space farmer

Chapter 44 045 System's Highly Compelling Gift

Chapter 44 045 System's Highly Compelling Gift

It's all about upgrading!
With this great belief, Liang Pingan resolutely pulled out the beans, and so on... "System, I don't have any white radish seeds yet." Shouldn't I give one as a gift just after upgrading?

"The system is a friendly reminder that the owner can enter the space store to buy seeds by himself."

Space store?

It feels like it's gone up a few notches.

The space was originally a piece of land straight up and down, and the surrounding area was foggy. Suddenly, an electronic display suddenly lit up on a wall. Yes, Liang Pingan read it right, it was an electronic display.

The four gleaming characters of "Space Store" are full of the strong taste of local tyrant gold.

Liang Pingan blinked, high technology?

Hehe... The space is so weird.

With his mentally condensed body, he stretched out his finger and clicked in the air, and several small frames appeared out of thin air, etc., and the other frames were all with the gray color of the lock, only the column of seeds was very tall and shone with luster.

"System, what are those locked things?" Liang Pingan couldn't help asking even though he already had the answer in his heart.

The mechanical voice of the system sounded again with a mechanical smell that made Liang Ping annoyed, "Sorry, the master is too low-level and has no right to know. Boy, there is still a long way to go to marry Bai Fumei, so come on, boy! "

What's wrong with the system?

Can we still cooperate happily?

Liang Ping'an's face was dull, and whenever the mechanical voice of the system suddenly came up with such cheering words, the goosebumps all over his body fell layer after layer.

That's weird!
Click on the column of seeds, and the first one is forage seeds. Liang Pingan curiously clicked on the green grass, and saw that it was marked, "Forage seeds, the maximum yield is 25, and the minimum yield is one. Recycling, harvesting pasture has ten experience points." But there is no price marked on it, and sure enough, the pasture seed system is not for sale, and can only be given randomly by the system.Fortunately, I was smart enough to plant pasture seeds, otherwise I would have to wait until the year of the monkey for a random gift from the system.

Thinking that he hadn't received any random gifts for nearly ten days, Liang Ping'an was filled with resentment.

The system must not be of one mind with him, it would be great if this partner could be replaced.

System: "..." Do you think I don't know what you're thinking?Is it really okay to so openly propose to replace the system?

Well, in view of the owner's irregular mania, intermittent psychosis and other abnormal states, the system said—bear it in silence, endure it, and maybe you will get used to it.

Oh, the system is such a quiet ghost!

Liang Ping'an had already silently watched the situation of carrots and white radish seeds, and sure enough, it was exactly as the system said.There is a large row of locked pictures in the back, presumably it should be a new seed for the upgrade to open again.

"System, are there any tall seeds like ginseng and ganoderma behind here?" He asked persistently, and couldn't help but add another sentence, "Don't tell me that the level is not enough, I will ask you if the level is enough, I don’t know how to read it myself, hurry up, tell me!” Otherwise, be careful and I’ll be rude to you.

System: "..." I really want to see how the master will treat me rudely, so I said expectantly.

Liang Pingan waited for a long time but did not get an answer from the system. He raised a finger to the sky again, "I despise you, the system, I despise you deeply, I despise you seriously and deeply!" Say important things three times!
System: "..." Sure enough, here it comes again!
Liang Ping'an was very depressed, and it was really difficult to communicate with the system.

Waiting for my master to rise to the highest level one day, hum...

Thinking of beautiful things in his heart, Liang Pingan bought a white radish seed with [-] gold coins, and planted it decisively.

"System, why didn't you indicate the time here?"

System: "What is a space farm?"

Liang Ping'an: "..." Well, the system is uneducated, so don't bother with it. "I just asked why you didn't mark the time. I don't know when the white radish is ripe?" This will delay a lot of things, you know?

"The time is not marked because there is a time difference between the space and the outside, and this time difference will change with the upgrade of the owner, so the time cannot be marked normally." The system seemed to pause, "Collection of crops in time is also a kind of space test." What is the test of time.

Liang Pingan felt that what the system said was so fucking reasonable, and he was speechless again.

"Okay, I see." These words were said with gritted teeth.

The system indicated that it was used to the owner's irregular convulsions.

After staring at the space for a while, Liang Pingan left the space and another batch of rabbits came in.The three-piece set of "weeding, watering, and catching insects" while weaving baskets happily, life is plain and fucked, and you will get used to it slowly.

The ripening time of white radish is almost the same as that of carrot, but white radish earns five gold coins more than carrot. Liang Pingan decisively sells all the [-] white radishes he harvested, and the balance is just exchanged for four white radish seeds.

Only the ginseng that had just emerged could not be moved. Liang Pingan planted white radish in the other three places. He needed money. Whether it was in reality or here, he found that money was very important to him.

Liang Ping'an blinked in surprise, did he hear correctly?

What happened to the system today?Convulsion, made a mistake again?

Looking at the light cluster in front of him, Liang Pingan clicked on it decisively. Even if the system made a mistake, he would not bear the result. The surprise must be his.

"The system congratulates the master, and got a big gift package."

Big gift bag?
Liang Ping'an was very happy, it sounds very high-end, doesn't it?

Ha ha……

Floating in front of him was a blue cloth bag with intricate patterns embroidered on it, which looked very compelling.

Liang Pingan swallowed subconsciously, reached out and clicked away.

What is this ghost?

Looking at the strange thing like a stove in front of him, Liang Ping'an looked confused.

The things presented by the system are so weird. Is this food for food?Or some black technology?

"Congratulations, master, for getting a primary body training liquid machine, you can put it in your personal backpack." With a swipe, another piece of the wall lit up, and the electronic display screen appeared again, with a package-like icon lit up. Ping An foolishly watched as the machine in front of him was swiped into the package icon and turned into a pattern.

Hehe, it's like a dream.

What are you going to do with the system?

"What the hell is the primary body training liquid machine? Also, what happened to that package? What about my gift, my surprise, and my big gift bag?" Who is bullying a local?

 Today we will add updates, ask for votes, ask for votes, ask for votes, and say important things three times'

(End of this chapter)

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