Start a company to make games

Chapter 59 Waiting for You to Kill Me

Chapter 59 Waiting for You to Kill Me

But after thinking about it, Champion Rong didn't directly expose the old ghost, but said: "I have to say, the games Fei Meng is making now are really interesting, and their success is very reasonable."

"Let's be honest, old ghost, you also think that your "Stone Hammer King" will not be able to compete with Fei Meng's "King of Fighters", right?"

The old ghost nodded in acknowledgment.

Indeed, the word-of-mouth on the Internet is there, and the sales of "The King of Fighters" can take off at any time.

Rong Guanjun smiled and said: "Because of the decisive battle of 2043 and the blood lion, there was a lot of pressure on us on the Internet, and the navy in the public relations department couldn't calm the situation down."

"If the King of Fighters defeats the Stone Hammer King in a head-to-head confrontation, it will definitely not be a good thing for our company."

"I'll help you with A-level publicity, it's all because of my good opinion of you."

Champion Rong patted the old ghost on the shoulder earnestly, "The two games of Ice Ghost seem to be selling well in the market so far. Old ghost, work hard next time. Your team has the potential."

The old ghost nodded excitedly: "Mr. Rong, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

After the old ghost left Champion Rong's office, Champion Rong returned to his computer and switched to the previously minimized game.

And the game that Champion Rong is playing is the King of Fighters!

After casually playing a few games, Champion Rong lit a cigar, and after swallowing two mouthfuls, Champion Rong smiled expressionlessly.

"Fei a bit interesting."

As for the old ghost, after leaving Champion Rong's office, the old ghost couldn't hold back his excitement.

The ice ghost game group, which is still a newly formed group, has obtained the A-level promotion qualification like a dream!
This is President Rong's trust in him!

This is the company's trust in itself!
And the old ghost instantly became extremely confident in the competition!

Mr. Rong is so optimistic about himself, why should the other competitors fight against him?
And with the strength of A-level promotion, how can "King of Fighters" compete with its own "Stone Hammer King"!


After getting the A-level promotion, "Stone Hammer Overlord" was immediately widely publicized on the Internet.

Advertisements for Stone Hammer Overlord can be seen everywhere, and many game information websites have also conducted soft-text reviews of Stone Hammer Overlord.

"Stone Hammer Overlord! The wildest fight!"

"If it's a man, come stone me!"

"Hardcore Fighting Stone Hammer Overlord, let's fire!"

"The best fight this year, the Stone Hammer Overlord is waiting for you to fight!"


Under the strength of this A-level promotion, the sales trend of Stone Hammer Overlord, which had been declining, became like a chicken blood.

The sales statistics for the second week came out soon, and Stone Hammer Overlord didn't waste A-level promotion resources.

In the second week, the sales volume of Stone Hammer Overlord reached 130 million sets!

The sales of 130 million sets exceeded the average first-week sales of Penguin's internal A-level promotion.

And the ice ghost game group is just a newly formed group.

This achievement is even more rare given that Stone Hammer Overlord got an A-level promotion in the second week instead of the first week.

Originally, there were still some game teams in Penguin, including veteran game teams, who were very dissatisfied with the inexperienced Ice Ghost game team getting an A-level promotion.

But the sales of "Stone Hammer Overlord" in the second week made all these people shut up.

Seeing his sales volume of 130 million, the old ghost was all smiles.

Holding the sales report, the old ghost laughed loudly and said to his younger brothers: "130 million! Just ask who else!"

At this time, a younger programmer came over and said with a very serious expression: "Boss, Feimeng's sales for the second week have also been counted."

The old ghost calmed down for a while, and asked calmly: "Fei Meng's data in the second week should have improved compared to the first week, how much is the data?"

The younger programmer said nervously, "It's also 130 million sets."


The old ghost was very surprised, "Fei Meng's momentum is so fierce this time? There are 130 million sets of the two games combined!"

"It seems that I still underestimated Fei Meng." The old ghost sighed.

The younger programmer added: "Boss... No, 130 million is not the sales volume of two games."

"The figure of 130 million is only for the King of Fighters."

"What did you say!" The old ghost stood up abruptly!
After glancing at Fei Meng's sales report, the old ghost froze in place, speechless for a long time.

130 million!
The sales of "The King of Fighters" reached 130 million sets in the second week!

Coupled with the sales of 100 million sets of War of the Three Kingdoms, in the second week, the total sales of the two Feimeng games on the PC computer and the Saturn game console reached an astonishing 230 million!
Weekly sales exceeded [-] million!
What's even more frightening is that the sales of "Stone Hammer Overlord" reached 130 million after Penguin's A-level promotion, because "Stone Hammer Overlord" only sold 130 million copies.

And "The King of Fighters" sold 130 million copies in the second week because even with continuous additional production, only 130 million discs were produced in a hurry.

What is the upper limit of "The King of Fighters"?
No one knows, the distributors only know that Feimeng's two games are selling like crazy!




Liu Xiong spent the whole day coordinating game production and dealing with the supply issues of channel suppliers, and he was extremely busy.

And on the Internet, as more and more people played "Three Kingdoms" and "King of Fighters", the word-of-mouth of the two games became wider and wider!
""Three Kingdoms", this is a brand new Three Kingdoms that you have never played before. If you are a brother, come to the game hall on the 8th backstreet. I will use Zhuge Liang to guide you."

"The King of Fighters, this is a fighting game you have never played before. If you are a brother, come to the game hall on the 8th backstreet. I will choose Kusanagi Kyo, and I will wait for you to kill me."

"It's so fun! War of the Three Kingdoms, please connect online! My IP address is..."

"After Zhao Yun burst into flames, damn it, he's so handsome!"

"Speaking of being handsome? Then I, the King of Fighters, won't accept it!"

"My Saturn game console has been eating dirt for several years, and this time I turn out Saturn again, and play against my friends, not to mention how cool it is!"

"Guys, I haven't bought any games yet. Now Stone Hammer King and King of Fighters seem to be selling very well. Which one is the most fun?"

"Same question, Stone Hammer King is a game owned by Penguin, so the quality of the game should be higher?"

"Do you have to ask? Of course "King of Fighters" is more fun. I played Stone Hammer for two days first, and then my friend recommended me to play King of Fighters. Since playing King of Fighters, I have thrown away Stone Hammer Overlord."

"That's right, the King of Fighters has thrown at least two blocks at the King of Fighters."

"I lost money on my Stone Hammer Overlord, and my blood collapsed."

"Nimma, why can't I buy The King of Fighters?"


Of course, during this period, the navy dispatched by the old ghosts still spared no effort to blackmail the game.

(End of this chapter)

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