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Chapter 201 Liu Xiong's Little Mistake

Chapter 201 Liu Xiong's Little Mistake
Ye Shen also said: "The combination of big map strategy + real-time battlefield tactics is very interesting."

"Imagine that the player operates his own army, constantly conquers the city, and dyes the map into his own color."

"Watching the size of my empire expand little by little, watching my city gradually prosper, watching my generals lead a large army of troops marching..."

"This kind of experience can really bring satisfaction to players."

"We all know what is the attraction of war games to players, but attacking the city and conquering the territory, dyeing the map into your own color, this is definitely a huge attraction!"

"Of course, this kind of siege land is nothing special, and the same goes for other games."

"But after entering the battlefield mode, it is a very remarkable innovation!"

"Turn-based strategy + epic shocking battlefield!"

"Commanding my own army and conquering the great empire in history, this sense of magnificence and epic is definitely better than our previous blood lion."

"How many units are there in the battlefield of "Blood Lion: Red Alert"?"

"Usually there are only a few hundred people."

"And how many people are there in Total War Rome?"

"It's just a few thousand people, or even tens of thousands!"

"After entering the battlefield, our army formed a majestic formation."

"On the desolate battlefield, only horses are neighing..."

"The enemy is in the mist and smoke in the distance..."

"Everyone is waiting, waiting for the enemy to appear, waiting for the arrival of a bloodbath."

Ye Shen has clearly entered the state completely, and he can't stop daydreaming with his eyes closed.

"On the distant horizon, a frightened bird flew up, and the enemy's flag appeared in the distance!"

"In the blink of an eye, both armies entered a battlefield that would be stained with blood."

"The horns are bursting, and the soldiers are charging!"

"Like a strong wind! Like a torrential rain! A thunderbolt!"

"Army battles at close quarters, cavalry outflanks! Can draw a bow like a full moon, look northwest, and shoot Sirius!"

"The ground is trembling! The soldiers are fighting fiercely, and the sound of shouting and killing fills the sky..."

"The two armies fought from morning to evening, and thousands of corpses lay on the ground."

"At this time, there was a sound of horns in the distance, and the reinforcements arrived..."

"A larger battle is about to start!"

"The battlefield of our "Roman Total War" is a real battle of ten thousand people!"

Ye Shen fell into complete self-indulgence.

Obviously, he had experience in writing novels, but he had already fallen into the plot of YY novels.

After Ye Shen's self-promotion ended, he once again boasted about "Roman Total War", making no secret of his love for this game.

""Roman Total War" pioneered the fusion of turn-based strategy and instant strategy. These two excellent game types are integrated into one at this moment."

"My expectations are very high for Total War Rome, it's going to be a great game!"

Finally, Ye Shen finally finished blowing, and at this time Xiao Lin asked another question.

Perhaps because of the changes in system attributes, Kobayashi became more and more interested in the content of the game settings.

"Boss, can you give a brief explanation of the arm-counteraction system in "Roman Total War"?"

"After reading the information, although I understand a little bit, the system of arm matching and restraint you wrote, boss, is still a bit complicated."

"To be honest." Xiao Lin didn't care if he would lose face, and said frankly, "I haven't figured it out yet."

Liu Xiong was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly laughed at himself.

Kobayashi is a smart person, but this time Kobayashi said that he didn't understand the arms restraint system of Total War.

Liu Xiong laughed at himself because Xiao Lin didn't understand this time, and there was a reason.

Originally, the arms restraint relationship in Total War followed a very simple principle.

But when Liu Xiong wrote the setting, he ignored this simple principle and wrote a lot of it very tediously.

The cooperation and restraint relationship between the various arms is written in very detailed and complete form.

It can be described as painstaking!

Liu Xiong put in so much effort, the employees were so sick of seeing it!

Dozens of national factions, hundreds of arms!
There are so many arms in "Total War Rome", and Liu Xiong has written in such detail the characteristics, collocation, restraint, etc. of the arms, it is simply an encyclopedia of "Total War Rome".

With so much information and so many collocation restraints, it is very normal that Xiao Lin didn't fully understand it for a while.

When Xiao Lin said that he didn't understand thoroughly, from the eyes of Youzi and Su Xian, Liu Xiong understood that these two definitely didn't understand thoroughly.

Going too far, I wrote too detailed and cumbersome the relationship between arms, which actually affected everyone's understanding.

Liu Xiong, who realized his mistake, smiled, and coughed twice.

"Cough cough!"

"It seems that what I wrote in my book is a bit cumbersome! Then let me explain briefly!"

"In "Roman Total War", there are so many units, let alone a few days, even if it takes a longer time, it is difficult to fully grasp it!"

"However, no matter how many arms there are, have you found any? These arms all follow a basic principle."

"First, the heavy infantry is completely stronger than the light infantry. When the heavy infantry and the light infantry of the same level confront each other head-on, it is crushing!"

"Secondly, the mobility of the light infantry is better than that of the heavy infantry. As long as there is enough room to maneuver, the kite-flying style of the light infantry is enough to destroy the more valuable heavy infantry!"

"Thirdly, under normal circumstances, light infantry is completely powerless against cavalry, especially heavy cavalry."

"Fourth, the cavalry cannot break through the heavy infantry head-on, but they can use the flanks, back and other positions."

After Liu Xiong simply analyzed the complex and diverse relationships among hundreds of arms into four principles, it became very clear all of a sudden.

When Liu Xiong said this, Xiao Lin thought about it again and couldn't help nodding.

"Indeed, although there are some special arms, the general principle is the same."

"Such a simple statement, if I push it backwards, it will be easy to understand."

Solved a problem with Kobayashi.

Kobayashi has a new problem.

Classmate Xiaolin raised his hand actively and asked, "Then boss, I have another question."

"That is according to your setting, is the morale factor raised too high?"

"I feel that the core of the battle is around morale!"

Seeing Liu Xiong looking at him, Xiao Lin quickly explained: "Of course I know that for an army, morale is very important."

(End of this chapter)

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