Start a company to make games

Chapter 518 The Sprout of Spring

Chapter 518 The Sprout of Spring
"I used to think that the most outstanding stunt in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" was magic calculation, but now I suddenly feel that Vulcan is not weak at all!"

"This fire god Zhou Yu, if he is asked to light the fire, it will be like dropping a nuclear bomb in the Three Kingdoms!"

Liu Xiong explained the functions of various facilities in detail for everyone, and then mentioned the terrain in the game by the way.

"The terrain includes plains, forests, sand, water and poisonous springs. Fighting on different terrains will be greatly affected."

"The specific detailed differences are explained in the information."

Xiao Lin asked at this time: "Boss, I took a look, and the one-on-one and verbal battles in the settings seem very fantasy?"

"Aren't we a historical strategy game? Head-to-head and verbal battles are so fantasy, isn't it a bit unscientific?"

Liu Xiong shook his head and said with a smile, "Xiao Lin, so you are still a model."

""Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" is a historical game, but don't remember that our game is a romantic game."

"Look, the generals duel system can store Qi, use Qi to release nirvana moves, open Wushuang, open Qi and other moves, it seems a bit fantasy?"

"Looking at the civil war system again, the two sides of the war stand on the pillars of the sea, the wind blows, the lightning flashes and thunders, and there are all kinds of gorgeous special effects in any random debate."

"If you didn't pay attention, you thought it was two immortal cultivators fighting with immortals?"

"That's right, it looks too fantastical and unrealistic."

"But Kobayashi, have you noticed this?"

"Whether it's a one-on-one battle between generals or a verbal battle between civil servants, it's all their internal affairs."

"The military generals are unparalleled in single combat, and the civil servants' tongue-in-cheek battles are unreal."

"But after the one-on-one fight and the verbal battle, this fantasy will not come out."

"So, the fantasies of heads-up and verbal battles don't affect the overall balance of the game."

"Giving players a small world of cool and fantasy colors, so that they can have fun, isn't that good?"

Although the game "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" is an old game on Earth, it has a very rich gameplay.

And now "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" produced by Liu Xiong has been blown out before, so naturally it needs to be more refined.

In the second half of the meeting, Liu Xiong focused on character design and music.

Although Liu Xiong has specifically told everyone before, the importance of character design in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11".

However, in view of the importance of the character design in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11", Liu Xiong had to continue to emphasize, and even clarified his requirements in great detail.

As for the music of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11", Liu Xiong can only use two words to describe it: classic!What a fucking bull!

Liu Xiong has absolute confidence in Fangfang's strength, but since "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" on Earth is a classic and perfectly fits the game, this time Feimeng's music of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" will be based on the original version on Earth.

Liu Xiong played a few pieces of music at the meeting.

"Sprout of Spring", "March of Summer", "Harvest of Autumn", and "Silence of Winter", these four pieces of music are the theme songs assembled and switched in the game "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11".

Liu Xiong made these four pieces first and played them to everyone.

Seeing that everyone was intoxicated, Liu Xiong smiled with satisfaction: "How is it?"

Everyone shook their heads and said, "It's really good."

""Sprout of Spring" has a feeling of developing internal affairs and leisurely farming."

"Repair the grain fields, bargain in the market, drink with the soldiers, and watch the beauties in the lobby dance the Shu dance."

""The March of Summer" has an oppressive force of princes from all over the world going to battle. It looks like an army is marching in the front, and at the end it is already approaching the city!"

"The beginning of "Autumn Harvest" is joyful. I seem to see the farmers harvesting countless grains."

"In the second half, it gradually became tense. It should be that the officers and soldiers came to collect the food, and the world will rise and fall!"

"The opening part of the song "Winter's Silence" is soothing and euphemistic, and it seems to be a little sad."

"But the painting style of the whole song has changed. Amidst the sadness, a force surges out, as if the hope of the next spring has been born."

Seeing everyone's praises, Liu Xiong also nodded and said: "Yes, it's very good, and I will write a few other songs later."

"Fangfang, after listening to these songs, you should have an idea of ​​the music I want for "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11", right?"

Fangfang closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and unconsciously swiped her right hand slightly in the air.

Liu Xiong waited patiently for Fangfang's response.

About 2 minutes later, Fangfang's eyes suddenly opened, and a blazing flame spread from Fangfang's eyes all over her body.

Nodding, Fangfang said without emotion: "I understand."

Later, Liu Xiong also focused on raising some questions about the online design of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11".

To be honest, a game like "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" that takes tens or hundreds of hours is not very suitable for online.

Originally, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" on Earth did not have an online function.

But with friends, just like Yuan Shao and Cao Cao back then, walking their own paths and participating in the process of fighting for world hegemony is indeed very interesting.

Therefore, Liu Xiong very much hopes to add a complete, scientific and practical online setting in his "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" of Feimeng.

Because it is a turn-based strategy game, it is definitely not as convenient and popular as "Warcraft".

But it's always good to have.

In fact, Liu Xiong himself didn't think about how to connect "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11".

Probably there is a certain amount of time for each round, and then there is a certain amount of spare time. The specific settings can be left to the staff.

As the boss, Liu Xiong only needs to check it out.

Liu Xiong attaches great importance to the music of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11".

Therefore, even though Fangfang, Mode's emotional composer, said she understood, Liu Xiong still called Fangfang to the office alone after the meeting.

After closing the door, Liu Xiong said to Fang Fang: "Fang Fang, with the end of our meeting, the production of the game will officially begin."

"For "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11", I have written the gameplay in detail, and I don't worry about the fun of the game."

"But the most important thing is the character design and music. These two things have no upper limit."

"And you are one of the employees I rely on the most. This time you have a heavy burden."

The ruthless Fangfang will naturally not be intimidated by Liu Xiong, she is very chic and handsome and expresses that she is ready to meet the challenge.

However, the reason why Liu Xiong left Fangfang alone naturally had other purposes.

(End of this chapter)

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