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Chapter 212 Glacier Rift Sword (5 updates are guaranteed and will be updated at night)

Chapter 212 Glacier Rift Sword

At this moment, there is still a dragon claw of the ice dragon Skasa in the mold. The dragon claw is hollowed out, and the gaps are directly filled with the ore solution. When the ore solution is completely fused with the dragon claw, Xinda takes out the model After flipping out the weapon blank, he held the forging hammer obtained from the master craftsman Kaluya in his hand, and then the hammer struck hard on the forging blank that had just cooled down, shaking the forging table slightly. shaking.

"Now Xinda is forging the mold. As you can see, he re-put the weapon blank into the forging furnace after hitting five times. This is because the few hammers just now are called one forging. It takes the most energy and is also the easiest time to integrate the blank materials, and then it will be a long forging time, I don’t know how many times Xinda plans to forge this weapon, everyone will watch.”

Xinda put the weapon blanks into the forging furnace again and again. When he took the weapon blanks out of the forging furnace again, he watched the red weapon blanks. The dragon claws of the ice dragon inside had been completely integrated into the ore. Then he nodded, took a small hammer and tapped it lightly on the body of the formed sword, he would listen carefully every time the hammer fell, and if there was any noise, he would replace it with a sledgehammer and strike hard on the material that was still there. Not fully integrated.

"So serious, is forging equipment so hard?" Wang Yan is a novice who doesn't know forging at all. Xinda has been forging for nearly two hours without stopping even for a minute. Wang Yan couldn't help but whispered. A-Gump on the side asked left.

"Master Sinda values ​​this weapon more, because the materials are very precious, he can forge ordinary ten-forged weapons in a few minutes, but that kind of weapon is only suitable for ordinary warriors, even the weapons used by the principality patrols They are all twenty forged."

"This should be a short sword, with blades on both sides, and the width and length are not enough." Seeing that Xinda had finally finished the forging and began to sharpen the blade for the weapon, Wang Yan observed the shape of the weapon, and immediately To be sure, if it is a giant sword, it must be at least 1.5 meters in length. However, this sword is only about one meter including the hilt, and the tachi is only edged on one side, and this one is edged on both sides by Xinda .

"Well, it was made for Guissard, and we will see the power of this weapon soon." A-Gump nodded, looking at the gradually formed weapon in Sinda's hand, he also had a little expectation, as a warrior The most important thing is the weapon. A powerful weapon combined with a warrior will definitely have an effect of one plus one greater than two.

"Hey, let's try it." In the end, Sinda handed the newly completed dagger to GSD who had been waiting for a long time. Divided, the hilt of the short sword is completely made of ice dragon claws, and the tentacles are very cold, but GSD is very satisfied with this weapon that has not yet been tried.

He held the dagger in one hand, and with his eyes covered with black cloth, he came to the open space in the courtyard and stood there. A series of common skills of ghost swordsmen were used in the open space in front of him. When he swung the dagger At that time, gusts of icy wind and snow flowed closely with the blade, and the audience watching the live broadcast almost thought they were watching a special effects movie.

"Everyone, I have already seen the equipment illustration of this weapon. What do you think is the quality of this weapon?" Wang Yan's eyes fell on the short sword held by GSD, and he saw the complete equipment illustration. He gently nodded, and then made a mysterious sound in the live broadcast room.

"Don't guess, love to talk but don't talk."

"Don't guess, love to talk but don't talk."

"Don't guess, love to talk but don't talk."

A large string of identical bullet screens flashed across the screen in an instant, and all the bullet screens in the next second changed into this bullet screen. Wang Yan couldn't help laughing bitterly. These audiences are being petty again, forget it , let's hurry up and take advantage of them.

"This piece of equipment is still a weapon that does not exist in the dungeon game. Its quality is legendary. It attacks with ice attributes, and its sharpness and toughness are extremely high. Therefore, when attacking, it has a very high chance of piercing equipment below the legendary quality. That is to say, the sacred weapon including the armor of the sacred quality has no defensive effect in front of this weapon, and it can also cut off weapons of lower quality than yourself. Only this point can completely determine the use of this weapon. This is a one-on-one weapon that is extremely suitable for dueling."

【Claw Sword of Destruction】

Quality: Legend

Type: Dagger

Weight: 10.5 kg
Special effect [-]: Ice attribute attack, when attacking, a snowstorm disrupts the target's sight.

Special Effect [-]: Sharpness, there is a chance of destroying armor or weapons whose grade is lower than the artifact quality,

Special effect three: tenacity, block skill plus five.

Slogan: A weapon made by the master craftsman Sinda using ice dragon claws mixed with special meteorite iron. The meaning of its existence is to destroy the opponent's weapons and armor. At the same time, due to the special reason of the material, it has an ice attribute attack. With special effects added to blocking skills, this is a weapon that can become a legend after it is born.

After the GSD used a set of basic skills, he also successfully experienced the power of the weapon. He liked this translucent dagger very much. Thumbs up, the other party nodded with a smile, it seems that Guissard is very satisfied with this weapon, and the previous hard work was not in vain.

After Xinda rested, he forged a spare giant sword for A-Gump with the claws of the ice dragon. This time, it may be because of the material. The quality of this giant sword is only a divine weapon. Wang Yan and the audience in the live broadcast room were amused that the weapon was actually a weapon in the dungeon game, what a coincidence?

【Glacier Rift Sword】

Grade: Artifact

Type: Great Sword

Weight: 4 kg
Special effect [-]: Ice attribute attack, there is a chance to make the target enter the frozen state when attacking

Special effect [-]: When attacking, there is a chance to add extra ice attribute damage.

Slogan: Master craftsman Sinda used the claws of the ice dragon to make a great sword for Aganzuo. It contains a little power of the ice dragon and is a terrible weapon that can freeze the enemy.

"It turns out that's how the Glacier Rift Sword came about. I said why Skasa dropped this weapon on the winter map in the game. It turned out to be made of Skasa's dragon claw."

"Look at the hideous appearance of this weapon. Some people believe it is a mace. Even the hilt is unusual. There is an extra gauntlet with ice thorns. This appearance is basically the same as in the game. go."

"Is Sinda so powerful? In the game, Lord fans of level 75 can be forged. I'm sorry, master, I blamed you wrongly. I shouldn't disassemble my Crossbow of the Comprehender."

When Wang Yan reflected the newly forged giant sword in Forrest Gump's left hand into the live broadcast room, the audience talked about this weapon frantically. After all, this weapon was also famous in the dungeon game back then. How many ghosts The swordsman profession spends all day wandering around the cold winter map fighting for this strangely shaped weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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