Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 281 Purification

Chapter 281 Purification
There has never been a shortage of geniuses in this world, especially those who do research in biological laboratories. The average IQ is above 160. They are all absolute geniuses. Many scientific research teams are even cooperating, and these people not only have extraordinary abilities IQ, there are many advanced equipment aids, and the most advanced computer with calculations.

At the beginning, I used the simplest method, heating, letting the excess water evaporate, and its concentration will naturally be purified. Even a ten-year-old child can do this kind of experiment. The final result is that the concentration has indeed increased. The water in the body has also evaporated, but the effect of the water of life has indeed completely disappeared. This makes the researchers very puzzled. What kind of chemical reaction is this?

Then there are some special purification experiments, adding some special chemicals, and now we can only study a special biological enzyme in this water, this biological enzyme is very unstable, and it will be destroyed by a slight environmental change or temperature change. Completely destroyed.

In fact, this is the case with many practical sciences. Continuous experiments, one time is not only one hundred times, one hundred times is ten thousand times. Although the story of Edison is false, it is also a scientific attitude. The current experiment is combined with The speed of using a computer has far surpassed any previous era, and even the sum of all previous experiments is not as good as the current one-month experiment results.

It took a full three months and finally succeeded. Using four very common herbs can stabilize this biological enzyme, let the excess water evaporate, and finally stabilize the biological enzyme. Not to mention that these four herbs are not poisonous, but also It can help people to dredge the qi and blood a little bit, of course, this bit of dredging is irrelevant, the most important thing is that the purification is successful.

Chinese medicine treatment has lasted for thousands of years in China. Even now, many people still use Chinese medicine to treat diseases, because many Chinese people believe that Chinese medicine can really cure diseases from the root, but many foreigners do not believe it. It is even more difficult in the United States. There are many foreigners who think this is Chinese witchcraft, and the interesting point is that they say so, but in reality?TCM research in the laboratory has never stopped.

Not only has the research on Chinese medicine never stopped, but in fact they have been studying medical techniques and even witchcraft in various countries. Some research results are also very extraordinary, but these results will not be announced to the public, and only those stupid common people Only then will I believe that Chinese medicine is useless.

These special organizations or experiments invested by them are not only researched, even China's Book of Changes is also studied, which has a history of decades. It is unbelievable to say, but it is all real. So don't believe what those guys say, watch what they do.

This is the same as how we behave in the world. To understand a person, we should not look at what he says, but how he does things. The character of many people cannot be seen on the surface, nor can it be chatted out. , It is also very simple to understand a person. You can quickly judge whether he is a good person or a bad person through his past style of doing things.

After the purification was successful, I started to experiment. At the beginning, I wanted to experiment with movements, but the amount was not easy to control, and the effect of experiments with movements was somewhat different from that of humans. After thinking about it, this thing is useless anyway. Harmful, but beneficial, simply use people as experiments.

There are several types of experimental subjects, some are weak, mentally depressed, strong, sick, and even terminally ill, etc. The number of subjects is about thirty, and the concentration of purification is also different. Some have been purified ten times, thirty times, one hundred times, and even five hundred times.

Of course, after this test, the mineral water in their hands is almost consumed, but they can get a lot of data, which is enough. If you don’t have any, you can buy it again. After a short week, the result is almost out. up.

Seeing the result, almost everyone dare not think about their own eyes, the result is too big, the effect of [-] times and [-] times is still very weak, the effect of [-] times is a bit obvious, the most obvious is [-] times, you can By increasing the force value of the human body, the nervous system will also become more sensitive, and the explosive power will be stronger. The most powerful thing is that it can make the body healthier.

That small bottle of oral liquid was used for the patient with lung cancer to recover at least [-]% in a week, and the cancer cells did not spread. If there is another bottle, it is estimated that his lung cancer can be completely cured. Is the effect a bit too strong?It's even a bit against the sky.

This result shocked too many people, so if there is enough of this mineral water, it can not only improve the level of personal combat power, but also completely cure some incurable diseases?This is the result of science, not something that is uncertain like a great dancer, but after thinking about it again, I feel a little frustrated. Even if the effect is strong, what's the use?This mineral water is not only scarce but also too expensive.

Let’s just talk about the small bottle of oral liquid that the lung cancer patient drank. It was concentrated five hundred times. The cost of mineral water alone reached nearly 40 soft sister coins, which is not the cost of purification. The cost of labor, the cost of using equipment and some other wear and tear, the key problem is that this kind of mineral water is not sold in unlimited quantities, and you can’t buy it if you want to spend money. This is the most troublesome.

This laboratory has obtained such a result, and other laboratories are not bad. How many billionaires are there in the world?How many people have established their own private biological laboratories?There are at least a few thousand, plus those from various countries. If it is one or two laboratories, it is okay to say, but with so many laboratories, although the level is uneven, the difference is not too much.

Moreover, researchers in many laboratories also know each other. Everyone is in mixed biomedical research. This circle is said to be very big, but it is also small. Naturally, the news spread quickly and could not be blocked at all. Even if these people all signed the non-disclosure agreement, it's useless. There are too many people who know about it, and no matter how powerful the non-disclosure agreement is, it's useless.

Then there was a result, the price of this kind of mineral water rose accordingly, and it was still the kind that had a price but no market. Tang Sheng’s restaurant did sell a bottle of [-] soft sister coins, but now the black market has already sold two bottles. In case of a bottle, even if it is so, the price is just a price tag, and no one sells it at all.

What a joke, do people who can afford a 2 bottle of water care about the [-] yuan price difference?There are too few things, and too many people want to get them. It is impossible to appear scalpers. Since the formal channels cannot be obtained, why not think of other ways?So he put up an even more outrageous list on the black market, wanting to get the production method of this mineral water, that is, the recipe, and the reward amount was also very high, [-] million US dollars, but no one took the order after hanging up the list for a week .

The person who placed the order also felt that something was wrong, so he simply raised the price, [-] million US dollars, is this enough weight?Such a big list is really huge. Many people like to watch movies. A killer played by an e-commerce company can get millions or even tens of millions of dollars by killing a person. That is really a bit of nonsense. The killer's order is only a few hundred thousand at most. This is still a big order, and there are tens of thousands of dollars.

If you want to earn tens of millions of dollars, you have to kill at least a hundred people. You have to accept a hundred big orders to do it. Of course, there are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of orders. The question is whether you have the strength for this kind of orders. Then, it is possible that after the order is completed, not only the task is not completed, but the life is gone. These people who do the dirty work are all human beings, and they are better than monkeys if they don’t get hairy. No matter how much money you give, you can’t get it Who will go to die?
If you want to get the formula of this mineral water, you have to go to Huaxia. Huaxia itself is a nightmare for mercenaries. Of course, some simple tasks don’t matter, but when you hear that you are going to Huaxia’s Spring City, you will completely turn off the flames, let alone After receiving the order, no one even looked at it.

This result is actually very normal. Many masters have gone to Spring City to perform missions before. The mission is actually very simple. It is to kidnap a person. The result?As a result, how many masters went there, all disappeared, no one was alive or dead, there was no accident, and even a few of them didn't go to carry out the kidnapping, but just wanted to see what was going on and disappeared for no reason.

This is a bit too scary, it is just an ordinary small fishing village, so many masters have disappeared for no reason, what kind of monsters are hidden here?No one knows, and they don't want to know, because in the end, no one dares to touch the bad luck. As for the disappearance, everyone knows that those people will not come back alive. Even the agents of various countries have disappeared. Close to the sea, do you still need to ask where people have gone?

Later, the Spring City in China even became a taboo in the underground society. Now, it’s good that someone has offered a reward to go there to get the formula of mineral water. Those who have reached this level simply ignore it, and those who have not reached this level can see No one dared to accept the hundreds of millions of rewards, which was a bit embarrassing.

In the end, the rich man who offered the reward seemed to feel something was wrong, so he immediately withdrew the reward and didn’t mention it again. It’s still the same sentence, no matter what industry in this world speaks with fists, whoever’s fist is hard? Anyone is right, you are a beggar, you deserve it if you go out shopping with a big gold chain and get robbed, why?Just because you are weak, and being weak is the original sin. If you are a billionaire, you will be surrounded by a group of bodyguards, holding a bunch of big gold chains to see who dares to snatch you.

Tang Sheng has never paid attention to such small things as selling mineral water, but now even mineral water has caused such a big disturbance, not to mention the delicious seafood dishes. It is indeed outrageously expensive. Ordinary people, let alone a meal, would run away in fright when they look at the menu, but those rich people don't care at all.

They paid a lot of money and gained a lot. All chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and high blood fat were cured without treatment. It would be a miracle if one person recovered, and it could be a coincidence that two people recovered, but All the rich people who come here frequently are all in good health. What does this mean?Even a fool would know that this place is much more comfortable than a hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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