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Chapter 210 Met a Handsome Guy

Chapter 210 Met a Handsome Guy

With a burst of noise, Liu Xiong only felt the water rolling under his seat.

Yes, the sewers of the arena are closed and the water is flowing.

There is even a sea battle show!

As a large amount of water gradually covered the arena, 16 antique warships were slowly released from the preparation area of ​​the arena!
Seeing this, Kobayashi couldn't calm down anymore.

"Boss, isn't that too exaggerated? There's even a sea battle show!"

"I guess the entertainment life of the ancients was lacking, so for the limited entertainment methods, they really worked hard!"

Although Liu Xiong admired this majestic naval battle performance very much, but for the sake of face, Liu Xiong still said disdainfully: "What is this? I think that Emperor Claudia in Rome organized 19000 gladiatorial soldiers. , and more than 100 warships."

"The largest gladiatorial performance in history was performed!"

"Tens of thousands of soldiers, countless casualties! At the end of the final gladiatorial fight, thousands of corpses were washed into the river. It was simply a battle to destroy the country."

"Many small countries at that time did not have thousands of soldiers!"

"And all this is just to celebrate the start of the Roman Canal project."

Kobayashi opened his mouth wide in shock.

"Boss, isn't this too prodigal?"

Liu Xiongdao: "Most of the gladiatorial performers were prisoners of war, and at that time, what Rome lacked most were prisoners of war."

"Besides, as the ruler of Rome, one of the most important tasks is to please the citizens."

"It is a major political task to spend money to organize various celebrations so that citizens can eat, drink and have fun!"

Liu Xiong and Xiao Lin were chatting here, while Fei Meng and the others beside them were all appreciating the performance seriously, and kept burying their heads in taking notes.

On the one hand, this is because the performance is very exciting, and on the other hand, this kind of original large-scale performance cannot be seen in China.

Being able to write down some more here will definitely be of great benefit to future game development.

Liu Xiong turned his head and said to his brothers: "Although the naval battle in "Roman Total War" is not the most important content."

"But naval battles also accounted for a considerable proportion."

"In the process of game development and production, we will never ignore the importance of naval warfare."

"Especially there are not many excellent games for sea battles on the market, and there are almost no games that can conduct large-scale ancient sea battles."

"If we can make the naval battle part of "Roman Total War" brilliant, it will definitely be a major selling point of the game."

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by Liu Xiong, the employees of Feimeng, how can they not know the preciousness of this sea battle performance?

Everyone watched and recorded the game very seriously, and tried to find something from the naval battle performance.

Even Kobayashi became more serious towards the second half of the performance.

With that serious expression, it seemed that he had learned a lot.

Of course, Su Xian was the most serious person in Feimeng everyone's school. Since the naval battle started, he was so excited that he couldn't speak.

It's no wonder that Su Xian was excited, after all, he has always been very enthusiastic about war.

Originally written by Huang Tuge SX1024, there are many ship girls and gun girls.

Big ships and cannons were Su Xian's favorite.

The warships are also Su Xian's favorite.

Su Xian has long been fascinated by the combat methods of fleets in the classical period.

In order to make a better naval battle for "Roman Total War", Su Xian had done a lot of preparation work, but now he saw a highly realistic simulated ancient Roman naval battle, which benefited Su Xian a lot.

This is a modern society!

What a rare opportunity for modern society to see such a simulation of ancient naval battles!
"Boss, don't be noisy, don't interrupt my train of thought!"

Liu Xiong couldn't help laughing dumbly, it seemed that Su Xian was completely in the mood.

Because Rome is the most important country in "Roman Total War", the flying dream team stayed in Italy for a little longer.

But it is worth the money.

Not to mention those things about work, just the rich tourism resources in Italy made Feimeng people have a good time!

After all, although the Feimeng team visited many places before, most of them were remote, backward and poor countries, or even less peaceful countries.

But this time, after finally coming to a prosperous place, it is natural to take more rest.

Starting from Italy, Gaul, Britain, and going south to Spain...

The Feimeng team traveled a lot in Europe, and the final destination was North Africa.

In the era of Total War Rome, the most important country in North Africa is undoubtedly Carthage.

This mortal enemy of Rome, although he experienced a tragic defeat in the first Punic War, is still Rome's strongest opponent.

The appearance of the peerless famous general Hannibal caused countless casualties to the Romans, so they could only adopt the tactics of retreating.

It is a pity that the Romans were too afraid of Carthage, so in the end Carthage was completely destroyed.

Salt was also sprinkled on the ruins of Carthage, completely destroying the land of Carthage.

So if you want to find the ruins of Carthage in North Africa, the ruins are impossible.

But in the game "Roman Total War", in addition to Carthage, there are several other countries in North Africa.

The most powerful of these is undoubtedly another successor country—the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt.

In addition, there are several backward tribal countries in North Africa.

For example, the most famous Numidia.

The Numidian's riding skills are quite wonderful. Hannibal led the Numidian mercenary cavalry in the Battle of Cannae, and finally decided the outcome of the battle.

When he was in North Africa, Feimeng spent more time traveling in the desert, but he didn't pay much attention to work.

This is partly because there are not many ancient materials in North Africa that Fei Meng can find.

On the other hand, it is because it has been out for too long.

During the two months before and after, I have been traveling all the time, and I am tired, so it is time to go home and rest.

On the coastline of North Africa, Liu Xiong nostalgics for the past along the gentle curves of the mountains and rivers.

Although Carthage does not exist anymore, the coastline that once carried Carthage still exists.

Moreover, it has also been developed into a tourist attraction by the local tourism bureau, and some modern buildings have been newly built to attract tourists.

"Have you seen this coast? After our "Roman Total War" is done..."

Liu Xiong was talking eloquently, when a tourist next to him suddenly took off his sunglasses, and then walked around Liu Xiong, looking left and right...

Although this tourist looks good and has a sexy unshaven beard.

But being surrounded by such a strong crowd, Liu Xiong felt a little nervous.

Just as he was about to speak, the buddy suddenly spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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