Start a company to make games

Chapter 283 Deciding to Develop a Host

Chapter 283 Deciding to Develop a Host

After a slight pause, Liu Xiong continued to speak.

"Later, the games we made with Feimeng may have a more mature style of painting, and perhaps a better overall use of color, but in fact, in terms of picture quality, we have not made any real progress."

Everyone nodded, thoughtfully.

Indeed, after the game "Dead or Alive", Feimeng's game has not improved at all in terms of graphics.

That is biased.

But if we talk about the future Feimeng game, how much has the picture improved?
That's definitely bragging, too.

Liu Xiong continued to speak: "Feimeng has already touched the ceiling of this generation of game consoles."

"And the main games of other companies, other industry kings, are also awesome on the screen, and they have basically reached their limits."

"We Feimeng is a game company that is constantly pursuing, and we will pursue better."

"As for other industry giants, they will definitely find ways to make games with better graphics."

"The shackles of this generation of consoles on game development are already very obvious."

"I'm almost sure that giants such as Suoshi and Juhard are already developing a new generation of consoles."

"If their next-generation hosts successfully occupy the market, it will definitely not be good news for our lofty goal of Feimeng."

"On the contrary, if our Feimeng mainframe can win in the next next-generation mainframe battle."

"Then...hehe, to become a new generation of giants, our goal is definitely not so small."

"Heavenly King? Giant? It's all just floating clouds."

After Liu Xiong finished his speech, Higou nodded first and said: "Indeed, the industry's demand for new hosts is ready to emerge."

"It is very important for us to seize this wave of game console upgrades, and it is also a major challenge and a major opportunity for Feimeng Games!"

Xiao Lin jumped up and shouted: "Haha, that's right! Our host of Feimeng must do well this time and dominate the world!"

Xiaokui also smiled and said: "Well! The boss bought Saturn, not for nothing. Saturn was once so powerful, and there are many patented technologies. After absorbing and digesting Saturn's technology, we can definitely make a super host. of!"

Fangfang said expectantly: "I also felt that the current host can't give full play to my full strength, look forward to it!"

"I look forward to us making a super host with super powerful performance to meet my needs!"

"As long as the machine is powerful, I can definitely make a better game, definitely a better game!"

Zhu Guda also thought about it and said: "The performance of the existing game consoles cannot meet the needs. Whoever can develop the next-generation console first will have a huge advantage in the competition!"

"If our Flying Dreams mainframe is a big success, and even reaches the point of monopolizing the market in the competition, then it will really take off!"

Su Xian said excitedly: "Other game companies, including those giant-level game companies, will actively or not actively enter our game consoles."

"To tell you the truth, the reason why Suo Zong has the status of the king of the industry is largely because their PZ mainframe is so successful."

"If our Flying Dream host can be as successful as PZ, even more successful than PZ! Then our Big Flying Dream will definitely become the new king!"

"Penguin? Nothing!"

If you want to surpass Feimeng's self and create a higher-level game, you need a new next-generation console.

If you want to improve Feimeng's status in the world, and make Feimeng truly a complete king of the industry, you also need a new next-generation console.

Liu Xiong's plan won the strong approval of all members.

At this time, Zhu Guda stood up again and said: "The boss entrusted me to take charge of Saturn's affairs, but if we want to develop a next-generation console with top performance, we still need everyone's help."

Everyone expressed their desire to help.

"No problem! Although I haven't developed a game console, I think I should be good at it!"

"If you need help, just say it."

"Developing a console is also one of my childhood dreams, come true!"

"Hey, this console will be responsible for the games we develop in the future. It's great to be able to personally participate in the development of the new console!"

"I'm just a little worried about whether my job of developing games will be delayed."

Liu Xiong added in time: "Delaying my job of developing games? It doesn't exist!"

"Fei Meng's next job is to develop a new console!"

"This host is the key to Feimeng's take-off, and it is a big project that I spend crazy money on!"

"What kind of game to develop is not as important as developing the Feimeng host next!"

"In the next period of time, we will not develop any games, concentrate all funds, concentrate all technologies, concentrate all energy, and concentrate all strength!"

"Collect to do big things, we must build our new host of Feimeng well!"

At the end of the meeting, Liu Xiong chatted with Zhu Guda privately.

"The meeting was also held, and the new host project is about to start."

"Feimeng has produced many games, but this is the first time for a game console, and we have no experience."

"As the person in charge of the new console project, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders."

"But you will also get all my resources. We Feimeng will concentrate all our strength to assist you, and you will get all my unreserved support."

"This is my promise."

Jugurtha's breathing was a little short.

After a moment of silence, Zhu Guda said solemnly: "I deeply feel that I have a great responsibility, and I will definitely do this well."

"With the help of the boss and the entire Feimeng team, I am very confident."

"However, according to my usual style of spending money...hehe, boss, you have to be mentally prepared for the investment required this time."

Liu Xiong nodded calmly.

"Ready at all the time."

After Zhu Guda left, Liu Xiong sat alone in the office thinking.

Although he boasted that Haikou would provide sufficient support in the budget before, Liu Xiong found out that he had no money to his embarrassment!

Although "Warcraft" set a terrifying sales record, in fact, Fei Meng really didn't make any money from the game "Warcraft".

At first, he considered whether he would lose money on "Warcraft", but due to the explosive sales, Fei Meng avoided losing money.

But the money earned is really not much.

And the only money they earned was basically given back to everyone as bonuses for the "Warcraft" competition.

Therefore, on top of "Warcraft", Liu Xiong really didn't make any money.

Of course, Liu Xiong also accumulated considerable wealth through the games he made before.

(End of this chapter)

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