DNF Live Allard

Chapter 284 The idea of ​​promoting firearms (45)

Chapter 284 The idea of ​​promoting firearms (45)

"Is this the place where you really live? It's really cautious." Wang Yan nodded after entering this room. Paris really managed her lair very well, although Wang Yan didn't see anything along the way. People, but only walked in from the outside under the leadership of Paris. If other people entered without leading, the ubiquitous traps would let them see the power of Street Fighter.

"It's time for you to fulfill your promise." Paris rubbed her fingers, the meaning was self-evident.

"Your place isn't big enough, I guess half of the place will be taken up." Wang Yan shook his head, and then, under Paris's shocked gaze, he stretched out his hand and faced the ground, golden gold coins fell like a tide. Just a few breaths of time is enough to fill up a large open space.

"300 million, you won't be able to put any more here." After taking out 300 million gold coins, Wang Yan saw that there was not enough space to place the gold coins, and he stopped. He looked at Paris with her mouth wide open and her face full of shock. : "I forgot to tell you, the gold coins here are all cash."

"Did you rob the royal family's treasury? Otherwise, where did you get so many gold coins! Shouldn't normal people exchange gold coins for magic gold cards to facilitate transactions? What a weirdo!" Paris finally regained her composure, and she stretched out her hand to grab Picking up a handful of gold coins and letting it fall into the pile of gold coins, his eyes were full of joy. With such gold coins, the welfare of members of the faction can finally be improved. I believe that at that time, more people will definitely want to join.

"That's because you don't know that I have hundreds of millions of gold coins here." Wang Yan twitched his mouth and didn't say this. The gold coins in the dungeon game have already flooded, but the gold coins here in the Arad mainland are quite stable.

"Do you have any thoughts on the future development of the power?" Paris went to the inner room to retrieve the development records of the power, which recorded in detail all the members and strength of the power, as well as the industries under her name. Paris did not Instead of oppressing ordinary civilians, they collect the rent and taxes of the shops on a regular basis. That's right, the taxes in the back streets are customized by Paris.

"It's definitely not possible to continue to develop according to your situation. There is no special industry at all. It's just something to eat from the mouths of ordinary people. I don't plan to make money from these ordinary people."

"Could it be that you still want to earn money from warriors and nobles?"

"Of course, the money of the rich is best earned, followed by women and children. Let me see what can become a characteristic industry of the power. It must be the kind that can be regenerated." Wang Yan said in the account treasury He rummaged around, and soon he saw something and smiled, and it was it.

"What is this?" Seeing Wang Yan take out the small automatic pistol and revolver, Paris asked in surprise. Does it look like a lump of iron?

"Don't underestimate this kind of weapon. They are unique weapons in the heavens. Although the lethality is not too great, they are extremely light. They are more convenient than flying darts and hand crossbows, except for the harmless disadvantage of being louder." Wang Yan will Rows of whiteboard weapons were taken out and placed on the table, and then the safety of an automatic pistol was released, and the trigger was pulled against the ground. After a few muffled bangs, the lasing bullets penetrated deep into the floor tiles, making holes in the floor tiles one by one. Come on, the warhead has already penetrated into the floor tiles and is invisible.

"This kind of weapon..." Paris frowned. The lethality is a bit too much. Even if she throws darts, she can't use them continuously. Most of the darts are used to harass the enemy. The lethality is natural not so good.

"Weapons such as firearms have not yet appeared in Arad on a large scale. I believe their market must be very broad, and they are most suitable for becoming a special product of the faction. You can send people to sell these firearms, and the [-]% you get will be used as a gift for you and your members. The other rewards should be included in the guild’s public treasury first. I will check the sales situation and replenish the stock every once in a while. I will ask Master Norton to study spare magazines. Firearms may not make too much money, but spare magazines will definitely It can make a lot of money." Wang Yan expressed his thoughts, and he felt more and more that this idea was very good.

"It's like a bow and crossbow. The arrow consumption of the crossbow has always been huge, and many nobles have put their feet on it. Will it cause hostility from others?" Paris was a little worried.

"Don't worry, I will recruit A-Gump Zuo Jiansheng at that time. He doesn't need to show up, just hang a name. His noble status will definitely be very effective. I will bring you to visit him once at that time, that's okay." Eliminate the misunderstanding from last time." Wang Yan couldn't help chuckling when he recalled the dispute between Paris and A-Gump last time. At that time, Paris provoked A-Gump in all kinds of ways because the other party became a nobleman. Paris hates nobles the most.

"You have to know that he is a commoner himself, and he is fundamentally different from other hereditary nobles. Even if he becomes a noble now, he still stays in his own residence or the Moonlight Tavern all day long. There is no difference from before. Why can't he live in peace?" See With Paris's hesitant expression, Wang Yan persuaded again, now that he has included Paris and his disciples under his command, he naturally doesn't want to see the other party become hostile to Forrest Gump Zuo Jiansheng.

"Okay then, you can bring me with you when the time comes. Speaking of the other party's great contribution back then, it should be rewarded by the Principality. I went too far that day." Paris finally nodded, a little embarrassed Said to Wang Yan, Wang Yan shook his head: "It's been so long, A-Gump Zuo Jiansheng shouldn't care about it, if you make it clear, there will be no problem."

The reason why Wang Yan sells the revolver and automatic pistol of the white board as goods is that Wang Yan also has his own plan. These weapons have limited lethality and are not as powerful as rifles and hand cannons. Because of the quality of the white board, they do not have their own skills. Perhaps those who are interested will be very interested in this new weapon, but Wang Yan feels that he can cancel the supply of spare magazines at any time, so he should not be hindered by others.

The ammunition used by revolvers and automatic pistols is gunpowder bullets. Wang Yan has seen each other equipped with this material in Norton's alchemy room before. I believe that as long as the opponent has seen the internal structure of pistols and bullets, he can It was easy to make spare magazines, just as Wang Yan also wanted to find something for Norton and the others to do.

Wang Yan also plans to add a self-destruct device to the bullet. Once it is tried to disassemble it, it will spontaneously ignite. The division studied the internal structure.

"This will be the first product after the establishment of Norton Technology. Although you and Paris are serving me, after the bullet is produced, the transactions between each other must be clearly recorded. I will check it at that time. Yes." In the wooden house on the old street where Norton was, Wang Yan saw Norton and his assistants. He disassembled the revolver and automatic pistol, and took out the ammunition. After explaining the structure of the firearm and ammunition, Wang Yan said to Said the thoughtful Norton.

"Norton Technology?" Norton looked surprised. Is this the name of the power that Carey thought of?With his own name as a signboard, Norton naturally has a sense of honor.

(End of this chapter)

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