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Chapter 364 Sexy Anchor, I'm calling the police!

Chapter 364 Sexy Anchor, I'm calling the police!
The beauty said that she likes keeping dogs, and then a multiple-choice question appeared on the screen.

"A, ask her if she did something rather inappropriate to her dog?"

"B, well said, because people who have pets are generally very loving."

"C, say you like dog fighting."

"D, say you keep fish."

Liu Xiong directly said with a smirk: "My friends, this question is very simple, but I know you definitely want me to choose A, right?"

"Hey, in order to prevent you from reporting me, I can only choose A."

The barrage gods have drawn a clear line with Liu Xiong.

"Bah! Beauty and dog? We're not such zombies!"

"It's obviously a little book boy, and you are so insane, you still dump the blame on our barrage god? We won't take the blame on the barrage!"

"The anchor actually wants to choose A? It's really insane!"

"The seductive anchor! I'm calling the police!"

"Don't talk nonsense, if you want to choose A, choose A quickly, hurry up!"

As Liu Xiong was "coerced" by the barrage, he chose A.

I saw the girl said that she would walk the dog or something.

But Ju Guta questioned and asked, "Is it true?"

The girl asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Ju Guda said: "I have seen a video before, called 'Me and My Dog', and there is also a beautiful woman in it."

"Of course it's not you in the video, but it's also a beautiful woman, and then she's sitting on the sofa."

"And dogs like honey, right?"

The two girls nodded.

"Then the beauty in the video put honey on..."

The two girls showed disgusted expressions: "Uh...isn't this too disgusting?"

"do not talk!"

Zhu Guda continued to ask with a smirk, "Do you usually treat your dog like that?"

"how is this possible?"

Jugurtha is still saying: "If you do that, you should film the video...that's a lot of money."

There is no doubt that the girls left in disgust.

What else could Jugurtha, who lived alone, say?
Ju Guta could only explain: "Even if you really think so, don't say it."

OK, after trying the options of women and dogs, Liu Xiong said: "Look, choosing A is really wrong."

"Everyone, don't choose A in the future!"

Closer to home, Liu Xiong said: "It's over by licking, choose B!"

So Zhu Guda began to lick and lick: what did he say he had read a book, called a journal in his heart or something.

It said that people who keep pets, especially dogs, if they care about their dogs, they must also care about people in reality.

A dog owner will be a good person you can count on.

The blond girl with the dog smiled and nodded: "Interesting theory."

Zhu Guda also did not forget to ask his sister's companions for advice: "Is that so?"

Naturally, she got an affirmative answer: "Yes, she is very caring and caring."

So the two girls were very happy.

The screen switched back, and Zhu Guda, surrounded by beauties, explained: "It doesn't matter whether you like animals or not."

"The important thing is that you have to understand that the other girl likes it."

"So you don't make bad jokes about pets, it's rude."

"Speaking some positive topics around pets will benefit you for life. You must know that many girls like kittens and puppies."

After teasing the two girls, Zhu Guda even made a few jokes, further enlivening the atmosphere.

At this time, the question of choosing one of two appeared.

"A, under the guise of feeling the muscles, so as to have intimate contact with the girl."

"B, ask them how they see themselves in five years' time?"

Liu Xiong said: "Although the bullet screen masters all said to choose A, after all, they were strangers a few minutes ago, so it's overthinking to get in touch with each other right now."

"I think the question of B is very interesting. What do you think of yourself in 5 years? Barrage masters, what do you think?"

Barrage masters have answered their own five years later.

"Who would have thought that I, who was 5 years old five years later, would be an 16-year-old boy five years ago?"

"I said 5 years ago that I must get rid of being single! Now I have decided to extend the deadline for another 5 years."

"Five years later, I must train my Taoist number to level 5!"

Liu Xiong and the barrage masters chose B with confidence.

Then the girl said: "My self in 5 years? This sounds like a boring interview question."

"I find it boring to answer interview questions like this in a bar environment."

The screen switched back, and the lonely Zhu Guda nodded and said, "Yes, five years later is a typical interview question, don't ask it."

Fortunately, asking this question will not freeze the scene, so the plot continues.

Jugurtha chatted a few words about sports.

The blond girl said that she is a member of the college women's basketball team, and she used to be a fan of the NBA.

At this time, a multiple-choice question appeared again.

"A, conduct the famous Strawberry Fields test."

"B, show off."

After thinking about it, Liu Xiong said, "The Strawberry Field Test is a well-known psychological test about teasing and hinting."

"And showing off? It's nothing more than showing off your basketball skills and knowledge."

"Since we chose the implicit B wrong just now, it means that we should go further and be more proactive at this time."

"After all, this is a bar, sometimes it is necessary to speak boldly."

"Then choose A!"

So Jugurtha asked, "Ladies, would you like to do a psychological test?"

The two beauties glanced at each other and nodded to express their willingness to participate in the test.

Zhu Guda said: "Of course this is a very interesting psychological test. I wonder if you have done a psychological test called Strawberry Fields?"

Both girls shook their heads.

So the test began, and Jugurtha said: "Close your eyes and imagine that you are walking in a beautiful strawberry field, and the strawberry field has a fence wall."

"Now tell me, how high is the fence wall you see? Show it with your hand."

"Okay, you can put your hands down, imagine the scene of you walking into the strawberry garden, you want to eat strawberries, how much do you want to eat?"

Both girls said: "Of course we want to have a good time, we all love strawberries."

Zhu Guda continued: "OK, when you finished eating, you were about to leave, but the owner of the strawberry field came."

"The owner of the strawberry field went crazy and accused you of eating up his strawberries. What are you going to say at this time?"

"We can only say we're sorry, we're hungry," the two girls replied.

The three couldn't help laughing, and Zhu Guda then said: "Okay, the test is over, let me explain the meaning of this test."

"In fact, this test is quite interesting. The height of the fence you see actually represents your openness."

"Like you." Zhu Guda said to the blonde girl.

(End of this chapter)

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