Start a company to make games

Chapter 181 Ye Shen's Appreciation Skills

Chapter 181 Ye Shen's Appreciation Skills

"Roguelike death punishment is difficult to solve, but you, boss, have solved it." Ye Shen said flatteringly.

"But according to your settings, the boss, the traditional mechanism of Roguelike is maintained in the maze."

"Besides the maze, use the base construction mode of the alchemy workshop, coupled with the cultivation mode of feeding Gumballs, so that the impact of Roguelike's death penalty is well weakened."

"What a genius idea!"

"It not only has the death penalty of Roguelike games, but also incorporates a lot of cultivation elements, and is suitable for long-term cultivation and development."

"Think about it, the alchemy base, Gumball cultivation, and maze adventure, the three cooperate with each other to promote each other's development."

"It's a rather delicate balance!"

"The random maze guarantees the playability of the dungeon, and the development of the base ensures long-term fun..."

Night God nodded intoxicated.


"Boss B!" (broken sound)

Everyone chatted about their own views on the Unbelievable Labyrinth, and generally speaking, Liu Xiong was exaggerated.

On the one hand, there is certainly a flattering factor, on the other hand, it is because from the perspective of the mobile games that the employees have come into contact with, the incredible maze has its own powerful advantages.

Everyone is a professional gamer, and they still have an eye for games.

They can easily see the advantages of "Unbelievable Maze" over other mobile games.

The employees flattered menacingly. Fortunately, Liu Xiong was also a person who had seen the world, so he was not dazzled by the flattering with the employees.

Calm down, Liu Xiong continued to introduce the unbelievable maze.

In the end, Liu Xiong said: "Considering the review factor, the Unbelievable Maze will be released for free, and a monthly card fee system will be adopted, and there will be no other fee items."

"Of course, as a conscientious mobile game, players can have fun even if they don't take a dime out of it."

"Because we have a lot of diamonds and gifts to give away."

"As long as our player base is large enough, and the content of the game is enough to attract players to pay."

"Then the profitability of this game can be guaranteed."

"Recharge is voluntary, and krypton gold is free, so that you can show your true conscience."

After the meeting was over, Feimeng began to mobilize to work immediately!
Compared with making a large-scale 3A game, it is much easier to make a small mobile game like Unbelievable Maze.

As for the cost of making the game, compared to the death or life of up to 4 million dollars, the cost can be ignored.

In fact, during the production process, Hi Dog also raised opinions and asked Liu Xiong if he wanted to make the game's screen texture more upscale.

But Liu Xiong shook his head and did not agree with Higou's suggestion.

Skills, equipment, attack effects and other things can be designed more gorgeously.

But for the game's graphics and quality, it's good to keep it simple and cute.

Unbelievable Maze is a casual mobile game, it doesn't need to be a 3A masterpiece in mobile games!

Although Liu Xiong is very rich now, Liu Xiong is not prepared to spend money that is not helpful for game improvement.

Inside Feimeng Company, the overall atmosphere for the development of the Unbelievable Labyrinth is relatively relaxed.

Don't rush work, don't burn money, buddhist employees, buddhist development.

But the current Feimeng is no longer the small company that no one cared about back then.

Any game, as long as it has a relationship with Feimeng, will attract great attention from the market.

Every day, there are countless news media reporters who make a living by writing articles about Feimeng game.

For example, Heifeng, who knows Youdi well, has become an Internet celebrity editor after he has been focusing on Heifeimeng for 30 years.

A random manuscript has tens of thousands of comments.

The fact that Heifeimenghei became famous also attracted many other editors to follow suit.

Because the market paid so much attention to the Feimeng game, journalists tried their best to discover exclusive Feimeng news.

Originally, Liu Xiong did not announce the news that Fei Meng was building the unbelievable maze.

Because Liu Xiong felt it was unnecessary!
With such a short development cycle, it will be enough to go directly to the market when the time comes.

But when Liu Xiong drank coffee with Xiao Cai, although the two were chatting privately for entertainment, they did not discuss work matters.

But Liu Xiong still inadvertently slipped his mouth and told the news that Fei Meng is making a mobile game.

As a result, the news spread.

The majority of Feimeng fans started discussing and were very curious.

"Why did Feimeng transform into a mobile game?"

"It's better to make a handheld game!"

"Now that the performance of mobile phones is so strong, the mobile game market does have potential."

"It's hard to say... I feel that most of the mobile games on the market are not good. I don't know what is the situation with Feimeng's mobile game."

"It's a pity, I still want Feimeng to make a shooting game!"

Many players hesitated about Feimeng's move to produce a mobile game, but most of them couldn't hold back their curiosity.

I know that Feimeng's new game is a mobile game, so what's the name of the mobile game?

Players keep refreshing Liu Xiong's Weibo every day, looking forward to Liu Xiong's new news and the release of the new game to the public.

However, it never came.

At this time, it is the turn of our powerful paparazzi team to play.

After searching for a long time in the trash can in the software park, the paparazzi managed to find the shredded paper thrown by Fei Meng.

After staying up all night and fighting for a long time, I finally succeeded in spelling out a piece of information about Feimeng's new game.

Paparazzi rejoice!

After squatting, picking up trash, and piecing together shredded paper, I finally knew the name and theme of Feimeng's new game.

Days of hard work were not in vain!
The next day, the paparazzi reporter rushed to the company, rushed into the editor-in-chief's office, and shouted excitedly: "Fei Meng! I know Fei Meng's new game!"

The editor-in-chief glanced at the paparazzi reporter like a fool, and said, "Yes, we all know."

The entire game circle knows that Feimeng's new game will be "Unbelievable Labyrinth"!

Because just last night, Liu Xiong finally logged on Weibo and announced Feimeng's new game.

Paparazzi, your efforts are wasted!
Liu Xiong posted on Weibo the night before, announcing the new game Unbelievable Maze.

And at 10 o'clock in the morning of the next day, when players entered the Feimeng game platform or logged into Feimeng's official website, they could see that a new game was already on the list.

"Unbelievable Labyrinth" is officially open!

What a lightning speed!

Players just started to look forward to it, and found that it is already playable!
Surprised, the players started to act one after another.

Download the game from Feimeng official website or Feimeng game platform, install it on your mobile phone, and start a big adventure of your own!

On the major search engines, keywords about the unbelievable maze began to appear in large numbers.

All the major app stores have also launched the Unbelievable Maze one after another, and the number of downloads is soaring!

(End of this chapter)

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