Start a company to make games

Chapter 289 The Frostpunk Age

Chapter 289 The Frostpunk Age
"But I have to stress again that Titan's strength is not only manifested in the single aspect of weather effects."

"In other respects, our Titan is equally powerful."

"However, you can rest assured about the weather, the expressiveness is perfect! I remember Feimeng's previous work "Left [-] Dead", there was such a stormy level."

"If you use the current Titan console to play "Left [-] Dead", you will definitely get a more terrifying game experience in the storm level!"

"Definitely let the player get into the game too deeply! Scary!"

Zhu Guda was full of confidence, while Liu Xiong nodded in satisfaction: "OK, this is the best."

Standing up, Liu Xiong raised his voice and said to everyone: "I can tell everyone right now, what is the name of the new game."

"The game that will be randomly attached to the mainframe of the Titan star is called."

"Frozen Age!"

Frostpunk is a city building doomsday survival game.

It's set in an ultimate frosty world where steam power technology has been developed to combat the extreme cold.

A group of survivors came near a steam tower in the Arctic Circle, preparing to build their own homes here.

Players need to act as city managers and lead the city's residents to survive in the harsh doomsday world of ice and snow.

Players must properly manage the residents and the infrastructure they depend on in order to lead the people to survive.

At the same time, in the apocalypse, the original morality and values ​​of human beings will be impacted and questioned.

Players will make many decisions about morality, order, and beliefs that will also change the direction of the game.

In the impact of the old world view and the real environment, the contradictions within the city will be a severe challenge for the players.

However, even in the most difficult days, players must send people to explore the outside world to obtain the resource elements to survive in the doomsday - iron, coal, wood, technology, population and so on.

Live, live is the most important thing!
But while living, players must also think about what they have gained and what they have lost...

Liu Xiong handed over a small stack of "Frozen Age" materials to Xiaokui, and asked Xiaokui to distribute it to everyone.

While Xiaokui was posting, Liu Xiong said, ""Frozen Age" is a relatively small game, maybe there will be more content in the future, but at least so far, I don't have many requirements for the game content."

""Frostpunk" is not very big, but it doesn't have to be big. The cost should be controlled within 2000 million dollars."

"After all, our Titan Star has not yet been released to the market. Our real blockbuster works, we still have to wait until the Titan Star is sold and we have the first batch of customers before going on the market, so that we can make more money."

For Liu Xiong's behavior of compressing the development funds of "Frozen Age", compressing the content of "Frozen Age", and keeping the good products on the official release of the game, Xiao Kui is in favor of it with both hands and feet.

Xiaokui said happily: "That's right. Anyway, it's a free game, so there's no need for too much content. Let players see the power of Titan and publicize it. That's the most important task of Frostpunk!"

"Well." Liu Xiong said with certainty: ""Frostpunk" is a promotional film. Isn't our Titan star exploded with weather effects? And "Frostpunk" is the end of the frost world, and the cruel snowstorm is the game great test."

"Let players experience the next-generation super snowstorm, and let the players' citizens shiver in the ultra-low temperature of minus 150 degrees."

"The suffocating brutal storm, combined with the suffocating background music, fully conveys our "Frozen Age" game experience to the players through the Titan host!"

"Achieving the ultimate!"

After the meeting, Liu Xiong asked the employees to start making "Frozen Age"-the core is similar to the original version on Earth, but there are improvements in many places.

And Liu Xiong continued to negotiate with other small companies to discuss the development of other companies' new games on Titan.

The busy days passed quickly, and after a week, Liu Xiong had time to ask about the development progress of the game.

Back in the office, Liu Xiong saw Higou Xiaolin Fangfang and others gathering together to watch the movie "Interstellar 2".

Liu Xiong knows that "Interstellar" travels through the universe from a wormhole near Saturn.

But "Interstellar 2" is a new movie that has only been released for a few months, and Liu Xiong hasn't seen it yet, so Liu Xiong came over to watch curiously.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Xiong didn't have a tone of blame. Although watching movies together during working hours is an obvious act of fishing, Liu Xiong didn't prohibit it.

Buddhist company okay!

Everyone was watching the exciting part, only Fang Fang turned her head and answered Liu Xiong, "That...boss, it's like this. "Interstellar 2" uses the wormhole in the center of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter to complete the time travel."

"There are many scenes of Jupiter in the movie, but Jupiter is not a gaseous storm planet. We hope to get some inspiration from the movie and make our "Frozen Age" blizzard better."

Liu Xiong's eyes froze!
Imitating Jupiter's Great Red Spot to make the blizzard of "Frozen Age"?
Boy, this is too exaggerated!

What is Jupiter's Great Red Spot?
Jupiter is a super giant gaseous planet, very scary.

Jupiter's rotation speed is very fast, less than 10 hours, and Jupiter's outer atmosphere is clearly divided into multiple zones according to latitude, resulting in turbulence and storms prone to occur at the edges where the zones meet.

The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is a super huge alien storm that started with Robert Hooke in 1664 and has lasted for more than 350 years.

This super huge anticyclonic storm is wider than 4 earths combined!

At this time, the movie played the scene of the protagonists rushing into the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, and a terrifying and spectacular scene suddenly appeared on the screen:
A black cloud that obscured the sky and boundless, slowly came from afar.

From the protagonist's words, Liu Xiong learned that the length of this dark cloud exceeds 10000 kilometers!

At the same time, in another direction, a huge golden circular circle is rotating counterclockwise at a high speed, and countless lightning bolts are fired irregularly from the golden circle to the surroundings.

These lightning bolts are 1 times stronger than on Earth and would instantly turn to ashes if struck.

From the protagonist's words, Liu Xiong learned that this golden ring with a radius of more than 3000 kilometers is the eruption of the magnetic field on the surface of Jupiter.

Liu Xiong saw a blue-gold beam of light, piercing through Jupiter's atmosphere like a sharp sword!
This is an aurora with a length of more than 5 kilometers. It is gorgeous, spectacular, and breathtakingly beautiful and terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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