DNF Live Allard

Chapter 285 Kelly's Panic (55)

Chapter 285 Kelly's Panic (55)

"Well, you will appear at the front desk instead of me. Don't worry about the empire. I will take care of it. The development of the alchemy room is on the agenda. When Paris finds a suitable place for alchemy, you guys Just move there, and then you can start making spare clips and bullets.”

Seeing Norton's shocked appearance, Wang Yan said with a smile, in fact, he can't afford this name. In the future, Norton and his team will still build Norton technology. After Norton's death, the team returned to the Delos Empire and got a grand They have made great achievements in the application of crystal energy. Wang Yan is now planning to cut off the beard in advance, and he will not hesitate to spend any money and effort for this. He must let Norton stay in Hutton Marr.

"The financial support of the alchemy room will be promised soon after you complete the relocation. The initial development fund is set at 100 million magic gold coins. After you have thoroughly researched the spare magazines, you can start your own research. You Are you studying the application of colorless crystal blocks and Terra Stone?"

"You know?" Norton was even more surprised. After he and his team escaped from the test site of the Bilmark Empire, they extracted the magic power from the colorless crystal block, and the same is true for Terra Stone. It was brought by the Imperial Proving Ground. No one should know about it.

"I know that there is a person who is also researching Terra Stone, and has successfully made it into an artifact-quality weapon. He has also come to Hutton Mar. At that time, I will see if the other party has any plans to join Norton Technology. I believe You must have something in common."

The person Wang Yan was talking about was naturally the blacksmith Linus. When he met the cupping pot a few days ago, the other party mentioned that Linus also came to Hutton Marr. Now he must be staying there temporarily. Paris sent someone to search for him, and he was sure to find him, after all, he carried something as big as a forging furnace.

"My God!" Hearing that someone actually made Terra Stone into a weapon, Norton was almost speechless. The power contained in this material is extremely unstable. He has just come into contact with it and has not studied it thoroughly. Who is so bold? Dare to forge it into a weapon?Aren't you afraid that the power inside will explode?
"I want to see him as soon as possible, and I'd better bring those terra stone weapons." Norton looked at Wang Yan and said eagerly.

"No problem, I will ask Paris to find someone later." Wang Yan nodded and left. Norton also asked his assistants to start packing up various items in the alchemy room. The place is too small for the development of the alchemy room. I believe After moving to a new place, and setting up the magic shield, you can really start to study what you have always wanted to study.

"Looking for someone again? A middle-aged blacksmith with a forging furnace? I know, I will let people find it as soon as possible." When Paris saw Wang Yan again, she received Wang Yan's order without hesitation Even though Paris agreed, she also knew the name of Norton Technology, which Wang Yan took down, so she couldn't help pursing her lips. Is that little old Norton so powerful?To be so valued by Carey!

"Have you found the new place for Norton Technology? As soon as possible, they have already started to pack up various items. When the time comes, you will ask your disciples to help relocate. Their alchemy room is responsible for the output of various items, and you will Will be responsible for the safety of the other party and the follow-up sales work, what do you think?"

"It's pretty good." Paris is very satisfied with Wang Yan's consideration for herself. She has been in a panic recently, and it is rare to have such a serious business. When she thinks that she will be able to appear in Hutton Mar in the future, She might even become someone else's fawning object, so don't worry about Paris.

"Well, as I said before, the final [-]% of the reward belongs to you and your disciples. The bigger the business you do, the more rewards you will get in the end. I believe you will do it with your heart. You do things , I don’t worry, then I’ll go first.” After Wang Yan finished speaking, he felt that he had nothing to explain for the time being, so he nodded to Paris and left.

"What an interesting person. What is he planning for giving so much without expecting anything in return?" Looking at Wang Yan's back, Paris looked at the batch of firearms on the table and smiled slightly. Whatever he wanted to do, he could It is enough to support myself and a large group of people in the back street. Anyway, this is not a matter of murder and arson.

"Where did you go? I haven't been back for so long." Near the evening, Kaili saw Wang Yan walking slowly from the corner of the street. She showed a reproachful expression, and then waved to Wang Yan: "Hurry up and prepare to eat gone."

"I went to the backstreet and met Paris." When he sat down at the dining table, Wang Yan told about his afternoon itinerary, and learned that Wang Yan had unexpectedly combined Paris' power with a Kelly was shocked when the alchemy team took over, it was too fast.

"What are you going to use it for?" Kelly panicked: "Brother, are you leaving me?"

"That's not the case, don't worry, that alchemist Norton himself has an equipment disassembly machine, and this disassembly machine can be left here with your sister, please see this." Wang Yan quickly explained his plan, and at the same time took out the machine. Two revolvers and an automatic pistol lay on the table.

"You brought it from heaven?" Seeing the familiar firearms and weapons, Kelly blinked, stood up and held the revolver, opened the trigger of the automatic pistol and waved it, and then put it down dissatisfied: " It’s too low-quality, be careful it will explode.”

"Don't worry if it won't explode. Although it looks broken, it is absolutely normal to use. This is what I want. I will definitely not release a really sophisticated weapon. Isn't that asking for trouble? What if It's funny to be hit by bullets." Wang Yan said with a smile, the weapons produced in the dungeon game can be used with confidence, unless they are too worn out, they will lose their effect, but Wang Yan never thought of using firearms. As a long-term business, it is enough for others to buy something that can be used for a year or so.

"You think it's quite safe, it should be so, that is to say, you plan to run the firearms business? Why didn't you think of your sister and me, I also run the shop on Hutton Mar Center Street, the customers here There should be more." Kaili put away both of them, puffed her mouth and looked at Wang Yan with a little dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, how can you handle so many buyers by yourself? I've thought about it. Sister, you only sell high-quality firearms here. You can also consider rare-quality firearms, but you must be sure of the buyers. People with unknown origins must not sell it to him." Wang Yan waved his hands again and again, put away the blank gun, took out a high-quality automatic pistol, and then took out a rare and artifact-quality gun.

 After zero o'clock is a new week, ask for some free recommendation tickets, and next week will start to return the previous additions, and the [-] recommendation tickets will also be released.


(End of this chapter)

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