Chapter 69

After Liu Xiong made many inquiries, the news he got was that the ice ghost game team has no new game development plan for the time being.

This surprised Liu Xiong.

Because although "Stone Hammer Overlord" was completely crushed to death by the King of Fighters in the later stage, sales plummeted.

But as far as Liu Xiong knew, the ice ghost game team was still the best among other teams in Penguin at the same time.

With the results of the ice ghost game group, it is reasonable to not be disbanded, and it can continue to develop new games.

But the Ice Ghost game group has stopped making new games for the time being?
The ice ghost game group is not disbanded, but it does not release new works.

According to rumors, some internal changes in Penguin caused the Ice Ghost game team to suspend the development of new games, but the specific reason is unknown.

After confirming that the ice ghost game group will not make new games in the short term, Liu Xiong can't help feeling a little melancholy.

Originally it was said that he wanted to catch the ice ghost game group, but now it seems that it can't be done!

Fei Meng will not wait with the Ice Ghost game group, Fei Meng's new game needs to be launched immediately!
So what's the new game to do?
Liu Xiong was greatly encouraged by the recent success of the Feimeng game platform.

The Feimeng game platform has been online for a long time with more than 20 and millions of active players. These are potential loyal users!

With the help of Feimeng game platform, new games and good games are constantly launched.

Tie the players firmly into the Feimeng game, indulge in Feimeng, and can't stop!

Until one day, a player can play a large number of good games on the Feimeng game platform.

There is no need to play games from other companies.

play games?
It is enough to have flying dreams!
Liu Xiong wants to make a durable game, a big game, a game that can keep players on the Feimeng platform for a long time.

If this game is popular, it will maintain the popularity of the Feimeng game platform for a long time, not the long-term of three months, but the long-term of several years!
As for Liu Xiong, he had already thought about what he should do.

After a week of hard preparation, Liu Xiong, who made the basic data of the game, called all the members!

Although Liu Xiong did not announce the theme in advance, everyone who was smart guessed the theme of the meeting.

After such a long period of semi-vacation status, it's time to start working!

Kobayashi was the first to ask with a playful smile: "Hey, boss, today is the announcement of a new game, so look forward to it!"

Liu Xiong gave Xiaolin a smart look, and began to speak formally.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Comrades, we have launched two games in Feimeng, the Three Kingdoms and The King of Fighters. They have achieved success both in word of mouth and in the market."

"We were well received by the market and we made a lot of money."

"But what makes me the happiest is not the big sales of The Three Kingdoms and The King of Fighters, but the successful launch of the Feimeng game platform."

"I don't need to say much about the role of a highly active and loyal gaming platform in our company's operations and status."

"Recently, the number of online users on the Feimeng game platform has declined to a certain extent."

"This is normal, because after all, there are only three games on the platform, and Blood Lion is basically making up the number."

"As the popularity of War of the Three Kingdoms and King of Fighters gradually dissipates, the number of people online on our platform will definitely decrease."

"And now I want to make a game, a hit game, a non-fast food game that can be played for a long time."

"It's different from other games that can be cleared in three days, and it's also different from some games that you can get tired of playing in a month."

"The game I plan to launch will be very durable and can bind players very well. This player plays two hours a day for half a year. Perhaps this game has just begun for him."

Hearing this, Hi Dog asked in surprise, "Have been playing for half a year, and the game has just begun? Is it so stupid?"

Liu Xiong showed a noncommittal expression: "Anyway, the game is played by the players voluntarily."

Kobayashi asked excitedly: "It's such a fun game, now that Feimeng has money again, it's time to make a large-scale 3D game!"

"Hehehe! Recently I feel that I have become a lot stronger. Doing large-scale 3D games and 3A-level masterpieces can just show my full strength!"

After making two simple stand-alone games, Kobayashi desperately wanted to make a 3A-level masterpiece to fully demonstrate his talent as a programmer.

But Liu Xiong shook his head.

In fact, Liu Xiong did consider making a real masterpiece, a card game with super-high-quality graphics, complex systems, and a technical level that has reached the top of the world.

But after careful analysis, Liu Xiong knew that he still couldn't act too hastily.

Facing Kobayashi who was eager to make a large-scale 3A game, Liu Xiong shook his head lightly.

"Although the previous games made Feimeng earn a lot of money. But the development cost of large-scale 3A-level games can easily reach hundreds of millions of dollars!"

"Until now, Feimeng has done a good job in controlling development costs. But if we are going to get involved in large-scale 3D games, then nothing else, just sharing the quota of the super host is an expense that is enough to empty Feimeng !"

"If I want to make a game with such a big investment, I must make all the preparations in advance - sufficient financial support, detailed market research, and complete marketing channels..."

"I don't plan to try it now, because once the game's production and sales are not satisfactory, the blow to Feimeng will be fatal."

In his speech, Liu Xiong attributed the main reason for not producing large-scale 3A games to the development cost.

This is indeed the main reason.

Now Liu Xiong's capital is 4.5 million yuan, which seems to be a lot.

But in fact, if you really want to burn money, what is 4.5 million?
Less than [-] million US dollars!

Can't enter the game money burning list at all!

Many 3D masterpieces now have development costs in the hundreds of millions!

Still in US dollars!

If Feimeng started to produce large-scale 3D games, would 4.5 million be enough?
Moreover, Liu Xiong couldn't guarantee that Feimeng's first 3D masterpiece would be a success.

Unforeseen circumstances, if the new game with an investment of several hundred million yuan fails to sell well, it will deal a severe blow to Feimeng!
In addition to the most important development cost issue, there is another key factor that Liu Xiong didn't mention much.

That is technical strength!
Hi Dog and Xiao Lin have made great progress recently.

Especially hi dog!
After accepting the bonus of Liu Xiong's research data points, Hi Dog is already very powerful in terms of attributes.

Hi dog, definitely have become a good first-line programmer.

But can the combination of Hi Dog + Kobayashi really handle a 3A-level masterpiece?
Kobayashi is still a novice after all!

In Liu Xiong's conception, the production schedule of the 3A-level big game has to be carried forward.

Make other games first, accumulate enough funds, and improve the abilities of employees.

Again, make a lot of money!

 Happy Youth Day everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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