Start a company to make games

Chapter 52 Here Comes Little Cai

Chapter 52 Here Comes Little Cai



Su Xian was almost crushed by Liu Xiong.

But Xiao Lin's words made Su Xian decide to persevere and follow Liu Xiong's instructions.

"Wow! Is this the finished draft? What a handsome character! This character... I fell in love with it at first sight."

After Xiaolin said these words, Su Xian carefully reviewed the first draft, re-draft, final draft, revised draft, additional revised draft, final draft, final draft 2, final draft 3...

After reading it from beginning to end, Su Xian also had to admit that under the guidance of the boss, the standard of character original painting is really getting higher and higher.

All the hard work is worth it, just for a better game.

While Su Xian was making the original paintings of the characters, backgrounds, and props one after another, Yuzu was also intensively working on the 3D design.

Although the Three Kingdoms and King of Fighters are both 2D games, it does not mean that there is no need to make models, nor does it mean that there is no need for 3D design.

It's just that compared to when I was a blood lion, it was much easier to make the Three Kingdoms and King of Fighters.

Also a lot easier, there is a duo of programmers.

After making complex RTS games, isn't it SO EASY to make arcade games?

It's just that there are many settings in the War of the Three Kingdoms. Although it is not difficult, it is still a little cumbersome.

Not difficult, but time and effort consuming.

All in all, regardless of whether Higou or Xiaolin, when Liu Xiong asked them about their work and whether they had any difficulties, their answers were all the same: "No problem, completely OJ8K!"

It's not a very complicated game, and the production progress is also flying fast.

It was originally planned to take two months, but now it seems that it can be completed in 40 days.

This progress is very good!
Because according to the game news reports, it seems that the new games of the ice ghost game group will also be released at that time.


The progress of the game quickly reached 80%, and Liu Xiong was able to use the system to strengthen the game in a targeted manner.

Now, the attributes of Three Kingdoms and King of Fighters are:

"Three Kingdoms": interesting 212, originality 237, picture 172, composition 0, loophole 31.

"The King of Fighters": Interesting 344, Originality 80, Picture 227, Composition 3, Vulnerability 0.

This property is very nice!

Especially the fun of King of Fighters!
Before entering the sprint stage, the attributes reached 344 points!
This shows that the system fully recognizes the fun of the King of Fighters.

Yes, King of Fighters is so much fun!
Because there are two games, Liu Xiong can add 20 points of attributes to each of the two games.

So, how to add it?

After thinking about it, the way of adding points is different this time.

In the previous blood lion, the picture was the most complained about.

Although Blood Lion adopts a more pleasing style of painting, it still cannot cover up the shortcomings of Blood Lion's lack of funds, so the picture is not as good as other RTS games of the era.

The two arcade games this time are arcade games that do not require high graphics, but Liu Xiong no longer wants to be complained about the graphics.

It took so much effort to design such an exquisite character design, and to modify the original painting so many times.

It is to make the Three Kingdoms and King of Fighters the benchmark of arcade games in the new era.

The gameplay is already perfect, so let's continue to enhance the picture!

Let everyone feel amazing when they see these two games: the original arcade game screen can be like this...




One pass to add points, Liu Xiong added 20 points of screen attributes to each of the two games.

Ever since, the attributes of the two games have become:
"Three Kingdoms": interesting 212, originality 237, picture 192, composition 0, loophole 31.

"The King of Fighters": Interesting 344, Originality 80, Picture 247, Composition 3, Vulnerability 0.

With a picture level that kills other arcade games in seconds, this is Feimeng's new arcade work!

After adding points, game development continues.

The development progress is very good, and Liu Xiong, who is in a good mood, also received a piece of good news.

The industry's largest Lun Dao Xingkong website would like to conduct an interview with Feimeng Studio.

An exclusive interview on the Dao Xingkong website, this is a very rare opportunity for a small studio like Feimeng!
It can be said that the exclusive interview on Starry Sky website is completely a powerful advertisement!
Still free.

Xiao Cai on the other end of the phone asked: "We plan to come to interview tomorrow, can I ask Mr. Liu?"

Liu Xiong still remembered Xiao Cai's voice, this is a cute journalist comrade with twin ponytails.

Facing Xiao Cai's question, Liu Xiong naturally replied politely: "Of course, you are very welcome!"

The next day, Xiaocai arrived as scheduled.

What surprised Liu Xiong was why the long double ponytails disappeared?
After some introductions, Liu Xiong said, "I haven't seen you for a while, Xiao Cai, your hairstyle has changed a lot."

Xiao Cai stroked her short hair, showed a bright smile and said, "You mean my hairstyle at the solo exhibition? That's a wig specially prepared for participating in the game animation exhibition..."

Liu Xiong nodded, yes, Xiao Cai's double ponytails at the exhibition were too two-dimensional.

The interview process officially started, and Xiaocai led the cameraman wandering around Feimeng Studio.

"Well, the office is not big, but it feels fulfilling!"

"Employees are very serious about their work."

Xiao Cai discovered a key piece of information, and asked with great interest: "Wow, the original painting on the wall doesn't look like a blood lion. Could it be that this is Fei Meng's new game?"

Xiao Caizhi's original painting was one of the original paintings of the King of Fighters battle background that was hung up before - Xiangjiang Night Market.

This original painting of the Xiangjiang Night Market has been adjusted after it was hung up, and it has not been put away yet.

Seeing that Xiaocai found out, Liu Xiong didn't hide anything, and nodded with a smile, Liu Xiong said: "Yes, our online version of the blood lion project has died, and we have been working on a new game during this time, but what kind of game is it? I have to keep it a secret for now."

Xiao Cai didn't ask too much, so she let the camera take a few more shots of the original painting, and then started the next part of wandering.

At this time, Yuzu just came out of the lounge, and met Xiao Cai's cameraman head-on, Xiao Cai's eyes lit up: "Wow! The girls in Feimeng Studio are also of high quality, let's take a few more shots, hehehe .”

Yuzu found that the camera was facing her. Although she was told to be more generous when facing the camera, Yuzu couldn't restrain her nervousness and ran away as soon as she blushed.

But Xiaokui walked over, grabbed Yuzu, put her arms on Yuzu's shoulders, and said openly to the camera: "Youzu don't run away! It's a rare interview opportunity..."

Under Xiaokui's coercion, Yuzu and Xiaokui accepted the interview together, scissorhands, compare!
And the last part of the interview was naturally to interview the boss Liu Xiong.

(End of this chapter)

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