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Chapter 263 Lin Egg Clearance

Chapter 263 Lin Egg Clearance
Don't run and wait to die?
Alsace's army is above the hill, and at the foot of the mountain, you can see a vast number of mage troops. There are a lot of them, and they are all elite!

Dalaran fully mobilized and dispatched, and the angry mages prepared to wipe out Alsace and avenge their leader Antonidas!
Alsace found himself surrounded, and couldn't help but asked anxiously: "According to what you said, everything has been arranged, can you start summoning the Dark Lord?"

At this time, Kel'Thuzad showed some obsessive expressions: "Wait, let me study this Book of Medivh again. Ah... The knowledge in this book is far beyond my imagination. This book has Terrible power!"

Tichondrius, the overseer who had been spying on him, reappeared.

He walked up to Kel'Thuzad and closed the Book of Medivh roughly.

"No amount of power can resist Lord Archimonde's power! Do it now, let us accomplish what Medivh thought of but failed to do."

At this moment, the player behind Lin Danda suddenly realized and shouted: "Damn it! What Medivh thought of but couldn't do? Medivh really intends to summon the Burning Legion? Summon Archimonde?"

"I didn't expect Medivh to be a running dog of the Burning Legion."

"It's hard to say, maybe Medivh made a mistake when he was young?"

"Hehe, there are so many human armies below, I don't think Eggy will be able to withstand this wave, GG!"

The big task of this forest egg is to hold for 30 minutes, so that the army of Dalaran will not disturb Kel'Thuzad's summoning ceremony of Archimonde.

Dalaran's armies are both numerous and high quality.

Dalaran's mage army is attacking Kel'Thuzad violently. Maybe they are also aware of the terrible summoning of this traitor in Dalaran?

But fortunately, as the summoning ceremony progressed, the cracks in time and space became wider and wider. Although it was not enough for Archimonde to descend in person, Archimonde's younger brothers could come to support him one step ahead.

Seeing that Alsace was about to be overwhelmed, he ended up swiping 3 Balrog Hellfires at once!

The three hellfires have high attack and high defense, with group killing AOE, and magic immunity!

As soon as the three hellfire fathers came, they instantly stabilized the situation that was on the verge of collapse.

The students behind Lin Danda complained dissatisfiedly.

"Damn, I was about to die, but I ended up killing so many Martian soldiers? Speechless!"

"Father Hellfire is still amazing!"

"Great! I am the Burning Legion!"

"Just the miscellaneous soldiers are so fierce, how fierce should Lord Archimonde be?"

"Is the world of Azeroth cold?"

Seeing that Dad Hellfire couldn't stand it anymore, there was a loud noise in the sky!
The whole sky is on fire!

The super boss of the Burning Legion - Archimonde, the Lord of Darkness, has finally arrived!

At the moment when Archimonde arrived, the built-in special effects directly cleared the scene!
The Dalaran army, which surged up like a tide, was directly wiped out by a shock wave. The rest of the people saw such a powerful demon, and they didn't dare to resist at all. They fled back to Dalaran like the wind, hiding Shivering in Dalaran's magical enchantment.

Seeing the boss coming, Tichondrius ran up quickly, and was the first to shout: "Your servant sincerely welcomes you, my master!"

Even Alsace, who had always been rebellious, was shocked by Archimonde's overwhelming strength, and he lowered his head and dared not speak.

Archimonde didn't even look at Alsace and others, but said to his old subordinates: "Well done, Tichondrius, in order to reward your achievements, I appoint you as the Azeroth Scourge Commander of the Legion."

Tichondrius said more and more respectfully: "Your servant, follow your orders."

Glancing at the enchantment rising from Dalaran in the distance, Archimonde said disdainfully: "It's time for those humans to see my true power."

Then Archimonde left without looking back.

And Tichondrius, who was full of ambition, ran to receive his army.

It wasn't until Archimonde and Tichondrius left that Alsace questioned angrily.

"What's the situation! Didn't I lead the Scourge all the way to today?"

"Archimonde was successfully summoned, isn't it our credit?"

"Why did Tichondrius take our credit and our army in the end!"

Kel'Thuzad looked calm: "Calm down, Arthas, this result is also within the Lich King's expectation."

"We have been deprived of power, and this is just right, we are free to use our time to complete our plans. Come with me, Alsace, and I will tell you the next plan..."

Alsace and Kel'Thuzad gradually drifted away, and at this time the computer began to play a game CG produced by Feimeng.

The CG images of Warcraft on Earth seemed very amazing at the time, it was simply shocking!
And Feimeng's CG of "Warcraft" naturally has to maintain the fine traditions of the film studio.

Huge investment, well-made, strong visual impact!
Before that, the players at the scene had watched the CG of Alsace's patricide.

And now, a new CG is playing!
Archimonde wiped out the Dalaran army along the way as he walked, whether it was human, elite or other magical creatures, it was a matter of an instant.

Archimonde, who was almost as large as the city, observed the city of Dalaran.

Then, Archimonde squatted down and drew a mysterious magic spell on the sand under his feet.

With a wave of his finger, the sand in the spell suddenly shaped itself, turning into a sand sculpture model of Dalaran City.

Archimonde gently knocked off the tallest magic tower in the sand sculpture with his finger, and the sand sculpture fell down immediately.

At the same time, the tallest magic tower in Dalaran City in the distance also collapsed!

There was a scream in the city of Dalaran, and Archimonde continued to destroy the second and third towers...

Until the end, Archimonde pushed his hand, and the entire sand sculpture model collapsed completely.

And Dalaran in the distance just disappeared...

The onlookers were shocked!

"Damn! Archimonde is strong!"

"The Burning Legion is awesome!"

"My world of Azeroth is dead!"

"Great! My big Archimonde!"

"This sand sculpture destroys Dalaran, and the special effects are amazing, right? No, I have to watch Fei Meng's movie."

"Hurry up! It's my turn to play!"

At this time, this series of undead battles came to an end. Although Lin Danda had cleared the level perfectly, the previous agreement was that after clearing a battle, he had to change players, so it was another little brother's turn to play.

 Back home, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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