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Chapter 245 The elder brother is on top, and the younger brother pays homage to him! (1)

Chapter 245 Big brother is on top, be worshiped by younger brother! (55)

"Why should I leave? The room assigned to me by the college, the double room, you consider the college to be run by your family." Facing his peers, Albert's temper improved a lot, but before he said a few words, he became Very aggressive, who is he?Albert, a genius martial artist, has always been let by others. How could he let others, not to mention the crucial thing of residence. If he doesn't live here, should he go out and sleep on the road of the college or under a big tree?

"Don't tell me, my family contributed a lot of money when building the college. My uncle is the dean of the college. Believe it or not, I let you go." Seeing Albert, the noble boy refused to leave Then he began to change his identity and prepare to oppress the other party. He is very skilled in this kind of thing, and usually the other party will be shocked and then leave in panic.

"Tch, try to find someone to drive me?" Albert opened the other's arm blocking the way indifferently: "Don't block me, I still want to see what my room looks like."

"You can do it, Albert? I remember you, you wait to be expelled!" The noble boy didn't know Albert's strength and did not act rashly. He left the residence quickly after leaving a harsh word He couldn't help grinning his mouth and hissing coldly when he walked with his shoulders still aching. He was completely unprepared for the back drop Wang Yan gave him, so he felt the hardness of the ground with his solid and practical body.

After 10 minutes, the noble boy came back. He stepped on the second floor with an ugly expression on his face. Before he found his uncle who was the teaching director, he heard other colleges discussing this boy named Albert. When he learned that The opponent turned out to be an awakened fighter, and the noble boy broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he did not fight the opponent. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as a shoulder pain for two days. I guess he would have to lie in bed for the next few months Oh, I haven't heard anyone say that the person in charge of the practice field, the awakened fighter, is no match for Albert.

He took a deep breath and walked quickly to room NO.18, and then he showed an unusual smile on his face. When he opened the door, he saw Albert lying on the seat and eating an apple. If the boy read it correctly, he should have washed it himself and put it in the kitchen. The corners of his mouth twitched. This guy really doesn't treat himself as an outsider.

"Hey, you're back. Where's the person you're looking for?" Albert took a bite of the apple, looked behind the other person and saw no other people, he smiled and said to the young man after lying down, "It's the person you're looking for Are you too scared by me to come?"

"Big Brother, please be respected by my younger brother!" The young man at the door suddenly walked up to Albert, clasped his fists and bowed to salute Albert, so scared that all the apples in Albert's hand fell to the ground. what happened?Why did you just recognize your eldest brother?

"Brother! I finally found you. The days without you are so lonely, so miserable, so desolate!" The noble boy wiped away the tears that didn't exist in the corner of his eyes, and looked up at Albert with a bitter face: "Little brother I was bullied so badly before, I still hope that my elder brother can make the decision for me."

"Oh, it turns out that I was asked to be the big brother to stand out for you. It's interesting and interesting." Albert has never encountered such a thing in Hutton Marr. Or if they don't know him and ignore him, even if Albert keeps saying that he can teach him martial arts skills, those people will only think that Albert is talking big, so over the years, Albert has never met friends of the same age, this Although the noble boy was acting, Albert felt that he was quite useful.

"Brother, just order, what is mine is yours, and what is yours is yours. This little brother is very clear." The noble boy looked at Albert with a smile on his face: "Little brother, Karen, belongs to the Nolan family."

"Oh." Albert knew nothing about nobles, and he didn't know the meaning of the Nolan family. In fact, the noble status of the Nolan family was basically obtained by donating a lot of money to the Principality. The family itself did not have many famous people. , Most of them are doing business on the West Coast, and it is normal for Albert in Hutton Mar to not know.

"What I mean is, if you need anything in the future, just ask, and the younger brother can find it for you, such as a virgin who has not yet conceived? Or a charming lady?" The young Karen narrowed his eyes as he smiled, tentatively. Asked Albert, it would be much easier if he could find out what the other person likes. Karen is the best at this kind of thing. If you don’t believe me, you can’t recognize this awakened fighter who is only 17 years old. big brother.

"Cut, it's boring!"

Albert didn't even blink his eyes. Isn't Socia, the proprietress of the Moonlight Tavern, charming?But in Albert's eyes, that's the case. He loves martial arts more than anything else. What he said at the house before was just to annoy his mother. He was the first one who didn't want to stop him from improving his strength.

"Is that gourmet food? Golden Holy Communion? Takoyaki, a specialty of the West Coast? Or the rare elf wine produced in the Moonlight Tavern?" Karen was even more satisfied with Albert, who was not tempted by beauty, as expected of my elder brother.

"Okay, food paired with wine is my favorite, where is it?"

Albert stood up when he heard the words. He was planning to go to the college cafeteria to see if there was anything to eat. How could he refuse such a good thing as the golden sacrament?Not to mention the elf wine, Albert just thought of the taste of the wine and shook his head to reminisce about the ice wine he drank in the Moonlight Tavern, the taste was really amazing.

"Haha, it seems that you, brother, are also of the same kind. I also like elf wine the most. Don't worry, come with me. I will take you to drink."

Karen came to Albert and told what he had seen and heard in the academy. Albert listened with great interest and was very satisfied with the respect shown by the other party. This place seems to be much more fun than Hutton Marr. Albert thought as he walked out of college on West Coast Avenue.

"It's just in front of the bulletin board. Don't look at the inconspicuous facade. You should know that it's a tavern run by a dark elf. The figure of the other party, tsk tsk, is amazing. The tavern also has special dark city tequila and large pieces of wine. Cheese, don't have a taste."

When he brought Albert to West Coast Center Street, Karen regained his previous five-person and six-person appearance. Many shopkeepers on the roadside recognized this idle noble boy and couldn't help it. Fu E hoped that the other party would not come to make trouble here.

"Dark elves? Change one family to another!" Albert was startled when he heard this, and then slapped Karen on the shoulder: "Why didn't you say it earlier, leave now."

(End of this chapter)

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