Chapter 288

At that time, Juhard entered the game console market quite strongly, but was beaten badly.

After spending money year after year, relying on his strong family and business, he finally gained a firm foothold.

With a relatively small board and relatively weak experience, Feimeng can really make a big splash in the high-end game console market?

At this very moment, Liu Xiong is meeting representatives of some game companies in Feimeng's office.

In fact, this is also one of Liu Xiong's main tasks in the next few days.

Regardless of whether Feimeng's Titan Star host is successful or not, game manufacturers cannot ignore Feimeng's console.

Those large, industry-leading companies can naturally not pay attention to Titan Star for the time being.

However, some small and medium-sized game companies cannot ignore the sales brought by Flying Dream Titan.

These two-three-four-five-six-seven-line game companies have expressed their hope to enter the Titan Star platform, and they want to get the development authorization of the Titan Star Platform at a relatively favorable price.

And Liu Xiong's answer made them extremely pleasantly surprised.

"Get authorization at a discounted price? Get Titans game development tools at a cheap price?"

"Huh? No need!"

"Development tools for the Titan host, free!"

"Any individual or company can develop games for the Titan Star host platform for free."

"Of course, it's none of my business whether you can market the game after you develop it, whether you can sell it or not."

Development authorization, the money is much less.

But that's not much to say.

In addition, Titan Star is not a PZ after all, if Liu Xiong charges a high licensing fee, it may scare away a large number of small companies.

After all, these small companies have little money, so they must be cautious if they are asked to spend a lot of money to buy development licenses.

Compared with the unknown level of Titan Star, they must prefer to use their limited funds to purchase the development license of PZ-PLUS.

After all, that is a safer choice.

Therefore, Liu Xiong simply waved his hand!
No more money!

Anyway, Liu Xiong doesn't need to go public, doesn't need financial reports, and doesn't need to be responsible to the board of directors and shareholders. He spends his own money on his own!
As for the less money earned for it?

As for the foreign debt owed?
Too many lice don't itch!Don't rush this either!
Hearing Liu Xiong's words, the game companies rejoiced.

"Ah? Liu Xionghao is angry!"

"What a boon for our fledgling indie studio!"

"Such an excellent Titan Star host, Mr. Liu actually waived the licensing fee! He is worthy of being my entrepreneurial idol!"

"Great, our company will definitely make the best game on Titan, and do our part for Mr. Liu's Titan promotion!"

Liu Xiong smiled and said to the persons in charge of several small companies: "Not only do you not charge licensing fees, but as long as your games are good enough, I will also arrange them on the login interface of Titan Star and the Feimeng game platform for you. The game arranges recommended slots."

"The games produced by Feimeng don't need to be promoted and recommended by those positions, so I specially leave them to you."

Another burst of warm applause!

Most of these small companies can only produce salted fish games, but there are also a small number of high-quality products.

If these small number of high-quality games are recommended by a big company and platform like Feimeng, the effect will definitely be no less than the A-level promotion of Penguin!
For small companies, it may mean millions or even tens of millions of game sales!
Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of income growth!
Xiao Kui was not present when Liu Xiong announced that the authorization fee would be waived.

It was also fortunate that she was not there, otherwise Xiaokui would definitely hate Liu Xiong again, and then complain that Liu Xiong was wasting money again.

While receiving various small companies in the past few days, Liu Xiong also took time to hold a meeting, the theme of which was about the new game of Feimeng.

Because of rushing to attend the meeting of several small companies, Liu Xiong can only make a long story short for this meeting.

"If nothing unexpected happens, our Titan star host will be on the market within a month."

"But as a game console, we definitely can't just launch a game console!"

"The game companies who are contacting me, even if their games are not large, it usually takes 3 months."

"There are a few companies that have expressed that they will develop several Titan Star exclusive games for Feimeng before Titan Star goes public."

"But these are casual games, and they are completely unqualified to be used as Titans' first game."

"Besides, it's our Feimeng's game console after all, so it must be our Feimeng's own game."

Xiaokui said with a smile: "That's right, Titan Star must be launched simultaneously with a masterpiece of flying dreams, so that it will save face!"

"I was just about to ask you, boss, about our new game plan!"

Liu Xiong nodded to Xiaokui and said, "Well, that's exactly what I'm going to say today."

"First of all, we need to determine the goal - we must release a game at the same time that Titan is released."

"This will be a unique, playable game that will showcase the strengths of our Titan console."

"However, at the same time, we must also see that due to time constraints, our game will not be as complicated and huge as the previous games."

"Maybe it's not too big a game, and there won't be astonishing investment, but this game will be a calling card for us."

"Its nature is more like an intermediate work of an independent studio."

"Moreover, this game will not be released, but will be given to players who purchase the Titan console for free in the form of a random bonus."

"It's also a common practice in the game console market to send games randomly."

"But, I want something called expressiveness!"

"Isn't the picture of our Titan star great, and the special effects are awesome?"

"Isn't Titan Star able to render the ultimate game screen and bring players the purest and most advanced game enjoyment?"

"Our new game will reflect this."

"When players see this game, they will be so amazed: Wow! The graphics are so shocking, and the accompanying games are so good. When Feimeng is officially released, how heaven-defying will it be?"

Kobayashi came over and asked, "So boss, what do you want us to do about the new game?"

Hi Dog also asked: "The boss must have already had an idea, right?"

Liu Xiong nodded confidently and said with a smile: "Well, that's right, I do have an idea."

Facing Zhu Guda, Liu Xiong asked: "I remember you told me that among the many advantages of this generation of consoles on Titan, one of them is the powerful expressiveness of weather effects."

Zhu Guda nodded confidently, and said, "That's right, Titan's expressive power in terms of weather is definitely the strongest in the history of game consoles."

(End of this chapter)

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