Start a company to make games

Chapter 447 Spreading Fire Makes People Happy

Chapter 447 Spreading Fire Makes People Happy

Champion Rong stood up.

"Come out with a plan as soon as possible after going down. We must get out of the failure of "Swordsman Biography" and invest in the new game as quickly as possible."

"in addition."

Rong Guanjun's expression suddenly became extremely serious, "The failure of "Biography of the Swordsman" has clearly reminded us that Fei Meng is now taking the initiative to fight."

"The production and development of new games must be kept secret and low-key."

"The later Feimeng gets the news of the new game, the better our situation will be."

"If Fei Meng didn't know the type of our game until halfway through the production of our new game, then they might have no time to target it."

"If our new game, Feimeng, rushes to make a game after learning about the genre, it will be a good thing for us."

"The game of rushing to work will eventually pay a price."

"For example, "Meteor Butterfly Sword", if "Meteor Butterfly Sword" wasn't produced hastily, I guess Feimeng will probably make the single-player story of "Meteor Butterfly Sword" more complete and better."


The Penguin meeting summed up the previous failures and also decided the direction of the next game.

With Chen Yidao's ability, the setting of Penguin's new game was soon completed, and the development and production of the new game began.

But shortly after Penguin started making new games, Fei Meng also held a meeting, and the theme was still to continue targeting Penguin.

"We have analyzed before that the current Penguin must continue to make masterpieces, which are popular and popular to stabilize the morale of the army."

"And now, according to my exclusive tip, I have some information about Penguin's next game."

"Although the information is not complete, I don't know the theme of the game. For the time being, I only know that Penguin is preparing to make a difficult hardcore action game."

"But it is enough to know that it is a high-difficulty action game."

"We will use another action game, a more excellent and difficult action game to hit the market, leaving no room for Penguin games."

When Xiaolin heard it, he was happy.

"Huh? Another high-difficulty action game? Is the penguin head so hard?"

"Their "Biography of the Swordsman" is one of the selling points of the high-difficulty operation, but it hit the street so badly."

"Now comes this kind of difficult action game again? Isn't this courting death?"

Liu Xiong laughed and explained: "Xiao Lin, what you said is wrong."

"First of all, "Swordsman Biography" is not a difficult action game."

"It is true that if you want to play all kinds of martial arts moves in "Biography of the Swordsman" completely, you need a very high level of operation."

"But if you want to pass the level of "Biography of the Swordsman", it is actually not difficult. You don't need all kinds of gorgeous and complicated combos at all. You can just press with your eyes closed, plus some basic blocking and dodging, and you can pass the level smoothly. .”

"The operation of "The Legend of the Swordsman" is difficult, but the game itself of "The Legend of the Swordsman" is not difficult."

"In addition, difficult hardcore action games have always been a stable game type."

"As long as this type of game is done well, it will not worry about sales."

"Penguin chose to make a difficult hardcore action game, maybe it will be a well-received and well-received game."

"But it's okay, now that I know the direction of the Penguin game in advance, then we have to target it."

"Fei Meng, also want to make a difficult action game!"

"Although I don't know the subject matter over there for the time being, but they are both high-difficulty action games, so they must be able to compete with each other."

"No matter what type of masterpiece Penguin is, we must ensure that our game is the most popular game in the same period!"

"As long as our game is good enough, we can crush each other in the market!"

Liu Xiong issued a manifesto, and Kobayashi also asked a key question.

"So boss, what is our new game?"

Liu Xiong opened a PPT and said: "I have already made some preliminary information about the new game."

"New game—"Dark Souls."

"This will be a dark fantasy style game with extremely high difficulty."

"And in the process of clearing this hard-core action game, I hope that players can experience the tension of exploring the maze, the horror of encountering enemies, the joy of new discoveries, and trying their best to fight against desperate enemies. The sense of accomplishment of surviving the attack to the end."

""Dark Soul" is the work I chose to use to defeat Penguin's new game!"

"For specific information, you can read the PPT first to understand the specific content of "Dark Soul"."

There is naturally a reason why Liu Xiong chose "Dark Soul".

Now that we know that Penguin is going to make a difficult hardcore action game, and intend to make the same game to defeat Penguin, then "Dark Soul" is almost the best and most likely choice.

There are many high-difficulty ARPG games, and there is no shortage of classics on Earth.

But "Dark Soul" is definitely one of the best, and Liu Xiong, who is determined to successfully defeat the penguin, will naturally choose "Dark Soul", a powerful game.

At the beginning, the Soul series games were not popular games.

However, after several years of development, with the excellent quality and fun of the game itself, starting from a small group of core players, it has gradually conquered the praise of a very large player group.

It can even be blown like this: In the genre of difficult hardcore action games, the "Dark Soul" series has become an invincible existence.

And the latest generation of the game "Dark Soul 3" has basically achieved a high score of 9.5 points or more on major professional evaluation websites.

The dark game style and rich and detailed game content of "Dark Soul" make other games of the same type pale in comparison.

In a sense, "Dark Soul" has developed a brand new game genre-many Soul's Like games have appeared in recent years, which proves that "Dark Soul" has become an independent game genre .

And this game type seems to be niche due to its high difficulty, but it has actually spread from the niche to the public.

When "Dark Soul 3" landed on the STEAM platform for sale, "Dark Soul 3" was No. 2.

And the first place is the deluxe version of "Dark Souls 1".

It is precisely because of the success of "Dark Soul" on Earth that Liu Xiong has enough confidence to use "Dark Soul" to deal with Penguin.

"Dark Soul" is so good, why doesn't Liu Xiong spread the fire?

Give Liu Xiong a reason not to spread fire?
Spread fire and make people happy!
 I was dragged to work crazy overtime last night, there is only one update for the time being, and the second update will be delivered later.

(End of this chapter)

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