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Chapter 264 Keyboard Man Liu Xiong

Chapter 264 Keyboard Man Liu Xiong

At this time, at the caravan in the center of the playground, the crowd burst into cheers. Liu Xiong saw that it had come to an end, so he ran to the caravan, wanting to watch the online battle.

I saw the host Taotao holding a microphone and shouting loudly on the stage.

"Okay! After a fierce competition, we have selected a number one master of Warcraft in our school - a student whose game ID is SKY BIG!"

"While receiving the souvenirs we rewarded, SKY BIG students also obtained the qualification to challenge professional players!"

"Student SKY BIG will have a wonderful battle with our 3 professional players!"

"The winner will receive a cash prize of 5000 yuan!"

"Can you beat professional players? Maybe the next e-sports master is you!"

Amidst the enthusiastic cheers of college students, Taotao introduced three professional players one after another.

But none of them are big names, they are basically small characters in the third and fourth tiers.

If it were on Earth, such third- and fourth-tier professional players would barely be able to support themselves, and they could only eat some spinach.

However, the welfare benefits in this world are much better. After all, in the game-crazed world, the standardization and industrialization of e-sports are much higher than those on Earth.

But after all, they are third-tier players, not very rich, so even if Tie You doesn't pay much for their appearance, they are still happy to come and participate in the event.

The champion still has 5000!
These professional players are bound to win!

The first game was a civil war between two professional players: TOT and ZOZ. They were from the same team. They had just switched to the professional "King of Middle-earth" not long ago, but now they decided to switch to "Warcraft".

After listening to Taotao's introduction, Liu Xiong still approves of these two contestants in his heart—abandoning the dark and turning to the light in time to fight my big monster, there is a future!
He also knew that the teams these two players belonged to were actually very average, and they hadn't made a name for themselves in "King of Middle-Earth".

Taking advantage of the fact that "Warcraft" has just launched, to seize the opportunity, this is a very wise decision.

The map of the game is the common TurtleRock, Turtle Island map.

TOT chose the elves, and ZOZ chose the orcs.

The two sides were born at the far point, the elves started the demon hunter, made an archer and went out in a hurry to start the jungle.

And ZOZ chose the Orc, and the first prophet also started playing wild.

During the period, the two encountered once, and TOT was quickly defeated in front of the brutal infantry of the orcs.

At this time, ZOZ's second shot of shadow hunter Xiaowai, with infantry, wolf cavalry and wyvern, is a wave of RUSH!

But the elves managed to hold the base with a lot of moon wells, and the two heroes of ZOZ were killed.

The scene went back to 100-[-], so neither side dared to act rashly anymore, but developed peacefully, opened mines, fought wild monsters, and the population of the storm reached [-]!

100 people fought in a melee, and although ZOZ had the upper hand in the army, the air force was wiped out by TOT's Hippogryph, and then the Chimera Sea, an elf race without natural enemies, was lawless.

Chimeras are mythical beasts that live in harmony with the night elves.

These terrifying two-headed monsters hover over the dark forest, using their deadly breath to deal with all enemies who violate the holy land of Kalimdor.Many enemies will immediately retreat even at the sight of these dark, gigantic beasts.

In the game, the Chimera is also the most powerful heavy bomber in the game.

Under the power of the level 6 demon hunter's transformation and the wild bombardment of the Chimera, ZOZ's orc army was completely wiped out, and finally played GG helplessly.

The operations of both sides are very good, and the various positions are also very subtle, and the final battle of the 100-population advanced troops is also very exciting.

The effect of the program was good, and the audience below also responded with warm applause and cheers.

But one viewer expressed dissatisfaction and kept talking about the contestants.

This audience is Liu Xiong.

"The elves have to wait until the hero comes out before going to practice wild? Just take the ancient war tree and hammer it!"

"The Orcs don't start Juggernaut to harass the third match, and start the Prophet to level up and fight the Demon Hunter in the later stage? What are you thinking?"

"Why are there so many wolf riders? Bring out some white cattle and go to RUSH! The food is fine."

"The elves are Xiongde + Chimera + Hippogryph? To beat the orcs can produce this kind of troops, I can only say that the chickens are pecking at each other very fiercely."

"My God, why are there so many wyverns? Did the wyverns lose blood when they beat Xiong De? And the air combat is weak. Look, they were beaten by the hippogryph!"

"Just use bats to explode! This beast race is not even familiar with the arms."

From Liu Xiong's point of view, although the two third-tier professional players on the stage seemed to operate well, they had almost no understanding of "Warcraft". Many tactics were extremely eye-catching to Liu Xiong.

So Liu Xiong has been following BB.

Then the other spectators nearby heard it and expressed their dissatisfaction.

"Damn you keyboard man, you keep talking about other people's food, but he is a professional player!"

"Yeah, I think ZOZ is playing very well, but Chimera is too fierce, invincible!"

"How elegant is the demon hunter of the elves? Facing the wild army of the orcs, the demon hunter moves while outputting, so handsome!"

"The Orcs have tried their best, and the CBA is a unit. If you say he can't do it, you can do it!"

"Yes! You can you up, no can no bb!"

Many people regard Liu Xiong as the keyboard man who points out the country, but there are also a small number of smart people who heard something and defended Liu Xiong.

"Don't spout, I think what this brother said makes sense."

"That's right, they didn't talk nonsense, the choice of the orc's arms has proved to be a mistake."

"I think this old man is a bit dry, he may be a master."

While speaking, the competition between SKY BIG players and IUIU players also started.

SKY BIG is just a student, while IUIU is a professional player. It stands to reason that the two should not be rivals at the same level.

The results of the game surprised everyone.

SKY BIG uses the undead, and in the early stage, it retreated in various ways, and quietly opened mines.

Quietly touched a few frost dragons and hid them.

As a result, in the final battle, five frost dragons suddenly appeared and caught the IUIU players off guard.

IUIU's human army is mainly composed of Griffin Knights + Knights, two top-level arms, but these two arms are all ground-oriented arms.

Facing the air bomber Frost Dragon, it is completely powerless.

Especially the heavy armored knights of humans, who were defeated by the frost dragon Tianke, were simply hoisted up and hammered madly, one bite at a time.

A small number of IUIU's anti-aircraft units, the Dragonhawk Knights, were also cleared by the IUIU's gargoyles.

IUIU, who was defeated in the decisive battle, held the base for 15 minutes with his operation, but was finally crushed to death by a steady stream of frost dragons.

SKY BIG, upset the professional players and advanced to the final!
Of course, during this period, Liu Xiong is also continuing to BB. Although Liu Xiong is not on, but Liu Xiong wants to BB!

(End of this chapter)

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