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Chapter 211 I suggest you break down your whole body!

Chapter 211 I suggest you break down your whole body!

"A-Gump, can I trust him?" Queen Skadi looked back at A-Gump, who nodded first and then shook her head: "Wannian Snow Mountain and his party, he defeated the ice dragon Scassa with us , you must know about this."

"Well, the secret agents of the Principality have already reported this news." Queen Skadi nodded. This is why she has always been suspicious of Wang Yan's identity. She tried to investigate Wang Yan's identity, but only found Xu Zu and nothing. The following is the following, although he said that he came from the heaven, but what is the identity of Queen Skadi, she has seen the real appearance of the heaven, but she did not point out Wang Yan.

"From the first day I met him, I couldn't see through him, and I still can't see through him now. When you feel that you almost know him, he will always give you a big surprise, such as this news about the sixth apostle. Queen, you asked me before if I could trust Carey? My answer is: You can believe it, or you don’t need to believe it!"

"What do you mean?" Queen Skadi asked with a frown.

"The meaning of the letter is that you would rather believe what you have than believe what you don't, and prevent what Kaili reminded from appearing in Northmar. After all, the other party can directly tell the location where the thing will be transferred, and they must know something inside." , but judging from his appearance just now, he seems to be threatened by something, I think it is better for the queen to send someone to pay attention to his safety."

"If you don't believe me, I think Queen, you need to send people to the Dark Elf Kingdom to investigate carefully before making any plans. These people must be inconspicuous but powerful enough to deal with any emergencies. It is best to be able to survive the Dark Elf siege. Get away and bring back the news, after all, the dark elves don't welcome the humans on the ground, they are very self-sufficient!"

"Well, I see, you should go back too. By the way, I have already had someone clean your mansion. You can go and have a look after you leave. You can move in anytime." Queen Skadi thought for a while. Hui nodded to A-Gump, and then talked with A-Gump for a while. Finally, A-Gump saluted Queen Skadi and left. Those palace guards who were guarding far away were finally able to return to their due Continue to stand guard at the position.

"It's autumn, it's really an eventful season!" Queen Skadi frowned while pinching her forehead, she gave a few instructions to the guards, and soon the two guards left quickly to find the one that Queen Skadi was about to summon. people.

A-Gump frowned and left the palace. He saw an off-road jeep parked far away on the side of the road. Wang Yan did not mention leaving, but leaned on the jeep and looked towards the sky. After seeing A-Gump coming, he opened the door. The car door got on the driver's seat, and he shouted to A-Gump: "It was agreed yesterday that we will go to the forging master Xinda, let's go there together."

"Hmm." A-Gump was deep in thought at the moment, just nodded slightly and sat on the back seat, then the off-road jeep left the palace and drove towards the back street.

After the off-road jeep stopped outside the gate of the forge master Sinda's house, Wang Yan got off the car and saw that the GSD had already arrived at Sinda's house. At this moment, the two elderly people were chatting about the stories of the past, waiting to see After Wang Yan and A-Gump opened the door and came in, they both stood up.

"How about that piece?" Wang Yan looked at the forging furnace that was still burning brightly. He really didn't expect that forging a piece of equipment in reality would be such a laborious task. After drawing and materials, directly choose to complete the design drawing and a piece of equipment will be manufactured.

"The two of you came just in time, and it will be almost there in ten minutes." Xinda came to the forging furnace, opened the entrance of the red forging furnace material with an iron hook, and observed the red meteorite inside. The Queen of Iron nodded, the nearly a day of waiting was finally not in vain, and it would not be long before the piece of meteorite would completely melt into liquid.

Wang Yan opened the live broadcast room and told the audience about the current situation. When they knew that this unattractive old man in the courtyard was actually Xinda, the direct disciple of the master craftsman Kalua, the audience couldn't hide their surprise. It's too far from what I imagined, isn't the burly body of the blacksmith Linus I saw before, isn't it the physique that a blacksmith should have?

"Don't underestimate him. In the original version, I believe that every player has obtained the comprehension weapon from him. At that time, when purple clothes were expensive, Xinda was the most famous character. In addition, there is Norton who can disassemble equipment. At that time, there were no disassemblers in the game. If you want to disassemble equipment, you can only go to that little old man Norton." Wang Yan also joined the discussion with the audience. During the discussion, although ten years have passed since that time, Wang Yan is still deeply impressed by the experience in the early stage of the game. At that time, he didn't understand anything, but it was also the moment when he loved the game the most. However, Wang Yan could no longer regain the feeling of struggling in the dungeon dungeons back then.

"I really want to be able to witness today's Arad Continent with the anchor. I don't have any fun playing games now. I just play games every day, or I just play for eight hours a day, and half of the characters are still missing. I can finish the team."

"Haha, I'm out of the trap a long time ago. It's very comfortable to go to work and read books every day. Now I've discovered the anchor, a traveler from another world. It's so interesting."

"Now the abyss can feel so much. Shengyao is in a trance. He Bolun is already complete. I am still coveting the epics in the pillars of the abyss that have long been out of use. What should I do?"

"I suggest you break down your whole body and start over!"

"What a start all over again! You are right!"

"Everyone, don't be fooled. What about games? When you want to play, you can play for a few hours. When you don't want to play, just turn off the computer and let him go. What is the group book? When I was a brick-and-mortar anchor, I didn't play once a month. Group, didn’t you have fun too? The game itself is for entertainment, if you are too tired after playing, it’s time to rest.” Wang Yan hastily interrupted the barrage of these audiences, and if he continued, it seemed that the dungeon would be closed tomorrow Although he has lost his previous love for dungeon games, but now he is in a different world, the Arad Continent, everything is still so fresh, and everything is waiting for him to explore and witness.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, Xinda over there finally made a move. He put on thick bearskin gloves, and casually opened the exit on the side of the forging furnace. Placed in the dagger mold.

(End of this chapter)

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