Godfather of Ocean Food

Chapter 280 Variables

Chapter 280 Variables
With the development of technology and the acceleration of evolution, so-called superpowers will become common. Compared with the entire human race, a small number of superpowers really have little impact on the overall situation. On the contrary, those whose brains are rapidly evolving Talent is the person who has the greatest impact on the future of mankind.

How many people can a knife kill?How much power can a mushroom cause?Isn't such an obvious contrast enough?It's just that ordinary people are still somewhat repulsed by people with superpowers. This can be regarded as a kind of jealousy. Why do you have it but I don't?This is not fair, and it is normal to reject such superpowers.

Ye Susu, the unborn younger brother, because of excessive absorption of the energy of the water of life, the probability of having a special ability after birth is too high. It is not an exaggeration to say that it exceeds 90.00%. God knows how far this little guy has evolved in his mother's womb. Well, not to mention other things, if this little guy's brain is opened up by more than 20.00%, then he must have extraordinary abilities.

But everyone who practices martial arts knows the simplest truth, that is, to start practicing at a young age. If you start practicing martial arts at the age of 20 or even 30, there will be no hope at all. When you are young, your bones still have the ability to reshape, and when you grow up Adults still practice ball games. In fact, the same is true for evolution. Evolution always starts from a young age. Anyone with special abilities or those extremely talented people is almost like that from birth.

There are also people who become geniuses halfway, but there are too few of them, and the probability is so low that it is shockingly low. Almost all geniuses stand out from childhood, because such people never made a sound and started their careers. The brain and body have already evolved, and they are fundamentally different from ordinary people, which is inherently determined.

Knowing that there is nothing serious about my younger brother, it is nothing more than some changes after birth. From many perspectives, it is still a positive change. After all, it is evolving rapidly because of the water of life. Ye Susu and her parents I am completely relieved.

This also has a premise, that is, Tang Sheng exists. If there is no Tang Sheng, things will be very troublesome. If there is not enough nutritional supplements, then Zhou Xueping may be directly absorbed by the child in her stomach to the point of dying. The nutrition mentioned here Supplementation cannot be supplemented by just eating an egg and chicken drumsticks, but requires a lot of water of life to supplement.

From this point on, Zhou Xueping can only live in this farm. There are still a lot of houses here. Although they are a little crude, they can be refurbished. The Ye family is not short of money. The one who makes Zhou Xueping a little embarrassed is Tang Sheng. His parents also live here now.

Now Tang Sheng and Ye Susu are indeed talking about friends, but they haven't fully settled down yet. Their parents live together. It is certain that both parties are a little embarrassed. Almost every day I either go out to sea for swimming or fishing, or go out to sea for fishing. It is really a mess at home.

Now Tang Sheng’s restaurant is well known, many people don’t know about this restaurant, but if you are a billionaire, if you don’t know about this restaurant, it means you are too ill-informed, and this restaurant His membership card is now being fired at sky-high prices, and it is still the kind that has a price but no market, no matter how much it is, no one is willing to sell it.

You want to buy?How much do you pay?What? 2000?Do you think I'm short of those 2000 million people?What a joke, no matter how stupid people are, they know that only with a better body can they continue to enjoy life. What's more, are there really fools who can become rich?Now there are even some international rich people, and there are even more rich people from other provinces. China has never been short of rich people after these years of development.

It's also because of this matter that many people are having headaches. It doesn't matter if there are a dozen or even dozens of rich people at the beginning, but now there are definitely hundreds of billionaires coming to Spring City. At any place, the money in their hands alone is a force to be reckoned with, not to mention other contacts.

Now the time is short, many people's eyes were attracted by the second earth and the space gate before, but after a long time so many rich people gather here, there will be problems sooner or later, Tang Sheng's small restaurant can't entertain them at all With so many people, this problem had to be solved, so those people from special departments came to Tang Sheng directly. After all, Tang Sheng was the core of the whole matter.

"Expand the size of the restaurant? I didn't think about expanding it." After the three people arrived, they identified their identities and spoke directly. Tang Sheng was taken aback, then shook his head. He really didn't think much about it, so he listened The other party was a little puzzled when he made this request.

"Mr. Tang, now it's not a question of whether you want it or not, but that your restaurant has attracted too many rich people, and even many foreign rich people have come to Spring City now," Tang Hui said with a wry smile. He is Tang Sheng's family. He is in his 40s and is very stable in his work, so this time he is the one who came to negotiate with Tang Sheng.

"Isn't this very good? Those rich people might be able to make some investment in Spring City after they come, so it can be regarded as benefiting the city, right?" Tang Sheng didn't care about these at all, and said casually.

"However, they didn't really come to invest. They were mainly attracted by your craftsmanship, Mr. Tang. After all, your dishes are so delicious, but your restaurant is too small to accommodate so many people, and this It's not just as simple as investing, now..." Tang Hui didn't hide it anymore, and directly described the current problem.

Needless to say, there are still many problems now. Let alone other things, the seaside metropolis of Chuncheng alone has ushered in another fiery heat up. In fact, it is not only Chuncheng, several cities on this coastline are now There are signs of heating up. In the final analysis, it is caused by the second earth. Now even the housing prices in coastal cities along this line have continued to rise.

In the past, the gimmick of the sea-view house could attract many people to buy a house or invest in retirement. After all, the slow life of Sunshine Beach can really attract a lot of people, but the gimmick is just a gimmick, and it can only bluff some people. Some real predators don't take this at all.

It is different now. The emergence of the second earth has given the shipbuilding industry an opportunity to flourish. Because of the lack of offshore resources, many former fishermen have also begun to switch careers and stop fishing. Fewer and fewer are also decreasing, but now it is different, the number of fishermen has also begun to increase, and even like those years, people who have never been in contact with the fishing industry are scrambling to join in.

If you want to go to the second earth, you have to start from the coastal cities. Not only the development of fishermen, but also the transportation industry, docks, tourism, etc. are all waiting for the opportunity. Once the time is right, you will directly rush over It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity for the space gate to go to the second earth.

As long as the space gate is not closed, the hotspot cities in the future will definitely be seaside cities, especially Spring City. Not only is it an international metropolis, but it is also very close to the space gate. It's not the best, but it's the most convenient. There are two heavy-duty docks in Chuncheng alone, which shows the development prospects here.

The emergence of the Second Earth has brought new vitality to Spring City, a metropolis that has developed into a bottleneck period. The Second Earth's influence is not limited to this point. It can be said that it is affecting all aspects. Tang Hui talked for more than two hours. , I drank three bottles of mineral water alone. Although Tang Sheng didn't care about these things, he listened more carefully.

Finally, I talked about these rich people. If Tang Sheng’s restaurant can be expanded, then it is a sure thing to keep these billionaires in Chuncheng. With these rich people, I am afraid that Spring City will soon become the world’s number one metropolis. The future development prospects of Spring City will be limitless, which will be of great benefit to the entire province and even the entire country.

Tang Sheng was stunned after listening to Tang Hui's full story. Originally, he just wanted to open a small restaurant, but he didn't expect things to develop so fast. Now this restaurant has started to affect a large level of the wealthy circle. Now, this is really because I just wanted to kill a sparrow with a shotgun, but after firing a shot, a Godzilla fell to my feet, which made people speechless.

Although what Tang Hui said is exaggerated or even exaggerated, but I have to say that many of the things he said can be realized if he puts it into practice. Tang Sheng's face is a little cramped at this time. These city people really know how to play, Tang Sheng felt that compared with them, he was really a countryman, because these guys were too calculating.

"Isn't what you said too complicated? The plate is too big. If you do it like this, I'm going to be so busy?" If ordinary people listen to Tang Hui's words, they will definitely be very moved, and there is an endorsement from the relevant state departments as a guarantee , coupled with the policy of green light all the way, I am afraid that it is possible for Tang Sheng to become the richest man in the world in a few years, but is Tang Sheng really short of money?Money is just a small tool. Tang Sheng doesn't need that much at all. Money is all you need, but too much is definitely not a good thing.

"No, it's not big. I'm afraid you also know the story that a single horseshoe can destroy a kingdom? Many times a small matter can affect the decision-making of the entire level. Your restaurant is not a small matter. It affects The level has been expanded without limit." Tang Hui's words are very serious, but it is not without reason.

Soon Tang Hui said another thing, which was still related to the water of life sold by Tang Sheng. The restaurant had started selling water of life more than two months ago, but the water of life sold here The concentration of water is very low, even lower to the point where it has no effect.

But if you quote it for a long time, it still has some effect, and the price is also very expensive. Three thousand and sixty-one bottles, which is only the amount of an ordinary mineral water bottle, but those rich people don’t care at all. Some people buy it back and directly quote it. , but there are also many rich people who bought it back and sent it to the laboratory, wanting to study why the water of life is so magical?Whether it is a human, an animal or even a plant, the water of life has an extremely incredible effect on it.

If you can really copy this thing, wouldn't you make a fortune?Bill Gates, the richest man in the past, said that the 21st century is dominated by biotechnology. Whoever can master more advanced biotechnology can become the richest man. On the surface, the current richest man in the world is indeed not biological, but secretly It's different, the research of biotechnology has never stopped, no matter it is various organizations, forces or countries.

Immortality is not only the pursuit of countless emperors in the past. Human beings are still pursuing immortality. What was the average life span of human beings in the past? In his 20s and 30s, he is now in his 70s and [-]s. Why?Naturally, it is because of the advancement of medical technology. If medical technology continues to advance like this, the life span of human beings will be even longer.

Someone once said that when real medical-grade nano-robots appear, maybe immortal people will appear. Medical-grade nano-robots can do too much, they can open up all the blood vessels in the body, and let the body There is no blockage in the blood vessels, so many diseases will not regenerate, and even if you live to be a hundred years old, you will not have any cerebral infarction.

This is more than that, it can also open up the meridians of the human body. After the meridians are completely opened up, a big cycle will be formed in the human body. At that time, the evolution of the human body will also begin. More importantly, many channels of the brain can be opened up, so that the body's The brain has also begun to evolve. At that time, let alone three or five hundred years old, it is not a dream to be a thousand years old.

In China, there are legends about cultivating the truth and becoming immortals. In fact, there are many similar legends abroad. Many people think that the legend is just a legend, and it is impossible to realize it. But 100 years ago, people did not believe that they could fly into the sky. Now it has been realized as usual. When science develops to a certain level, those legendary myths will no longer be stories, and they can really become reality.

The water of life sold here by Tang Sheng was sent to various forces and laboratories in various countries, and the research began. Of course, China is also doing research. Tang Sheng provides Huaxia with a lot of high-concentration water every month. There are already many research results on the water of life, but these are now top secret and cannot be disclosed to the outside world.

Those international laboratories have also achieved some results. The first thing they thought of was to create this thing by analyzing the ingredients of the eaux-de-vie. It is a pity that this subject is a bit difficult, and then some people are thinking about it. If it cannot be produced, can it be purified?Wouldn't the effect be better if the water of life was purified?

 Life is alive, things are impermanent, today there is a sudden blizzard, the weather is terrible, it is still Sunday, I don’t have to go out, but I don’t want my mother’s hand to be scratched by a cat, bleeding profusely, it really scares me It's broken, I really didn't expect blood to be so scary. When I got home, I saw blood scattered all over the place, and it was all over my clothes. Not to mention thousands of dollars, I feel sad, hey!People can encounter anything in their life. My mother kindly rescued stray cats, but when she encountered such a thing, she felt really sad.My mother is like this. She likes to rescue small animals. If it wasn’t snowing, this kind of thing wouldn’t happen. She feeds her every day. Today, she got scratched after building a nest for three cats. She got scratched while feeding the year before last. , I spent more than 2000 for the injection the year before last, and [-] today. I don’t know why, but I have to get two more injections. I feel distressed.I can only update once today, sorry for all the book friends.

(End of this chapter)

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