Start a company to make games

Chapter 479 The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner

Chapter 479 The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner
The rather young representative also said enthusiastically: "The Feimeng STEAM platform is so powerful, we are willing to bow down to the dead body, and jokingly say that it is envy and hatred, haha."

"Since our own platform is far less popular than STEAM, we also understand Mr. Liu that you have been adding games from other companies to the STEAM platform for sale."

"We are here today, mainly to discuss the possibility of fully entering STEAM with corpse hunting games."

Suo Shi is a veteran industry king!
Although it's not the most popular one, the corpse hunting game has a very rich background, classic works, popular IPs, and diehard fans are all there.

Theoretically speaking, even without relying on Feimeng's STEAM platform, Suo Zong can still live comfortably.

But the corpse search has obviously seen the huge commercial potential of the STEAM platform.

If you can earn more money by entering STEAM, then even if you are a younger brother of Feimeng and contribute to STEAM's hegemony, why not?

In these respects, this veteran Tianwang company has always been very open-minded.

Liu Xiong naturally responded positively: "Suoshi is a very large company with many excellent games and user groups."

"If Suo Zong can enter STEAM, it will provide a very powerful boost to the construction and development of our STEAM platform."

"We very much welcome Suo Corpse to enter STEAM, and promise to provide relevant discounts for Suo Corpse."

Discounts on dead bodies.

Liu Xiong raised an important point.

Sure enough, the representatives who searched for the corpse all smiled when they heard Liu Xiong's words - if Liu Xiong could take the initiative to say this, the plan would go much smoother.

But the young long-haired representative said to Liu Xiong: "The comprehensive strategic cooperation between Suoshi and Feimeng, and the huge economic benefits that can be generated by entering the STEAM platform are worth looking forward to."

"However... there are still some disputes within Suoshi about whether to fully enter STEAM."

"I believe Mr. Liu can understand this."

Liu Xiong nodded, expressing his understanding.

After all, Zodiac is also a big company at the level of a king in the industry. Although their own game platform is not as good as Feimeng STEAM, it is not too small.

It is conceivable that there must be someone in Suoshi who wants to fully enter STEAM and share Feimeng's user resources.

But there are also people who don't want to "benefit to the enemy" and use the huge game library to make Feimeng STEAM stronger and more invincible.

So Feimeng's delegation this time is more like a test of the waters.

The corpse search team hopes to start a preliminary cooperation with Feimeng on the STEAM platform.

If the result of testing the waters is that through the STEAM platform, the corpse has indeed made irresistible profits.

Then the voices of opposition within Suoshi will naturally disappear.

But if the STEAM platform fails to generate an ideal income for corpse hunting, then the follow-up cooperation
All in all, everything speaks with strength.

Everything, speak with performance!
Of course, Liu Xiong did not forget to draw a big cake for the representatives of the dead body.

"The current maximum number of online users on the STEAM platform has exceeded 1.5 million. You must know that this is still a situation where no other company's games have entered."

"I have been negotiating with various game companies recently. Many small and medium-sized companies and independent studios in the industry have already signed agreements with Feimeng."

"Basically in a few days, you can see a large number of games from other companies starting to sell on Steam."

"If you can add a big company like Suoshi, the king of the industry, then I have every reason to believe that 2 million online!"

"Definitely not the end of STEAM."

"The market will expand further."

"The market will also prosper further."

"I'm looking forward to recovering the corpse, and also looking forward to the full entry of other companies."

"At that time, the super game platform with hundreds of millions of people online at the same time will bring benefits to every game company. Everyone is definitely worth looking forward to!"

Liu Xiong drew the big cake, and the corpse search team also revealed their plan this time.

"We are currently planning to release a sci-fi masterpiece about the end of the world that discusses human nature - "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner."

"The investment in "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner", I can disclose to Mr. Liu in advance that the investment is more than 5 million US dollars."

"This is the work with the largest investment and the heaviest investment in our corpse search in recent years."

"And we hope to make "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" as the first work of Suo Shi on STEAM."

"And, "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" will be exclusively sold on STEAM, not only will it not be sold in physical stores, but it will not even be sold on our own official website and platform."

"Click to buy "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" on the official website of Suo Corpse, and it will be directly linked to the STEAM website."

"If "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" achieves the desired results, our corpse search will be fully settled in STEAM."

"But if the results of "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" on STEAM are not very satisfactory, then maybe our cooperation with STEAM will encounter some temporary difficulties."

The meaning of recovering the corpse is obvious, Fei Meng must work hard to make the sales of "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" explode.

If "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" sells well, then Feimeng's STEAM will have the entire corpse as a game library.

At the same time, if "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" is really profitable, it will be a very big stimulus for other companies.

Especially for other companies that are also the kings of the industry, if they see the success of "The Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" by Suo Shi in STEAM, other companies with the same level of kings will also have a very high possibility of joining STEAM one after another.

By that time, STEAM, which has most of the mainstream games in the industry, is probably really invincible.

And Liu Xiong is also confident that with Feimeng's self-produced games as the core, he can always lead the entire industry to make a fortune.

Except, of course, penguins.

At present, it seems that Penguin has no intention of joining STEAM.

But even if Penguin asks to join, Liu Xiong will not agree to it—Liu Xiong has the capital.

Feimeng can't refuse Penguin to enter the mainframe of Titan Star, because it will be investigated by the anti-monopoly.

But Feimeng can refuse Penguin to enter STEAM, because it is simply a sales and networking community platform without much technical content.

Penguin has it all, and any mid-sized company can do it.

Even if STEAM really dominates the market, there is no risk of being investigated by monopoly.

So if Feimeng's STEAM really dominates the market, it can still continue to suppress Penguin.

Get rich with everyone, but not with penguins.

So Liu Xiong said to Suo Shi's representatives: "In order to make Suo Shi's "Fall of the Star-Spangled Banner" more successful, we are willing to give Suo Shi full assistance on STEAM."

"I, as promised."

(End of this chapter)

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