DNF Live Allard

Chapter 400 Death Revolver Body Tattoo (4269)

Chapter 400 Death Revolver Body Tattoo (4269)

The two chose to get off the car, and Wang Yan parked the off-road jeep. There is a special parking place beside the market area, otherwise Wang Yan would have to put away the off-road jeep in front of the public. You must know that there is no magic here in the heavens. That sort of thing, he'd scare people by doing it.

Wang Yan followed Kaili into the market area. As Kaili said, everything is sold here, including daily necessities such as cloth, leather, and food, as well as cosmetics such as watercolors, rouge, and lipstick. There is a store selling equipment and parts. Wang Yan even saw a store selling motorcycles. A row of large motorcycles are placed side by side at the door, which looks familiar.

On the other side, after Zedin Schneider led the team to patrol the workshop area, she came to the market area immediately. This is what she does every day. Although Ghent is large, some places with dense traffic still need to Patroled daily.

When pedestrians on the side of the road see Zeddin Schneider, they will involuntarily look at her right arm. Without him, Zeddin Schneider's right hand looks like a cannon at the moment, and on it is an arm made of steel attached to the body.

Zeddin didn't care about the eyes of the people around her at all, just like the scars on her face that were not covered by her hair. She had participated in dozens of battles, big and small, and now she was no longer the weak and weak person she was when she first joined the army.

She is the current captain of the defense team in Ghent, responsible for guarding the safety of the imperial capital of Ghent. As a woman, Zedin Schneider never thought that she would become the captain of the defense team one day.

However, the position of the captain of the garrison team is the most vulnerable to the enemy's targeted sniping during wartime. When Carter organized the first attack on Ghent, the captain of the garrison team died one after another. After death, no one dared to take over. As a woman, Zeddin was well-known at the time. After being elected by many people, she took over the position of the captain of the defense team. Fortunately, because Ghent's defense was too strong, Carret's shortage of supplies was quickly withdrawn, and it was over. over that battle.

The reason why she wanted to join the Imperial Capital Army has been for a long time. Her brother died in the battle with Carret when Zedin Schneider was very young. At that time, the Carret organization had not rushed out of Mospi Si, Zeddin Schneider's elder brother is a gunner of the Royal Army stationed in the Ardennes Heights. Fallen, he also died in the Ardennes Heights.

For this reason, Zeddin Schneider vowed to destroy Carter. When she was just old enough to join the Imperial Army, she was a weak girl, but she carried a rifle on her back and became a member of the Imperial Army.

At first, others naturally didn't like her as a weak girl, but Zeding Schneider had her own persistence. She cut her hair short and bound her chest. Every time she fought Carret, she took the lead. A lot of scars were left, and another woman might have cried a long time ago, but Zedin Schneider has her own insistence, and she doesn't care at all.

Only when he lost his arm after a battle did Zeddin shed tears once. Fortunately, the genius scientist of the Elytra of the Seven Gods installed a new mechanical arm for him. With the hand cannon, you can directly use the mechanical right arm to fire the cannon, and it is very convenient, even easier to use than the human arm.

Zeddin Schneider has been eyeing a person recently, an old man who looks unusual, the origin of the other person is mysterious, although he is no different from ordinary people in the market area all day long, but the blind right eye of the other party shows that the other party has a very strong personality. unusual past.

She suspected that the old man was a spy from the Callett organization. Zeddin had met many people like this, and picked them out one by one. None of Callett's spies was as tenacious when facing a hand cannon aimed at his head. After all, the Callett Organization was established for too short a time, and apart from the diehard members, most of its members were forced to join the Callett Organization for the sake of making a living.

After entering the market area, the members of the neatly arranged garrison dispersed in groups of two and two. They need to patrol the market area for half an hour. Once there is a problem, they will immediately blow their whistle to call other companions. Although such a situation Rarely encountered.

Zeding strode towards the east side of the market area. Many people made way for her in the places she passed, because people had already recognized Zedin's origin, and they talked quietly after she left. Looking at Zeddin, of course, is all admiration and admiration for him. After all, becoming the captain of the Ghent defense team as a woman has not happened for many years, not to mention that Zeddin Schneider leads the team to patrol every day. , Everyone can see how hard they work.

On the east side of the market area, an old man with white hair and his right eye covered with a black eyepatch sat on the steps leaning against a wooden pillar and looked at the passers-by. His face looked very kind, at least for others. It seems so, but when he sees soldiers passing by with guns, there will be a hint of vigilance in his intact left eye, and it will disappear in the blink of an eye.

He is the master that Kaili has always missed, the gun master who once made his name resound throughout the lawless zone, Belit, nicknamed Sand Shadow.

From the current Belit, there is no shadow of the once famous gun god, but more like a butler of a dilapidated nobleman in order to maintain the last bit of face. This can be seen from the clothes on Belit, washed An old but clean white shirt, a dark vest, and a pair of jeans on the lower body, but there are holes in the knees. This is the clothing that only young people would wear, but Belit still wears it, it seems that there is no Replacement clothing is average.

The dark windbreaker adds a lot of points to it, as does the brown hat placed on the side of the steps. Some people who have known Sand Shadow Belit for a long time will half-jokingly call him an old gentleman. Sand Shadow Bailey Te just smiled and didn't explain.

Behind him is a wooden shop, the exterior is painted white, and inside the shop is Shaying Belit’s business, which sells parts and bullets of various firearms. Of course, if you want to buy from him It is also feasible to buy a finished firearm here, but Shaying Belit seldom does this, because it will be watched by the guards.

"Here we go again." When seeing Zedine Schneider coming from the corner of the street, Shaying Belit sighed, and Zeding Schneider greeted the people around him and walked towards him, and finally came to the In front of Sand Shadow Belit.

"Good morning." Zeddin came to Sand Shadow Belit's shop, looked at Sand Shadow Belit who was sitting motionless on the steps,
"What's the matter, kid." Sand Shadow Belit put on his hat and stood up. He was tall and tall, and he was standing on the steps, so he could easily look down on Zedin Schneider, who was much shorter.

(End of this chapter)

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