Start a company to make games

Chapter 68 Preparing for a New Tour

Chapter 68 Preparing for a New Tour
Although the dominant power of shopping fell to Xiaokui's hands.

Although I paid a lot of bills.

But Liu Xiong also admitted that Xiaokui did a better job than himself in optimizing the shopping office.

Many of Xiaokui's shopping needs were details that Liu Xiong hadn't considered.

But these details are precisely the key points to improve the office environment.

Liu Xiong couldn't help feeling: There are specialties in the art industry, and girls like Xiaokui are indeed more professional in terms of shopping and consumption.

After buying so many things, it is naturally impossible for Liu Xiong and others to carry them back to the company.

After agreeing to deliver the goods to the door, Liu Xiong dismissed Xiaokui and Yuzi, and returned to the company first.

Returning to the modern emperor-level exclusive company, Liu Xiong planned to experience the newly built small sauna room, but found that Ye Shen had already arrived at the company and was currently in the study.

Seeing Liu Xiong, Ye Shen said hello: "Boss, the new study in our company is really great!"

"This bookshelf, this comfortable seat, this faint incense, this warm background music..."

"I've decided that I will write novels and screenplays here in the future. The work efficiency has been greatly improved!"

Liu Xiong showed a satisfied smile, very good, Ye Shen can say that, let Liu Xiong feel that his money is not wasted.

A designer was specially invited to design a warm and quiet study room, just to achieve this effect!
Just as he was about to give Ye Shen a few words of encouragement and ask about the writing progress of the King of Fighters background novel by the way, there was a knock on the company's door.

Standing outside the gate was a strange man.

After letting a strange man into the company, the other party introduced himself as an editor of a new publishing house.

What can the editors of the publishing house do when they come to Feimeng?
Naturally, he came to find Ye Shen.

The editor of the publishing house said to Ye Shen: "Mr. Ye Shen, we have read some of the Red Alert you posted on the Internet before, as well as related novels about King of Fighters."

"These short stories are very exciting, and we think your writing style fits the style of our publishing house very well."

"We hope that Mr. Ye Shen can become a special editor of our publishing house and provide long-term contributions for our publishing house."

"For example, now we have a task at hand, which is an animation work on the theme of modern warfare, and we need some peripheral derivatives."

"And animation fan fiction is an important part."

"Mr. Ye Shen, who once wrote the blood lion novel, is the most suitable writer."

"It's easy to talk about the manuscript fee. The investors of the animation are rich and powerful, so it must be able to satisfy Mr. Yagami."

The editor of the publishing house made a sincere request and waited for Ye Shen's response.

At first Liu Xiong thought that the other party was here to poach people, so he was not very happy, and secretly thought that it is popular to poach people in front of the boss these days?

But now, hearing the editor say that Ye Shen is only a long-term contributor, it doesn't matter.

It's okay to have a side job in your spare time!

Ye Shen was originally an Internet writer, but now his novel has finally been recognized and attracted an active invitation from the publishing house.

The author's dream can continue, and Liu Xiong is also happy for his employees from the bottom of his heart.

Unexpectedly, Ye Shen's next response surprised both the editor and Liu Xiong.

"It's an honor to be recognized by you, but...but...but..." Ye Shen's eyes and tone were full of hesitation.

"But..." Ye Shen finally made up his mind and said, "I refuse this invitation..."

"My job is in Feimeng. My job is to write a better and more complete script for Feimeng's game, and to complement the world view of Feimeng's game."

"I wrote some novels about Blood Lion and The King of Fighters before, all for the promotion of the game, which is also part of my job."

"And becoming a long-term contributor to your company will definitely affect my work in Feimeng."

Liu Xiong felt very sorry!
Yeshen is willing to concentrate and serve the company wholeheartedly, which is certainly a good thing.

However, Liu Xiong also had to consider the personal development and future of his employees, and became a long-term contributor to the publishing house. To put it mildly, Ye Shen gave up a manuscript fee.

On a bigger scale, Ye Shen gave up the chance to become a well-known author!

After all, the publishing house asked Yagami to write an animation fan, and its original animation is considered a popular work. With the advantage of the official fan, Yagami can easily become famous.

In addition, if the publishing house pushes it, it will take off every minute!
Feeling sorry, Liu Xiong asked instead of the publisher: "Why did you give up? What a pity!"

As for Ye Shen, he just avoided Liu Xiong's sight, as if answering Liu Xiong, more like talking to himself.

"I won't dream of being an author anymore, I just want to do my job well."

"I won't be an author dream anymore!" Ye Shen suddenly said firmly: "I feel happy working for the game in Feimeng."

"In Feimeng, writing scripts for games, writing fans, writing a hobby."

"Before, when I was an online novel writer, coding was more like a burden."

"I cherish this change of mentality very much, and I also cherish the current job opportunity of Feimeng. Boss, I will continue to work."

Although Liu Xiong felt pity that Ye Shen was determined not to be a writer of the publishing house, it was naturally impossible to force him.

After all, it is a good thing for Liu Xiong for Ye Shen to focus on Fei Meng's work!

With the new look of the company, the flying dream gods who have been wandering around recently also returned to their positions and started new jobs.

The work on "Three Kingdoms" and "The King of Fighters" is basically over.

During the golden sales period of three months after the launch, the game experienced two sales peaks in conjunction with the success of the Feimeng game platform.

Calculated, the Three Kingdoms War has sold a total of 630 million sets.

The King of Fighters sold 970 million sets!

These two games have sold 1600 million sets in total, and the sales volume has reached 800000000 million!

Eight hundred million!
This is not all!

Due to the popularity of the Feimeng game platform, the game life of "Three Kingdoms" and "The King of Fighters" has been greatly extended, and the corresponding game sales cycle will also be extended.

The industry is generally optimistic that the total sales of the two games "Three Kingdoms" and "King of Fighters" will eventually exceed 1800 million, or even 2000 million sets!

The game sales amounted to 8 million yuan, after deducting various costs, channels, taxes, and recent expenses, Liu Xiong still has almost 4.5 million in cash on hand!

4.5 million, Liu Xiong doesn't plan to use it for other things.

This 4.5 million will be the development funds for Feimeng's new game!
So, what is the new game?

The former Liu Xiong once set a small goal, to catch the ice ghost game group!
So what's the new game from Ice Ghost Games Group?

(End of this chapter)

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