Chapter 231

First destroy Syracuse, then pursue internal affairs, and finally the Northern Expedition. The bullet screens all said that this process is very good.

But at this time the battle report came from the north!
The Etruscan League, which was driven to Sardinia, assembled another full crew and landed in northern Italy!
Liu Xiong took a look, is this okay?

The north has finally managed to develop its internal affairs. If the city is captured, all previous efforts will be wasted, and the rhythm will be delayed for several rounds.

So one of the three full numbers was transferred back to the north.

The originally smooth situation suddenly became tense.

At this time, the water friends who advocated concentrating firepower first and destroying the Etruscan Alliance first, that is a joy!
"Haha, did you see that? It's stupid to start a war from the north and the south at the same time!"

"Although Syracuse is not strong, the main force has not suffered a loss. If two full squadrons fight Syracuse, they may not be able to win Sicily!"

Liu Xiong said: "The soldiers of the Etruscan Alliance are very weak. I have a full force to guard the local area without pressure, and then Syracuse and the town defenders are almost two full forces."

"I have two full Romans and two Syracuses. There should be no pressure, right?"

Friends of the water posted barrage to express their approval.

"Rome beats Syracuse like a dog!"

"What kind of rotten fish and rotten shrimp is Syracuse?"

"Rome is the strongest power!"

In Sicily, Liu Xiong dispatched two full squadrons to fight a decisive battle with the Syracuse army backed by the city!
After entering the battlefield, Liu Xiong observed the terrain and found that the terrain was relatively flat in general, which was suitable for fully deploying the troops.

Liu Xiong arranged the troops on the edge, and then began to fight.

The reinforcements entered the battlefield soon, and Liu Xiong was not in a hurry. After all the reinforcements entered the battlefield, he arranged the two full 40 troops in order and formed a team.

Then there are two full teams of mighty, nearly 6000 people stepping on the plains, marching towards Syracuse in the distance!

Although the current Liu Xiong army, the main arms are Roman youth soldiers, Roman light soldiers, and even super miscellaneous arms such as town inspectors.

But after all, the number of troops is astonishing, and the mighty march, stirring up yellow sand all over the sky, is quite astonishing.

Syracuse on the opposite side didn't do anything fancy, and directly blocked all the soldiers near the central square of the city, waiting for Liu Xiong to go to the decisive battle.

After the mighty army entered the town, due to the limited width of the streets, it was completely impossible to fully advance.

The water friends said one after another: "The anchor divides the troops, it's too stupid to fight all the fronts!"

Liu Xiong said that I had exactly this intention, so he divided his soldiers into three units and attacked from three directions: north, south, and west.

All young soldiers walked in front, lightly armed javelin soldiers behind, and then other miscellaneous melee soldiers rushed together.

The main force of Syracuse gathered in the central square of the city, but guarded the entrances of the square.

At a relatively narrow intersection, only two or three teams of infantry are needed to firmly hold the front line and drag the battle into a hand-to-hand encounter.

Hand-to-hand street fighting is a brutal battle, and the two sides are fighting hard power!

The young soldiers collided with the Greek heavy infantry and fought fiercely!

But soon, Liu Xiong found himself at a disadvantage.

The youth army is heavy infantry, but the Greek heavy infantry in Syracuse is also heavy infantry!

We are all hoplites, who is afraid of whom?
Well, actually the youth soldiers are weaker.

Although the attributes of the young soldiers are not bad, and the tortoise shell formation can carry long-distance, but Liu Xiong is playing on the legendary difficulty!
Under the situation of the highest difficulty, the morale of the young soldiers is too low compared to the hostility.

Originally, the computer had a morale bonus, and then the computer was defending the city, and it had an additional morale bonus.

After going back and forth, the morale of the young soldiers and the morale of the Greek heavy infantry on the opposite side were more than one level behind!
So soon, Liu Xiong's troops suffered a large number of casualties, and even the troops fled.

Even the main force of the young soldiers fell in batches, not to mention the garbage town inspectors mixed in.

The balance of victory gradually tilted towards the defensive side of Syracuse.

The barrage masters naturally realized that the situation was not good, and they all yelled out.

"Why is the anchor so good! My Roman youth soldiers beat the Greek heavy infantry!"

"This is Legendary Difficulty! Don't talk about you, a rookie on Novice Difficulty! It's normal for young people to not be able to beat Greek Heavy Step."

Some water friends also asked Liu Xiong to use the ace reserve team.

In Liu Xiong's hands, there is indeed an ace reserve team, that is the Roman gladiators.

Gladiators are Rome's characteristic arms, with high attack, but extremely low armor, and the number of troops is also insufficient.

However, the gladiator's output ability is extremely strong. After rushing into the enemy's formation, using skills is enough to change the situation of the battle!

In addition, the morale of this unit is very high, and it will never retreat in a deadly battle. As long as it can be used, it is a very strong mobile force.

Liu Xiong had two gladiator troops on hand, and he didn't join them immediately when the battle started, but held them in his hands and waited for the opportunity to move.

Liu Xiong saw that the battle was not going well, so he sent the two gladiator troops around to the enemy's rear.

Gladiator is very mobile, and soon came to the enemy's rear.

Liu Xiong slowly controlled the gladiator to approach, and then a wave of shock!
Open skills!
Hundreds of violent gladiators rushed into the stragglers behind Syracuse at once!

Most of the stragglers in the rear were archers and javelin soldiers, and they couldn't even hold off for a moment in the face of the wolf-like gladiators.

Link the white flag directly!
Liu Xiong was not in a hurry to chase down the rout soldiers, but mobilized the gladiators to continue the attack.

At this time, Liu Xiong's frontal battlefield has suffered a very large-scale rout, and the young people have been killed and lost, and it is almost impossible to maintain the front line.

Liu Xiong had no choice but to send the general guard who had been sitting in the rear to barely maintain the situation.

Currently on the frontal battlefield, there are three sub-battlefields.

Among them, the road in the south is the widest, and the area in contact with the enemy is also the widest, so the Roman army suffered the most casualties.

The roads on both sides are relatively narrow, the contact area is small, and the rate of casualties is slow, so the situation can still be maintained.

Only the southern battlefield, even if there are generals in charge, it is still almost overwhelmed.

Liu Xiong naturally put all the gladiators here.

The gladiators charged into the Syracuse array from the rear!

A gun formation is really strong from the front, but once it is charged from the back, it is also really weak.

How can the spear array resist the attack from the back by the gladiator, the most powerful unit in Rome?

If it is a high-level spear array, it may be able to resist the first resistance.

But it's only just started, and the computer spearmen are just ordinary Greek heavy infantry.

The massacre is about to begin!
(End of this chapter)

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