Chapter 53
Liu Xiong didn't say anything nice, but said sincerely: "As for our next Feimeng game, I can assure you that I will be as conscientious as ever."

"Our Feimeng Studio is a company that makes games with heart and creates happiness for everyone. I don't care much about making money."

Xiao Cai asked Liu Xiong very disrespectfully: "Do you really not care about making money?"


Xiao Cai smiled slyly, and asked suspiciously: "Really?"

Liu Xiong confirmed: "Yes, don't you believe me? Then I can reveal a little bit about the new game, which can prove that I really don't make games for money."

After pausing his throat, Liu Xiong said solemnly: "Feimeng's next game will be an arcade game, but the subject matter, it will be kept secret for now."

Xiao Cai opened her mouth wide in surprise!


There is a reason why a large website like Lundao Xingkong specially interviewed Feimeng Studio.

Not long after the debate about Fei Meng and the Ice Ghost game group had cleared up, many passers-by would pay attention to Fei Meng and be curious about Fei Meng's new work.

It is the best time to interview Fei Meng at this time.

After the interview was released, the response was also very good. This time, after the exclusive interview was published on Starry Sky, it aroused extensive discussions.

"Wow! The new game is an arcade game?"

"The arcade is dead, what is Fei Meng doing?"

"Hey! It's too cool to be an arcade machine!"

"Fei Meng's new boss is indeed a good boss with ideals!"

"I feel sorry for Fei Meng, who was forced to go to the arcade by the shameless ice ghost."

"Boss Fei Meng said that he didn't make games for money, is it true?"

"As a diehard player of arcade games, I am so moved."

"The tyrants are crying!"

"Shaoyang is crying!"

Originally, a game company boss said that he did not make games to make money, but to bring happiness to players, even a fool would not believe it.

But Liu Xiong's arcade game really bluffed many people!
The arcade game has been so cold for a long time, but Feimeng chooses to make an arcade game. Is it really for the sake of feelings?

In addition to the announcement of the new arcade, another topic is also hotly discussed.

"This young lady named so cute, I like it very much."

"That dear girl next to you, let go of the salty pig's hand! Let me do it!"

"I'm envious of Fei Meng, who has such cute employees."

"I like pomelo!"

"I think Xiaokui looks better..."

"When I graduate, I will go to Feimeng to work!"

"For such a beautiful 3D design, I have to buy Feimeng's game when it comes out!"

And Liu Xiong, after reading the comments under the exclusive interview with Lundao Xingkong, also had to admit: In this face-conscious society, beautiful employees like Yuzu Xiaokui can indeed bring additional topics to the company.

After making a lot of money tomorrow, do you want Xiaolin to go for a walk in Bangguo and become a long-legged Oppa in Bangguo to attract some female fans?


Under a very smooth rhythm, the development and design of the game quickly entered the second half stage.

As usual, Liu Xiong still outsourced the game's sound effects, dubbing music and other related content to Yinlang Studio.

However, unlike the low requirements of being a blood lion last time, this time Liu Xiong has a huge sum of money, and he also put forward quite a lot of requirements for the sound performance of the game.

This time the sound effects, BGM, etc., not to mention reaching the level of first-tier games, but at least they must become the best in second-tier games.

Liu Xiong made a lot of requests, but since Liu Xiong's salary was not low, Yinlang Studio happily accepted the task.

After a few days of overtime and repeated revisions, it's done!

Smooth sailing, the Three Kingdoms and The King of Fighters have been completed successively, and using the system to check the game's attributes is also very satisfying.

The attributes of War of the Three Kingdoms are: Interesting 402, Originality 328, Picture 257, Composition 174, Vulnerability 0.

Compared with the blood lion, the interest of the Three Kingdoms War has not improved much.But the unique settings with a lot of content make the originality of the Three Kingdoms very high!
This is definitely the Three Kingdoms that everyone has never played.

Compared with the picture of Blood Lion, although War of the Three Kingdoms is only a flat 2D game, the efforts in the original painting make the picture of War of the Three Kingdoms even higher than that of Blood Lion!

The attributes of the King of Fighters made Liu Xiong even more excited!

The attributes of King of Fighters are: Interesting 511, Originality 91, Picture 311, Composition 144, Vulnerability 0.

It’s no problem if the originality is not high. The fun of up to 511 and the picture up to 311 make Liu Xiong very confident in the King of Fighters.

More than 500 interesting, really not fun you cut my rhythm!
And the original painting of the King of Fighters that Su Xian repeatedly modified, also let the system give the King of Fighters 311 picture score.

Sure enough, if you pay, you will be rewarded, which is fair.

In addition to the attributes of the game itself, the system also reported an expected good news in Liu Xiong's mind.

"It is detected that the game "Three Kingdoms" has been completed. The final attributes of the game are: fun 402, originality 328, graphics 257, composition 174, and loopholes 0."

"According to the game production process and completion, get 61 research data points."

"It is detected that the game "The King of Fighters" has been completed, and the final attributes of the game are: fun 511, originality 91, graphics 311, composition 144, and loopholes 0."

"According to the game production process and completion, get 27 research data points."

61+27, Liu Xiong has 88 research data points at once!

But Liu Xiong didn't understand one thing. In terms of attributes, the King of Fighters is better than the Three Kingdoms.

But why is it that the War of the Three Kingdoms provides more research data points?

Liu Xiong asked the system: "System, why do you see that the King of Fighters' research points are only 27 points? Isn't that too low? Is there a bug that gave me less points?"

The system said indifferently: "It is impossible to have a bug, and there is no bug in this system."

"The reason why The King of Fighters provides relatively few research points is because the originality of the game is relatively low, and originality is the most critical factor in determining the number of research data points."

So, since it's not a bug but a system setting, Liu Xiong accepted it calmly.

In general, Liu Xiong is very satisfied with the attributes of the two arcade games.

It was one aspect that made Liu Xiong a little flustered.

That is, the bugs of the two games are actually 0?

There is no BUG when it is made at one time?

There is no BUG, ​​is there a BUG?
Leaving aside the problem of loopholes, since you have obtained 88 research points, you have to start using it.

It's time to add points that Liu Xiong likes most!

After a period of work, study and progress, the attributes of the employees have increased to a certain extent.

Now, the attributes of Feimeng people are:

Kobayashi: Programming 73, screenwriting 4, screen 6, composition 2.

Hi Dog: Programming 174, Screenwriting 15, Painting 14, Composing 20.

Ye Shen: Programming 2, screenwriting 66, painting 3, composing 5.

Grapefruit: Programming 82, screenwriting 7, painting 60, composing 11.

Xiaokui: Programming 3, screenwriting 49, painting 13, composing 13.

Su Xian: Programming 4, Screenwriting 12, Painting 134, Composing 8.

There is progress, but it is not very great. In order for Feimeng to have a better development, Liu Xiong has to use the research data points cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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