Start a company to make games

Chapter 182 Lin Moumou who skipped class and played games

Chapter 182 Lin Moumou who skipped class and played games

At the same time, all the major game websites have urgently set up special areas for unbelievable mazes.

And on the headline of the homepage, the news of Feimeng's new game was announced.

Many players flooded into the server to start a maze adventure, and the number of online players in the game soared!

In Feimeng's office, Liu Xiong smiled and browsed the comments on his Weibo.

It can be seen that players have high expectations for this game.

And although Unbelievable Maze has not undergone a large-scale warm-up, Liu Xiong is very optimistic about the market prospect of this game.

On the one hand, Liu Xiong has played this game himself, and he knows that this seemingly simple mobile game has the magic power to make people addicted.

On the other hand, the values ​​given by the system are also very nice!

Compared with the production of large-scale computer or console games, the time and investment in developing the incredible maze are quite small.

With the strength of the current Feimeng programmers, it is simply easy to do!
But the system is fair, and the system judges the quality of the game, not the development time and funds.

In the simple mobile game Unbelievable Maze, the attributes finally checked by the system are:

"Unbelievable Labyrinth": Interesting 620, Originality 835, Picture 512, Composition 497, Vulnerability 0.

In the case that the three major attributes of fun, graphics, and composition are not low.

The originality even reached the peak of 835 in the history of Feimeng!

Because the game mode of the unbelievable maze is really unique and extraordinary innovation!
For the players in this world, Unbelievable Maze is just a new mobile game that they have never played before!
Many players will fall in love with this game just like Liu Xiong after 3 minutes of experience.

Originality 835 is really a surprise, which shows that the system fully recognizes the innovative model of "Unbelievable Labyrinth".

And this innovative model also brought a lot of research data points to Liu Xiong.

Up to 79 points!
Coupled with the remaining 41 research data points that were not used before, Liu Xiong has 120 points in his hand!
This is a valuable asset.

If it is used properly, it will play a key role in the development of Feimeng.

When Liu Xiong was on Earth, he felt that "Unbelievable Labyrinth" was very good and sank for a while, and now the system gave Unbelievable Labyrinth a very high evaluation.

With such two affirmations, Liu Xiong is naturally full of confidence in the market performance of the Unbelievable Labyrinth!

At this moment, in the classroom of a certain university, Lin Danda took out his mobile phone and glanced at the group news.

In the discussion group where Feimeng has been loyal for 30 years, someone posted a shocking news!
"Flying Dream's new game, Unbelievable Maze is ready to play!"

Lin Danda almost screamed: "Wow, it's so fast this time, teacher, you can't blame me for skipping class."

Taking advantage of no one paying attention to him, he stood up with a whoosh, Lin Danda was very proficient, fled back to the dormitory like flying with ease, and downloaded the game at the speed of light.

For the Feimeng game, Lin Danda always has a sense of anticipation.

Even this time it's just a mobile game, Lin Danda also has a hunch that it will be fun.

The excited Lin Danda yelled: "Unbelievable Maze, activate!"

Then a smelly sock was dropped from the brother on the upper bunk.

"It's Nima! I stayed up late last night to watch the ball fairy game, and I'm catching up on sleep!"

After entering the game, Lin Danda first saw the opening of a traditional western fantasy story.

A brave man with a sword in his hand embarked on a great adventure.

And the first step in the legend of the brave is to hunt down a terrifying...

Oh well, it's not scary, it's even a cute round slime-like monster named Gumball!

The green Gumball was chased by the brave to jump off the cliff.

Then, our adventure begins here!
Seeing the opening animation, Lin Danda nodded while talking to himself.

"Well, it's a traditional western fantasy adventure story. Unfortunately, I am a swordsman and warrior. I actually prefer to play the ranger profession."

At this point the opening animation continues...

Then Lin Dan was dumbfounded.

"Wait! I'm not a brave man?"

"Huh? So I'm a slime... um, what's my name?"

"So I'm Gumball!"

Feeling a bit strange, Lin Danda couldn't help laughing when he saw the cute ball Gumball on the phone screen who kept smiling.

"Not being a hero, but being Gumball who is being hunted down by a hero, seems to be good."

Following the game's opening guide, Lin Danda entered the alchemy workshop.

"Is this my military base? It seems a little poor."

Poking his fingers on the screen, Lin Danda, who is quite talented in games, quickly followed the novice's instructions and deployed several Gumball craftsmen in the alchemy workshop.

"Well, the rhythm of the five peasants at the beginning."

As the Gumball craftsmen began to work, scattered gold coins appeared on the ground.

The golden coins danced on the ground, attracting players to click on them involuntarily.

Lin Danda kept poking, and there were more and more gold coins.

Just when Lin Danda felt that he couldn't click at the beginning, Lin Danda found out.

"Oh, I don't need to pick it up. The gold coins produced don't need to be picked up. Naturally, they are mine."

It took 2 minutes in the alchemy workshop to arrange his backyard clearly, and Lin Dan couldn't wait to set off!
And the craftsmen also shouted: "Don't worry, boss! We will work hard while you are out!"

At this time, Lin Danda was very happy in his heart.

Because behind him, there is a base that is in its infancy - the alchemy workshop.

Lin Danda wants to quickly obtain more resources through fighting, and use them to feed back to his alchemy workshop.

Then Lin Dan estimated that the more and more prosperous alchemy workshop would in turn strongly promote his own adventures!

This perfect balanced support system made Lin Dan feel very comfortable.

Leaving the alchemy workshop and entering the big map, he looked at his own Gumball - green and forgiving, holding a dagger and wooden shield, looking poor, ugly and short.

Lin Dan wanted to make his Gumball stronger, so he ordered some Gumball.

Then he entered the Gumball interface, and by the way, Lin Danda also signed in.

As a result, when checking in, the system prompts that 3 diamonds have been obtained.

Although he is not very familiar with the game, Lin Danda also keenly feels that diamonds should be an important resource in the game.

After clicking around blindly, Liu Xiong checked his Gumball's information.

Adventurer Gumball.

Adventurer Gumball wanted to be a real brave since he was a child.

With this dream in mind, it came to the village of heroes and witnessed the miracle statue.

And make an oath under the statue, it will step on the hero's footsteps and move forward!

Lin Dan finished reading the message with a big smile, and said silently in his heart: A mere slime, with a big chest and great ambitions.

(End of this chapter)

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