Start a company to make games

Chapter 230 The Cause of Rome

Chapter 230 The Cause of Rome
But to be reasonable, Liu Xiong didn't boast too much about the importance of these novels.

Starting from these novels, Liu Xiong is indeed preparing to build a great game world.

This is the vision.

In order to defeat powerful opponents, Fei Meng also needs these novels.

This is a close shot.

Sure enough, Ye Shen was already a little dizzy after this big hat was hit.

"Boss... Don't worry! Writing novels is my old profession! Although there may be a lot of content to write this time, with your outline, boss, I will definitely be able to write wonderful novels!"

Liu Xiong nodded with a smile and said, "Then I don't worry, I will pass on this PPT to you later, these are just a rough outline."

"I'll send you a more detailed outline as soon as possible."

"Start with the ancient trilogy first, and there is no rush for the following novels. This is a long-term plan."

Ye Shen looked at Liu Xiong with firm eyes and nodded: "I promise to complete the task!"

After speaking a few words of encouragement to Ye Shen, Liu Xiong left the company and returned to his home.

But as a busy boss, Liu Xiong did not take a break, but directly logged into Seafood TV and started the long-lost live broadcast!
Liu Xiong just opened the live broadcast room not long ago, and before he had time to start the game, someone sent a rocket!
Liu Xiong glanced at it and thanked him: "Thank you Rocket, a local tyrant with a poor face! Thank you very much!"

Counting the travel time, Liu Xiong has not broadcast live for a long time.

Although Liu Xiong in his peak period is simply the first brother of seafood TV.

But in the highly competitive live broadcast industry, if Liu Xiong doesn't live broadcast for half a year, it is naturally quite risky.

So after Liu Xiong started broadcasting, his popularity was not high, only [-] to [-].

Liu Xiong didn't care either.

But at this moment, when Liu Xiong didn't live broadcast for a long time, the people who rushed to Liu Xiong's live broadcast room at the first time were basically Liu Xiong's diehard fans.

Seeing that Liu Xiong started broadcasting, they gave gifts in various ways, and called Liu Xiong to hurry up.

"I miss my brother Shutong to death!"

"Congratulations to the return of the king of seafood TV! For thousands of years, he will rule the world!"

"Why did the anchor go these past few months! Without the live broadcast of the anchor, I'm going to die!"

"Fast broadcast! Feimeng's new game "Roman Total War", have you played Shutong brother? This game is really fun, go and play it!"

Liu Xiong pretended to be thinking, and said hesitantly: "Want to play "Roman Total War"? But I have been practicing in seclusion for the past few months, and I have never played this game. I don't know if it is fun or not."

The water friends naturally shouted: "It's fun! It's fun! It's fun! The anchor, play quickly, if you don't know it, I will teach you."

After Liu Xiong entered the game, he finished the novice tutorial while chatting with the water friends.

After finishing the novice tutorial, Liu Xiong looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room.

Hehe, as many as 10 have already arrived!
Although the audience of 10 is incomparable to the 50 permanent residents of Lost Little Bookboy at his peak, it is also a very good result to be able to recover to 10 audience in less than an hour.

After all, live broadcast viewers in this world don't have any moisture.

After finishing the novice tutorial, Liu Xiong officially started the game, and then Liu Xiong asked hesitantly, "Which faction should I choose?"

Friends of the water sent barrages one after another.

"Do you even need to ask? Of course it's my big German barbarian! Berserkers are amazing!"

"How dare a mere Germanic barbarian call him Diao Zhatian? Your Gaul grandfather is here!"

"Rome! The anchor is a novice, and Rome is the most suitable!"

"Shouldn't novices be playing Britain? Do you understand the principle of grass belly with golden horns and silver borders?"

"Don't play the barbarian, the anchor, play Sarmatia, the cavalry is the strongest!"

"Sarmatia is not a barbarian?"

"Rome! Play the main character if you want!"

"Carthage, mercenaries don't seem to need money, it's so cool!"


After watching the barrage, Liu Xiong said, "The host hasn't played games for a few months. I have some food. I'd better play Rome."

After all, Rome is the most popular force in the game. Everyone basically has no opinion on Liu Xiong's choice of Rome.

Then Liu Xiong's next sentence made the barrage gods all excited!

"I'm new to the road, water friends, please teach me more, and give me some pointers."

What kind of characters are the barrage gods?

Are there any games in the world that the barrage masters are not proficient in?

So the bullet screens were expressed one after another: "No problem, the anchor will follow my command, and you will be invincible!"

After choosing Rome, Liu Xiong naturally started by bullying the little Latin brother next door, the Etruscan League.

Etruria is located in the north-central part of Italy. It is a small country in Italy, and its troops are very weak. Even Liu Xiong can easily destroy it.

Called two and a half full editors, pushed them over directly, and it was done!

But after driving Etruria out of the Italian peninsula, Liu Xiong faced three choices.

First, continue to hunt down Etruria to Sardinia, and completely wipe out Etruria to prevent future troubles.

Second, go south to southern Italy, completely drive the Greeks out of Italy, and let Rome dominate the entire Apennine Peninsula.

Third, direct the Northern Expedition to the barbarians, copying the exploits of Caesar back then!
Liu Xiong then asked: "Shui friends, I am now occupying Italy and have three full crews. It can be said that I have a strong army, so what should I do next?"

The barrage master has always been known for his resourcefulness, and when faced with Liu Xiong's questions, he spoke up one after another.

"Go to Sardinia first, destroy Etruria, and unify the provinces, otherwise the obsessive-compulsive disorder will die."

"The anchor does not have a navy, and it takes time and effort to fight Sardinia. We should go south to conquer Syracuse and drive the Greeks out of Italy!"

"No, Syracuse is quite strong. When I was playing Rome, I was carelessly dragged into the quagmire of war by Syracuse."

"I, Great Rome, must fight the barbarians first! Now that Etruria has been driven to the island, I suggest sending troops to the Northern Expedition immediately!"

"Are you stupid? You went to fight Gaul before Italy was pacified?"

The barrage masters discussed a lot, and finally decided on a plan: it is better to unify southern Italy first.

So Liu Xiong organized three full-staffed Roman armies, and marched mightily to southern Italy.

Syracuse has only one team of soldiers and horses here, and Liu Xiong's three teams are full of troops, and they directly rushed to lead the city to a wave.

Then the army crossed the sea and attacked Sicily strongly!
While manipulating the troops to attack Sicily, Liu Xiong said: "After the destruction of Syracuse, I have two complete provinces, and I have a complete rear."

"Then let's develop the internal affairs and gather elite soldiers and strong generals to conquer the barbarians in the north. Such a great cause will be prosperous!"

(End of this chapter)

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