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Chapter 399 What is the way to drink rum without salt? (4169)

Chapter 399 What is the way to drink rum without salt? (4169)

Listening to Wang Yan's question about the banknotes, Kelly nodded and explained, and then she said: "You also know that after the arrival of the Tyrannosaurus Bakar, the Heaven Realm launched the ban on magic, and magic is completely invisible in the Heaven Realm. There are no storage bags here, when I first fell into the underground world of Arad, I was very surprised to see the magic gold card and storage bags at first.”

"Is that so?" Wang Yan nodded. Yes, people in the heavens who are used to having no magic power naturally have their own way to deal with the problem of heavy gold coins. Paper currency will also appear as a matter of course to replace gold coins and become the mainstream currency.

"There's a tavern over there, let's go, I'll take you to see what a tavern in Heaven looks like." Not long after walking on the commercial street, Kaili's eyes lit up, and she pointed to a place with lanterns hanging on the side of the street. Compared with other places, the store looks much brighter, probably because of the lighting of oil lamps or candles.

The wooden door of the tavern is very short and only reaches the waist of the person. Wang Yan was a little surprised when he entered the tavern through the two wooden doors that can move back and forth after Kaili. This kind of wooden door is very interesting. It can basically rotate 360 ​​degrees without using it at all. Push the door open, and when you walk over, you squeeze your body and pass.

Since the time is already in the wild, there are quite a few guests in the tavern. Kelly lifted up her windbreaker and tied it around her waist, revealing the two revolvers on her belt. This is a necessary behavior in the heaven , basically no one would dare to provoke a person dressed like this.

Sure enough, after seeing Kelly striding into the tavern, the originally bustling drinkers couldn't help but lower their voices after seeing Kelly's attire. Roaming gunmen, this was the first time they saw Kelly. Thoughts for a while.

"Good evening, both of you. The power is out, and the tavern is rather dark. Please forgive me." The owner of the tavern counter nodded to Kaili and Wang Yan, unlike the tavern at Hutton Marr who used female bartenders, From the owner to the bartender to the bartender in this tavern, all men are probably because the environment of the tavern is really mixed.

"Two glasses of rum, without salt." Kaili ordered the wine that surprised Wang Yan, and Wang Yan couldn't help complaining in the live broadcast room, what kind of wine is rum?What the hell is adding salt?

The bartender quickly brought up the wine, and Kelly threw out a gold coin and said, "You don't need to look for it."

The value of gold coins is higher than that of banknotes. Kelly has not returned to the heavens for so many years, and she has no paper money from the heavens on her body. Even if she had lost it when she crossed the sea of ​​sky.

It’s also interesting to say that the strengthening furnace in Kaili’s strengthening shop was assembled by Kaili herself. She learned how to strengthen her revolver when she was in the heaven, but when she came to the mainland of Arad, she found that there was no strengthening equipment here. Machines, just collect materials and assemble them little by little. You must know that most of the weapons used here in Tianjie are strengthened, and furnace rock carbon is also easy to find.

Wang Yan picked up a glass of sweet wine and took a sip, and found that the taste was a bit like fruit juice but also had the taste of wine. What should I say, it tasted like fruit beer.

Kelly gulped down the rum in the glass, and after drinking it, her face was full of aftertaste. After many years, she finally tasted the taste of rum again.

The trip to the tavern ended peacefully. Kelly came in with her two guns showing. This is the quiet and peaceful outskirts of Ghent. It's not the kind of chaotic place in the lawless area. Naturally, no one who doesn't have eyes would dare to disturb her. and Wang Yan.

There is a place to stay in the backyard of the tavern. Seeing that it was getting late and it was pitch black outside, Wang Yan and Kaili stayed here temporarily. Before going to bed, Kaili made arrangements for tomorrow's itinerary. The two of them will arrive in Ghent tomorrow. East Gate, and then entered the city of Ghent to inquire about the news. After all, all the news Kelly knew was eight years ago.

"Will I meet someone I know tomorrow? Ghent, the capital of the gods, I'm back." Kaili said goodbye to Wang Yan. It has become Kelly's instinct to touch the place, and she picked it up again on the first day she returned to the heaven.

The next morning, the two left the tavern. Wang Yan called out the off-road jeep. Facing the off-road jeep, the people around were just surprised at how Wang Yan could carry it with him. They didn't pay much attention to the off-road jeep. They have also seen transport vehicles that don't need fuel and look similar to off-road jeeps.

The off-road jeep quickly passed through the civilian area and drove onto the main road. This is the road leading to the east gate of Ghent. When Wang Yan and the others came to the heaven, they appeared in the civilian area outside Ghent, only [-] meters away from Ghent. Just about five kilometers.

Only ten minutes later, the off-road jeep arrived in front of the east gate of Ghent. Kelly frowned as she looked at the imperial army guarding the gate in front of the east gate of Ghent. There must be too many of these soldiers. Is the city gate worth a centurion guarding here?
Wang Yan stopped the vehicle and looked at the Ghent Royal Army with rifles on their backs. In addition to the rifles that had been straddling their shoulders, they could also see revolvers and automatic pistols around their waists. Their uniforms were The ones are dark green and light blue, and their appearance is almost the same as Hutton Marr's guards. The ordinary soldiers only have a uniform, and those above the captain level have tassel pendants and epaulettes.

"Stop!" A few soldiers from the Imperial Army with rifles on their backs strode forward and came to the vehicle driven by Wang Yan. One of them knocked on the window and said, "Get out of the car and accept the inspection."

The inspection was time-consuming, but fortunately, the Imperial Capital Army guarding the city gates were not as difficult as imagined. After confirming that Wang Yan and Kaili did not possess heavy firearms or explosives, Wang Yan delivered enough After paying the entry fee, the off-road jeep drove in from the east gate of Ghent and entered the city of Ghent.

"Doesn't the pass be checked when entering Ghent?" Wang Yan turned his head and asked Kaili who was sitting in the passenger seat. He thought that Kaili had a way to enter the city, but he didn't expect that the Imperial Army at the gate of the city did not check this.

"The heavens have been isolated from the outside world for thousands of years. Martial law is only imposed in Ghent during wartime. At that time, people with weapons are not allowed to enter Ghent, except for soldiers."

The off-road jeep quickly drove out of the city gate, which meant that Wang Yan and Kaili had completely entered the city of Ghent. After leaving the city gate, the off-road jeep returned to the bustling commercial street again. The driving motorcycles and cars made Wang Yan feel as if he had returned to the earth.

"This is the market area of ​​Ghent. The market area is very large. Basically, the entire Ghent can be regarded as a market area. The residential area is also mixed with the market area. It is very lively here, selling all kinds of items. , let's come down." Kaili's eyes lit up when Wang Yan drove to the market area, and she finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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