towards the open space north of the camp."

"Don't try to escape, know that the power of wind is everywhere!"

When the first group of Kalet members consciously gathered in the open space north of the camp, more people followed behind them in a daze. Conformity.

"We have to let the Imperial Army take over as soon as possible." Wang Yan knew that no matter if it was the tens of thousands of Callett members below, or the more than [-] captives in the harbor, or the mess on the pier, it was not an issue. A few people here can solve it.

"Sister, go to the frontline camp as soon as possible and inform them to come to Luft harbor immediately and take over here." Wang Yan said to Kaili who came from the seaside, he can't leave here, otherwise these Carter Members will definitely find ways to escape, or even massacre innocent prisoners. Wang Yan does not doubt that this will happen. Without his deterrence, these people can do anything.

"I'll go right away!" Kaili nodded, went to the camp to find a motorcycle, and then rode fast to the frontline battlefield in the north. I'm afraid there is still a stalemate there.

About [-] kilometers away from Luft Harbor is the front-line battlefield. When the members who sneaked into the harbor returned, they learned that the backup troops of the Callett Organization were about to arrive, and the headquarters showed panic. Just shrinking back, the fierce battle was temporarily suspended.

"What's going on? I'll be able to repel those Kellert's bastards soon, and retreat?" A soldier shouted angrily, and was almost able to break through the defense line set up by Kellert. Let the troops retreat?
"Follow orders, soldier."

At the same time, Kalet's front line is also very puzzled, but it is good for the imperial army to retreat, and they can finally take the opportunity to rest. I don't know when their reinforcements will arrive. When the large troops arrive, they must let these imperial troops The capital army came and went.

When the telegram from the rear was transmitted to the front line, the members of Callett at the front finally knew why the Imperial Capital Army had retreated. Cheers from members of Callett resounded in the front camp. up!

When Kaili carefully bypassed Callett's front line defense and returned to the Imperial Army's garrison, she realized that the garrison here was actually preparing to evacuate, which made her very angry. Life is in danger and defeated Callett's reinforcements, but they just heard the news of the other party's arrival and were about to evacuate?

"Stop coming! Report your identity." Kelly was stopped in front of the garrison camp.

"This is my identity card. I have brought urgent information about Luft Harbor. Hurry up and inform the headquarters not to evacuate!" Kaili was very anxious. Specially prepared identifications, all of which are the identities of the research assistants of the Elytra of the Seven Gods.

"Researcher of the Elytra of the Seven Gods? When did they come to the front line?" The headquarters was full of wonder after receiving the report from the soldiers.

"Have you forgotten that Congressman Kerry? He seems to have come to the front line, but he has disappeared since he arrived. Two researchers who came with him are the elytra of the Seven Gods, are they?"

"By the way, Senator Carey, did something happen to him? Bring someone in!"

Kelly, who had been waiting anxiously at the gate of the camp, was finally let go. She was taken to the headquarters by the guards, but all the weapons on her body were temporarily put away. Tells about important events that happened in Luft Harbor.

"What? Carret's reinforcements were wiped out by the few of you? Are you kidding me!" Just as Kelly finished speaking, someone yelled loudly, and the others also had ghostly expressions on their faces. It's time to evacuate from the front line, but some people say that Callett's reinforcements have been wiped out, and now it's time for them to go to accept Luft Harbor.

"If it weren't for the authenticity of your identity certificate, I would arrest you as a spy of Carret right now."

"I swear as a veteran of the Ardennes Highlands, I am willing to take responsibility for my words. If you don't believe me, you can punish me by military law. However, please set off for Luft Harbor as soon as possible. There are [-] captives waiting for your rescue. Tens of thousands of Kalet members have been temporarily captured, and I am very worried that they will riot!"

Kelly knew that the other party was right to suspect her. After all, anyone would think she was whimsical, but she couldn't let her younger brother Kelly take the risk alone. Who knows if so many Callett members gathered together would try to resist? Carey, after all, those people will definitely realize that there is only one person on the other side after the fear is over.

"This..." It was really useful for Kaili to reveal that she was a veteran of the Ardennes. Everyone present hesitated. What if, what if it was true?Moreover, they have not yet received the order to retreat from the rear, they are just preparing for the retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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