DNF Live Allard

Chapter 246 Albert Meets Lori Ann for the First Time (15)

Chapter 246 Albert Meets Lori Ann for the First Time (15)

"Oh, yes, there is a tavern opened by an imperial woman, but the other party is a widow. If my eldest brother is taken by the proprietress, don't blame me for not reminding me in advance."

Being slapped on the shoulder by Albert, Karen's face turned bitter from the pain. The elder brother he recognized was really merciless in his shots, and there was so much strength in waving his hands.

"You kid, can't you know some normal taverns? You're still a widow, how do you know so much?" Albert yelled at Karen angrily, and then quickly left the martial arts gym opened by the dark elves , anyway he doesn't want to drink here, no why.

Arriving in front of the tavern that Karen mentioned, the corners of Albert's mouth twitched. There were only three or two customers in the tavern in broad daylight. Will there be the delicious wine and food that Karen mentioned here?Could it be that the other party is lying to him?

"Don't worry, the prosperity of the west coast is beyond your imagination. Even this kind of tavern will have a very rich collection." Karen didn't dare to get too close to Albert, he stood aside and said with a smile.

"Who is the tavern? I don't like to hear that. So it's Master Karen. Compared with your Nolan family's business, my tavern can really be called a tavern. Welcome, come on." Please come in." A plump and beautiful woman got up from behind the counter, and when she saw Karen, her face was all smiles, and she walked with swaying steps, and the few drinkers in the tavern were all He stared straight at the beautiful woman's body, and it was self-evident what his intentions were.

"Aunt Shirley, I miss you so much."

Karen also spread his arms exaggeratedly towards the other party, brushing his big hands on the other party's waist and saying exaggerated words, which made the tavern proprietress named Shirley smile coquettishly, and Karen didn't even care about her. I found that the eyes of those tavern guests turned red, wishing that the person who hugged the tavern proprietress was me, the feeling must be ecstasy.

"Ahem." Albert coughed, and his voice attracted the attention of the two of them. Karen quickly put his hands down from the plump body of the proprietress of the tavern, turned his head and smiled at Albert, and then introduced the relationship between the two Identity: "This is my eldest brother, a genius fighter who is already an awakened warrior at the age of 17. This is Shirley, the proprietress of this tavern."

"Wow!" Hearing Karen's introduction, the proprietress named Shirley and several drinkers were all shocked. A 17-year-old awakened fighter?Could it be that he was hallucinating?
"It's true, my elder brother just came to the Warrior Academy to sign up today, and even the instructor in the practice field is no match for my elder brother, you must know that he is also an awakened warrior." Karen said and saw Albert showing impatience He quickly stopped talking and whispered to Xueli: "Hurry up and serve some delicious food and fine wine from your collection. Don't worry, I will reward you for sure."


Shirley's face was full of smiles. She was waiting for this sentence. She nodded to Albert and walked towards the back of the tavern. Leaving in a hurry, the awakened fighters are not something they can provoke. If the other party gets too drunk and goes crazy and beats them to death, no one will dare to avenge them. That would be too bad.

Afterwards, the proprietress of the tavern served a lot of West Coast specialties, such as takoyaki, squid slices, and the golden sacrament, which is indispensable. Secondly, there was her collection of elf wine, which was very valuable and only nobles could enjoy it. up.

"Please take your time, both of you." Shirley brought the wine and food one by one, then blinked at Karen, then took a deep look at Albert and returned to the upstairs room, perhaps out of fear Disturb Albert's meal.

"Very good craftsmanship, it seems that it's normal for you, Karen, to miss you." Albert was very satisfied with the food on the table, and he gave Karen a thumbs up. Hehe smiled and said, it's not just that, the other party's plump body is the real good thing.

Albert seldom drank alcohol, so after drinking two glasses of elf wine, his face turned red. He stood up precariously, and his eyes were a little shaky when looking around. This is why his mother repeatedly ordered him not to drink alcohol. After all How can a warrior fight when he is so drunk that he can't see his opponent clearly?

"Where is the person? I'm leaving." Albert walked slowly towards the outside of the tavern. Karen blew a kiss to the tavern proprietress who poked her head out of the stairs, then put down a purse, and followed Albert walked away, reminding from time to time: "Brother, be careful of the threshold under your feet, be careful there is a stone there."

"Hi!" After he went out, he hiccupped and was blown by the sea breeze for a while. Albert sobered up a lot. He shook his head and looked around. His eyes finally focused on a road not far from the street. On the girl in a pink dress and a red headband, his drunkenness disappeared without a trace in an instant, and there were only two thoughts in his heart: "Is there such a beautiful woman in the world? Who is she?"

"Brother?" Seeing Albert staring at the side without blinking, Karen asked tentatively and followed Albert's line of sight. When he saw the target Albert was staring at, Karen Lun showed horror, why is this witch here?Go fast, go fast, before the other party finds you.

"Who is she?" Albert looked sideways at Karen. The terrified expression on the other side showed his inner thoughts. Karen must know this girl.

"It's Luo Lian, the chief disciple of the Magician Academy. She is terrifyingly strong. She is already a great magister. She has mastered more magic skills than ordinary people can imagine. Brother, let's go, she is not easy to mess with." Karen stood still and introduced the other party's background. Except for Luo Lian, a proud and confident girl, who else could make Karen so afraid?
"The chief disciple of the Magician Academy? Isn't that just right? I'm the strongest student of the Warrior Academy, so I'm a good match for him." Albert looked back at Lori Ann's busy figure, and there was a ray of hope in his eyes. Could it be Has your soul mate appeared?
"Huh?" Albert's direct gaze was quickly noticed by Lori-Anne. Her perception was so keen. Then she stopped and looked at Albert. After she saw the drunken eyes of the other party, Lori-Ann sneered. :"drunk!"

Watching the back of Lori Ann disappearing into the shop, Albert turned his head stiffly and asked Karen, "Is she talking about me? I'm a drunkard?"

"Uh, brother, you heard me wrong." Karen's face was full of nervousness. If this guy got angry and started a fight with Lori Ann, half the street would probably suffer.

"Crack!" Albert suddenly crushed the ground with his foot, pulled his right foot out of the gravel, and said regretfully, "I will never drink again!"

(End of this chapter)

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