Chapter 209 In Rome

"Let's get down to business."

"After being incorporated into the Roman power, Sparta, as an ally who accepted the friendship of the Romans, has to follow the rules of the Romans."

"The demolition of the city walls is what Rome requires of most surrendered cities."

"With the walls removed, the Romans will be responsible for protecting you, but if you dare to rebel, you without the walls will be easily defeated by Rome!"

"That's why Sparta didn't keep the walls."

"Of course, after Rome was stabilized, Sparta was deep in the core area of ​​Roman rule, and there was no need for city walls."

"Later, Sparta was gradually abandoned due to the earthquake, and new cities emerged. This ancient Sparta city without walls became the current ruins."

Kobayashi nodded again and again: "It seems that in "Roman Total War", we can't set up a city wall for Sparta."

Liu Xiong was also in a good mood, and praised Kobayashi: "Yes, although in the era in the game, the declining Sparta has already built a city wall."

"But since the Spartan rhetoric has survived, let's live with it."

"Remember, Sparta in the game, don't have city walls either."

"Games come from life and are higher than life!"

"Of course, after players occupy Sparta, they can still build the city walls."

After listening to Liu Xiong's narration, Kobayashi nodded with deep emotion: "The mighty and martial Sparta was not immune in the end, and became an ordinary small city-state."

Liu Xiong smiled and nodded: "Although so, theoretically speaking, the famous saying of Sparta is true."

"When Sparta was prosperous, the Spartans were invincible all over Greece, and they didn't need a city wall."

"Later, Sparta fell, and even the black slaves who had ruled for hundreds of years couldn't beat them. Although they survived for a long time by relying on the city walls, they eventually declined and perished."

While observing the writing on the ruined wall, Liu Xiong said: "The walls of Sparta have the same experience as the walls of Rome."

"Rome was very weak at the beginning. After the Gaul barbarians broke through the capital and rubbed off, the Romans attached great importance to the construction of the city wall."

"Continuous reinforcement and continuous renovation have made Rome an eternal city that will never fall."

"But then Rome conquered the Mediterranean world, and there was no rival in the world who could pose a threat to Rome."

"At the same time, the city of Rome continues to expand, and the urban area has already expanded beyond the city walls."

"Seeing that the Roman city wall has no defensive effect, but has affected the development of the city, Caesar announced a decision to everyone."

"Caesar said: Rome's defenses should be outside the borders, not under the walls of Rome."

"Anyway, it is impossible for foreign enemies to hit Rome, so simply tear down the walls of Rome."

"Rome likes to copy Greek culture, and Sparta is also one of the targets of copying."

"Rome doesn't need walls. The chests of Roman soldiers are the walls of Rome! This saying has also been passed by the Roman fortress, and it has been widely spread."

"But later, with the decline of Rome, in the 2nd century AD, Rome still honestly built a new city wall, and it has been preserved to this day."

Now that Rome is mentioned, Feimeng's next stop is naturally the most important city in "Roman Total War" - Rome.

Fei Meng and his party originally entered the city in a low-key manner, but how could Fei Meng's low-keyness escape the attention of the local officials in Rome?

As soon as he entered the city, Totti, a senior official in Rome, received Liu Xiong.

He is an official, and Liu Xiong is a citizen, so the meeting between the two has no political meaning.

It's just that Totti, a high-ranking official in the city of Rome, is also an avid game lover, and the flying dream game happens to be his favorite game.

Totti held Liu Xiong's hand and said enthusiastically, "Flying Dream Game is invincible in the world!"

"Senior officials of the city of Rome, forever!"

The two chatted for a while, and they talked about business.

Then Totti asked curiously: "I heard that Feimeng's new game is a war game, and Feimeng has come to Italy from Afghanistan to pick up the style of this game."

"It's thousands of miles away, and I don't know what Fei Meng's new game is? Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for Fei Meng."

Originally, it didn't make much sense to keep the name of the new game. Now that the journey is halfway through and the return date is approaching, there is really no need to keep hiding it.

Liu Xiong chuckled, and generously said the name of the new game.

"Rome: Total War."

Totti became even more excited when he heard it, "Hahaha, total war in Rome? Isn't that our ancient Rome, our city of Rome, will be the protagonist of the game."

In the game "Roman Total War", the forces of all parties are intertwined, and the powerful forces are not limited to Rome.

But after all, it is "Roman Total War", and it is not a problem to say that Rome is the protagonist.

So Liu Xiong nodded with a smile and said: "The era of the Roman Republic is the main stage, and Rome is naturally the protagonist in the game. At the same time, the characteristics of other national forces will also be well reflected."

"The pack is competing!"

The two chatted for a while, and Totti learned that Liu Xiong came to investigate ancient Roman culture and provide materials for new games.

So Totti took the initiative to invite: "There just happens to be a large-scale performance of the ancient Roman military list today, why not? Go and see?"

Liu Xiong naturally accepted the invitation happily.

Being able to see the local authentic Roman military performances will definitely be very helpful for making games!
In a modern building modeled after the Colosseum in Rome, it was packed today!

A large-scale antique show is about to take place!
Although for the local citizens, it is not surprising that they have seen this kind of performance a lot.

But for foreign tourists like Liu Xiong, the opportunity to see the performance of the ancient Roman military list is naturally not to be missed.

On the arena, first a small group of Roman legionnaires walked out.

Walking in neat steps, marching, throwing javelins, assaulting, forming a tortoise formation...

All kinds of things are in a serious manner.

Then there were soldiers acting as barbarians, and the two sides fought each other for a while.

Originally, Liu Xiong thought that this was the main content of the performance, but he didn't expect that the main course would be after that!

After the simple Rome VS barbarians, there was another performance of the execution of criminals in ancient Rome.

The person who played the criminal was crucified. Due to the use of a large number of props, the scene was very bloody!
As for the victims on the cross, the acting skills are quite realistic, which made many audiences tremble, and once had the illusion of returning to ancient Rome.

And these performances are actually just an appetizer!

(End of this chapter)

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