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Chapter 409 Frostflow Lighthouse

Chapter 409 Frostflow Lighthouse
"The final ending of the story is also emotional and can leave a deep impression on the audience."

"More importantly, adapting the plot of this mission into a movie can save the "Elder Scrolls" movie from the tragic special effects battle."

"What kind of giant dragon destroys everything, what kind of siege battle with thousands of troops, none of these are needed."

"You don't need to do too many grand scenes, but you just need to carefully carve out the existing content and make it exquisite."

Hearing this, the manager of MGM quickly asked with great interest: "Oh? With so many advantages? What's the name of this side mission?"

"This mission is called Frostflow Lighthouse, have you played this mission?"

The manager of MGM smiled awkwardly: "Uh...the company is quite busy recently, I work overtime every day..."

"I haven't played it before." Liu Xiong nodded, "It doesn't matter, I can introduce this task to you a little bit."

"And what I imagined, if it were made into a movie script."

"At the beginning of the movie, when I was traveling outside of Skyrim, I had a wonderful conversation with a family, two children, and a single father named Hubbard."

"This paragraph was improvised by me to give the audience an impression of this family."

"You can also let the dragonborn, that is, me and Hubbard fight side by side, bid farewell and so on."

"You can come up with your own ideas. Anyway, your film company is a professional, and you must know how to do it better."

"Then there was a short plot in the middle, when I was in Skyrim Province, I learned that Hubbard had moved to Skyrim Province, so I went to visit him."

"No, no, this should be me passing through Morningstar City exhausted after a battle."

"And Hubbard's home is at the Froststream Lighthouse outside Morningstar City. When I passed by the lighthouse, I saw Hubbard's name written on the house, so I wanted to go in and meet my friends."

"I saw potatoes and leeks planted outside the lighthouse, horse pens and mouse traps, and buckets and straw and so on."

"Looks like my old friend Hubbard has found the warmth of family."

"But when I opened the door and entered the room, I couldn't help but frown. There was a smell of blood and killing in the air."

"I lit the torch and found that there were signs of fighting everywhere inside the lighthouse, and blood sprayed everywhere on the walls and the ground."

"The body of a woman lies on the ground with a snow elf-style handaxe stuck in her chest."

"And not far from her corpse, there is a corpse of Chalus."

"I instantly understood that Hubbard's house was attacked by snow elves!"

"I continued to investigate the room and found Hubbard's diary."


"I learned from the diary that after Hubbard parted ways with me, he met a woman named Ramati. The two saved enough money, so they moved to the province of Skyrim."

"Bought an old lighthouse with a view of the icebergs and coastline."

"Although the two children, Manny and Sudi, often complain that Skyrim is too cold, and although the lighthouse occasionally leaks, Hubbard, who has experienced blood and killings, likes the tranquility here."

"The two children are also quarreling with each other, gradually accepting the environment of Tianji Province, and gradually accepting Ramati as their mother."

"Until here, the content of the diary is very peaceful and peaceful, but the following content is problematic."


"Sudi insisted she heard scrapes in the basement at night and I think she just wanted to make Ramati angry."

"But I decided to go to town and buy some mouse traps to keep the snowmouse out of the way, and hopefully the two little ones will live in peace with Ramati after I leave the house."

"The diary becomes very scribbled after turning the pages."

"My God! Why? I came home to find my dear Ramati murdered!"

"And this thing, this bug-like monster ransacked my home, and I've already killed this damn beast!"

"I've never seen such a thing, I think it might be a Daedric creature, my God, my poor Ramati."

"The bugs must have crawled out of the basement. I'm going to go down and lock the basement door to make sure they don't escape."

"I don't know if I can succeed, even if I have a narrow escape, but I must save my family!"


After saying this, the manager of MGM nodded and said: "My wife and children have suffered accidents. In order to save my family, my father who has already retired took up arms again and began to challenge the extremely powerful evil as a lone hero. enemy."

"This kind of lonely heroic middle-aged uncle Gu is a protagonist that audiences in our country like very much."

"There are many similar classic action movies, such as "The Punisher", "Taken", "Law Abiding Citizen", "Death Verdict" and so on."

"Wait, is it possible that the protagonist of this movie will be the retired soldier named Hubbard? Instead of Dragonborn?"

Liu Xiong shook his head and said, "Of course not. The protagonist will naturally be our dragon descendant. Movies and novels need to highlight the protagonist."

"The protagonist of the movie is still me, the Dragonborn."

"But when the plot reaches this point, doesn't the main line of the movie already appear?"

"My old friend's wife was killed and his two children were missing. My old friend went to rescue them."

"As a dragonborn, I must investigate!"

The manager of MGM nodded again and again: "What Mr. Liu said is right, right! This is how movies should be, and the main character must be highlighted."

Liu Xiong continued: "At this time, the audience will really want to know the life and death of the old friend and his two children, and I will continue to investigate."

"In the children's room with two small beds, I saw a small ax and a troll skull with ax scars on it."

"Being able to defeat the troll shows Hubbard's strength."

"And then here, I found another copy of Sudi's diary."


"I hate it here, why are we in Skyrim?"

"I miss the huge port, there are fun things and strange faces every day, even being a maid on a ship is better than being here!"

"Manny said we should run away, but we can't leave Mom and Dad here, can we? Oh, what should I do?"

"We have been in this boring province of Skyrim for two months. From the top of the lighthouse, we can see the Wizarding Academy of Winterhold in the distance, but my father said that magic is a trick of the demons."

"The only funny thing was mum berating us for stealing in the basement at night, and I did hear noises in the basement, and I thought it was dad scraping fish scales."

"I caught Manny in the basement a few days ago. At first I thought he was playing tricks in the basement and blaming me."

"But yesterday Manny was sleeping, and I still heard the noise."

(End of this chapter)

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