Chapter 282
Bad boats also have three thousand nails, and the Saturn game console with a deep heritage has been engaged in the game console industry for more than 20 years.

Accumulated over the years, the patent technology library accumulated by Saturn is a huge fortune.

It is said that the corpse search companies are planning to acquire Saturn, because they are also coveting Saturn's patented technology.

It's just because Saturn Corporation is a junk asset with a lot of debt, so the corpse has been hesitating.

If Feimeng wins Saturn and inherits the patented technology of Saturn game consoles for many years, it will be very helpful to the development of Feimeng as a whole.

Plus, that's the fact that the Saturn console has a fairly broad base of audience.

As a classic game console, the Saturn game console was once quite fashionable in the market. In terms of shipments, the Saturn game console is not much worse than the PZ console of Sombrero!
When Feimeng wins Saturn, it also has Saturn's popularity and user accumulation.

The Feimeng Saturn game console is definitely more gimmick than the pure Feimeng game console, right?

But since Saturn is so good, why does Saturn only have Liu Xiong as a receiver?
Because Saturn also has a lot of debt!
Liu Xiong negotiated very quickly with Saturn's top management, and Saturn's selling price was only a symbolic one dollar!

However, after taking over Saturn, the debt Liu Xiong needs to bear is also terrifying!

The entire debt of 80 billion US dollars was also transferred to Liu Xiong.

Most of this is long-term debt, but there is also $20 billion of debt that needs to be repaid in the short term.

Liu Xiong is very confident in Feimeng's profitability, but in any case, these billions of dollars are a waste of money for Feimeng.

It's a big gamble!
If the bet is won, Feimeng will be able to make further progress on the current basis!
But if you lose...

Liu Xiong didn't want to say that he fell into the abyss of eternal doom, at worst, he would live a hard life for two years!
Anyway, as long as Feimeng keeps playing like this, he won't have to worry about making money!

Negotiated the business with Saturn, and settled the legal procedure with the help of Xiaokui.

Liu Xiong retained the original staffing of Saturn, and even renewed the lease of Saturn's office for another 5 years.

Although Liu Xiong knew that the original Saturn had many problems, but Liu Xiong really did not intend to completely dismantle the original framework of Saturn.

Only by maintaining stability can Fei Meng digest Saturn smoothly.

Of course, it is necessary to have an airborne leader responsible for the development of the new host.

In Fei Meng's office, Liu Xiong and Zhu Guda had chatted for a while.

"This time it's a big gamble, Fei Meng's most important task is entrusted to you."

Zhu Guda took a sip of the red wine, a little bit of excitement and fanaticism revealed in his eyes.

"Collected countless game discs and disassembled countless game consoles."

"Finally, after coming to Feimeng, I can achieve my ultimate goal."

"Don't worry, I swear by the throne, this time I will be able to develop a new console!"

"There is an old saying in China, which is called thick accumulation, thin hair, and I have been familiar with various game consoles since I was a child. I have disassembled all game consoles in the world."

"The accumulation from childhood to adulthood has allowed me to truly achieve the situation of accumulation and accumulation this time."

"I have confidence!"

Liu Xiong nodded in satisfaction, and said, "You should get familiar with Saturn's situation first, and then we, Feimeng and Saturn, will put all our efforts into the development of the new host together."

"At a later meeting, by the way, listen to other people's opinions."

Liu Xiong first talked with Zhu Guda before holding a meeting.

Everyone knew the theme of the meeting in advance - Feimeng's acquisition of Saturn is naturally a vote in the game console market!
"Ahem, what is my purpose in acquiring Saturn? I think everyone knows it well."

Everyone nodded, only Xiao Lin raised his hand positively: "I know, I know! Dafeimeng wants to develop its own console!"

Liu Xiong glanced at Xiao Lin, and then said: "Yes, a game console built by Feimeng is already in the pipeline."

"First of all, I confirm that Fei Meng already possesses this strength."

"Although Feimeng didn't make a lot of money from the "Warcraft" game, the cumulative sales of this game have reached 3.3 million sets, making Feimeng's reputation soaring."

"Feimeng, with all the excellent employees here, coupled with Saturn's technology and experience, has a great possibility of creating a super host."

"With Feimeng's current reputation, as long as the game console we launch is good enough, then the market share will definitely not be a problem!"

"As for funds, money is definitely enough, but if the crazy mode is turned on, there may be insufficient."

"But don't worry about the money. I will absolutely guarantee that there will be no problem with the money. No matter how much money is spent on developing a new console, I am confident that I will earn it back."

"The money we spent on the development of the console is not really spent. The money is just a different way to stay with us and contribute to Feimeng."

Liu Xiong continued to speak after taking a sip of oolong tea from Juguda's hometown, a specialty of the Sahara Seaview Room.

"Feimeng has funds, technology, and the ability to develop new consoles. So, do we have to spend money to develop new consoles?"

"You must know that developing a new host is a big project that burns money."

"From a profit point of view, if you use the money from developing consoles to develop games, you can definitely earn more and have lower risks."

"But I think that Feimeng needs to develop its own host, and this is still a very urgent thing."

"Time does not wait, comrades, time does not wait!"

Liu Xiong opened a PPT and said, "Look at the games of these other companies and the development costs required for the games."

The screens Liu Xiong showed were all masterpieces of major game companies in the past year.

"The King of Middle-earth", "Three Kingdoms", "Rise of Rome", "1865 Blood and Sand" and so on.

"As you can see, the trend is already obvious."

"In the game industry, the current trend is to invest heavily, produce large quantities, pursue high-quality images, make them more refined, more beautiful, and take them to a higher level!"

"I can't comment on which one is better, pixel wind or ultra-realistic picture quality, but now super picture quality is the trend, and other companies are doing this, spending money, messing with picture quality, spending money, and pursuing the limit!"

"Under such circumstances, the representative of this generation of hosts - PZ4 hosts, or X361, has become a limitation."

"As early as when we were making "Dead or Alive", as a meat selling game, we put a lot of effort into the image quality."

"Dead or alive, it is easy to touch the ceiling of the graphics of this generation of hosts."

After a pause, he observed everyone's expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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