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Chapter 410 Contents of the movie

Chapter 410 Contents of the movie

"Dad said he was going to the town to buy some traps and rat poison, but I was really scared, and that sound didn't sound like a simple snow rat."

"Manny just doesn't believe me. He insists that I'm sneaking into the basement all the time, damn it, and keeps running to the basement trying to catch me. How can he be so stupid sometimes!"

"I hid the key to the basement in Mom's favorite keepsake so Manny couldn't find the key."

"By the way, the basement is getting louder."


"After reading Sudi's diary, I tried to enter the basement, but the entrance to the basement was locked firmly."

"At this time, I also heard a rustling sound. I, who have experienced many battles, think that it must be Charus crawling."

"The basement is locked. I tried many lock picks, but the master lock is very difficult to open."

"But she hid the key mentioned in Su Di's diary, so I searched for it in the bloody lighthouse."

"Then I found a Ramati diary."

"The diary shared the joy of saving enough money to buy the lighthouse."

"Also said one thing that I regret."


"Sudi and Manny seem very upset to be in Skyrim, but they're young and don't understand that we just want our family to spend more time together before they grow up and leave."

"They thought their father would live to be a hundred years old, but in fact Hubbard's life was coming to an end, and I promised him that after his death, I would bury his bones in the lighthouse, so that he could see endlessly forever. ocean."

"Sudie kept saying there was something in the basement, and Manny said it was a snowrat."

"They know I'm afraid of snow rats, so now I don't dare go into the basement at all, and I have to put my favorite urn under the cloth."

"If the two of them get the squirrel into the basement, I swear..."


"The diary stopped here abruptly. I noticed the diaries of Sudi and Ramati, and both mentioned Ramati's favorite souvenir, which was an urn."

"So I opened the cloth and found the urn and the key inside. After finding the key, I opened the door to the basement."

The MGM manager's heart was in his throat, and he asked urgently, "Then what did you see?"

Liu Xiong took a sip of tea, and then said: "Then what came into view was a lot of blood stains on the stairs. There were more and more blood stains along the stairs, as if a person was being dragged down."

"Although I kept struggling, it was still useless."

"Of course, I heard that disturbing rustling again."

"In the cellar, I encountered Charus as expected, and that rustling sound was made by Charus."

"Here will be the first fight about Chalus in the movie, this kind of fight between people and big bugs in a small space, this is where your skills will be tested."

The MGM manager assured: "Don't worry, we have sufficient experience in how to represent the battle with alien creatures in a small space."

"After killing Chalus, I saw a big hole in the wall of the basement. It should be the snow elf who dug through the wall from the ground and rushed into the lighthouse."

"Proceeding through the ice passage behind the hole, I found more snow elves and Chalus, and even a snow elf's wooden house."

"It seems that the snow elves have been operating here for a long time."

"The passage is very long, and I don't know where it will lead."

"At a corner, I found a boy lying on the stone steps with a snow elf sword stuck in his chest."

"From his similar face, I knew it must be Hubbard's son Manny."

"It was too late to restrain the corpse, so I quickened my pace and continued to rush deeper."

"Along the way, I found some snow elf fences. This is the fence where the snow elves kept Chalus in captivity, and now they are used to temporarily detain humans?"

"I found a little girl in a snow elf's fence."

"That's Su Di, it's a pity she's dead."

"I found two notes on her body, one of which was relatively clean."


"I don't know how long I've been here, dad came looking for us, but those things got him too."

"I asked him if he saw Manny and Mom, but I didn't know if he could hear him."

"Dad tried to free himself from the bug, but the bug bit him, and now, Dad has a fever."


"From this note, I learned that Hubbard was also bitten. Being bitten by a deadly poisonous insect like Charus is very bad."

"The other note was covered in blood, and I struggled to read the contents of the note."


"The creatures took Dad, and others, and the only thing I heard was screaming."

"Oh! God, why didn't I listen to Manny?"

"Dad, who was bitten by bugs, has a fever that is getting worse and worse. He has been muttering about the demons."

"Dad gave me a dagger before I was taken away, I think I know why Dad left me the dagger."


The MGM manager asked hesitantly, "Sudi committed suicide with this dagger?"

Liu Xiong nodded and said, "Yes."

"Both Manny and Sudi died, plus his wife Ramati who died in the lighthouse, three of the four members of the family died."

"Although I know the chances are slim, I decided to continue the adventure to rescue my old friend."

"If it's too late, then avenge him and his family!"

"Okay!" said the MGM manager: "The hatred in this movie is already well prepared! The audience will be eager for hearty revenge!"

Nodding his head, Liu Xiong continued: "I came to a pool with many Chalus eggs."

"Bugs are very concerned about the reproduction of offspring, so there are a lot of Chalus guarding here. I faced the fierce big bugs and finally defeated them after a hard fight."

"And the goal I want to save seems to be not far away."

"Walking in the icy water, Chalus's body, severed limbs and bug eggs, I came to a large ice cave."

"Here, I saw a scene that horrified me."

"Among the countless bug eggs, there is a super huge giant Chalus!"

"I've never seen such a huge bedbug in my entire life."

"After a hard fight, I finally killed the giant Chalus, and in the belly of this monster, I found half of Hubbard's head and the key to the lighthouse. This brave father did not escape death after all."

"Dragging my smelly, dirty and exhausted body, I left the snow elf's cave and returned to the Frostflow Lighthouse."

"I climbed to the top of the lighthouse and, as he had wished, put half of Hubbard's skull into the burning lighthouse."

(End of this chapter)

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